How did this franchise survive for 6 years?
How did this franchise survive for 6 years?
Otaku will buy anything if it has enough bland wide-eyed girls in it.
Much as I dislike the game, they knew their niche and stuck to it.
Even if the niche is mouthbreather otaku, they were not about to change anything that wouldn't appeal to them.
With neps like these, you can't go wrong!
The last 2 games were great. Megadimension and MegaTagmension Blanc. Series has a great future.
Neps are love. Neps are life.
The west. I'm pretty sure the west is the only thing that saved this franchise. It certainly doesn't have the same presence that series like iDOLM@STER or even Atelier do in Japan.
Probably the writing. All you need is fun or charming characters.
Probably because they're cheap to make so they can get high returns with minimal amounts of sales.
Gullible NEET manchildren who will throw away whatever money they managed to leech off their parents for lazy, low-quality, cloned weeb trash as long as it has anime child tits in it.
Fucking pathetic.
safe yearly releases at a rate of two games per year
The only thing that shocks me is that it managed to survive that horrifically bad first game. Every game since has been playable at worst and actually pretty good at best (VII). But man that first game was bad.
Were they really, though? I platinumed MegaTagmension Blanc and thought it was mediocre at best. Did the same with the rebirth games and didn't like those too much.
...joke's on me I guess. VII is the only game in the series I straight-up enjoy and would defend.
What about the ironic weeb crowd? Specifically the ones who buy these games after ecelebs play them on youtube/twitch
...ecelebs play Nep?
you being this upset is pathetic
>people buying games after watching a lets play
>ecelebs even playing waifubait shit
Good one
>tfw Capcom and Konami didn't stay with their niche fanbase and now they don't have nothing
I'm depressed. At least those Nepfags get what they want
the games bomb in Japan but weebs in the west eat this garbage up.
Weebs so throughly weeb that I play Senran Kagura games and even I'm disgusted.