videogames you wished that you liked, but don't
Videogames you wished that you liked, but don't
It's got a great OST, I love sprites, I loved playing NES games while growing up, but I just can't get into it, it feels so boring and underwhelming when I play it, I know it's supposed to be good but I just don't get it.
Everyone calls this one shit & I have to agree but I really fucking wish I liked it since I'm just such a big fan of the games prior to this one. In my first blind run I was just getting so frustrated & bored and I didn't even know of any of the reception at the time.
Dark Souls
It's got a good thing going for it, good setting, good mechanics and it reminds me a lot of Zelda 2 where nearly every enemy you meet could be a threat if you weren't prepared but I never finished it. Beat Ornstein & Smough and never bothered to go back into it.
Aged horribly
In what way? I've only played it twice the second time being 2 years ago and I quite enjoyed it. The only bad part was the artifacts.
Battlefield Hardline, Warframe.
Hardline because I shelled out for it to play with friends, and Warfare because it's an mmo with space ninjas.
The controls for starters. The combat is so spammy, I had a turbo button set to A by the end of it. Seriously, that ice rocks boss was nothing but 10 minutes of spamming A, fucking terrible.
None of the enemies are particularly well designed or interesting really. Also it's so fucking slow compared to other metroid titles, even compared to other FPSs.
Why the fuck do all of the enemies respawn the second you leave a room? It makes retreating back to a save point a lot harder. They should've used a souls-like system instead.
Speaking of Souls, Dark Souls' world is pretty much superior to Primes in every single way. Seamless, larger etc, I know prime is a 14 year old game but playing souls first and going to prime is a huge downgrade.
The story was bad but whatever, I don't care about that.
Also that meta ridley fight's last stage was jank as fuck for me.
It was my first metroid game and it left a very bad taste in my mouth. Maybe it was a good game at one time, but holy fuck as it stands it's one of my least favorite games I've ever finished.
I unironically think Other M is better. Debate me
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls
>Other M was better
Try a bit more subtlety with your bait. It started off believable but quickly fell apart.
Not an argument my fellow nostalgiafriend :^)
It’s SO boring
>The controls for starters. The combat is so spammy, I had a turbo button set to A by the end of it. Seriously, that ice rocks boss was nothing but 10 minutes of spamming A, fucking terrible.
Did you ever use the Charge Beam or Missiles? They go down pretty damn slow when you're just spamming the shoot button, I don't know why you would ever do that.
>Also it's so fucking slow compared to other metroid titles, even compared to other FPSs.
I can understand this one, it personally never bothered me and I played it again not too long ago (then again, I love sequence breaking it to make it faster). At least it's not as slow as a certain new spin-off game.
>Why the fuck do all of the enemies respawn the second you leave a room?
They respawn after you go 2 rooms away from it actually. The only issue I had with this were the Chozo Ghosts since they don't go down too fast, otherwise it was fine since the enemies are weak. It's not liking fighting enemies were the focus beyond the bosses anyways, it was mostly the exploration aspect.
>The story was bad but whatever, I don't care about that.
Eh, it's not bad but it's certainly nothing great. I don't think a lot care about the story of Prime beyond Dark Samus, at least I don't.
>Also that meta ridley fight's last stage was jank as fuck for me.
The Boost Ball makes it fun.
i wish i liked fighting games
I don't know how to START getting into it. So frustrating and confusing.
>Did you ever use the Charge Beam or Missiles? They go down pretty damn slow when you're just spamming the shoot button, I don't know why you would ever do that.
Toward the end of the game once your supply of missiles gets larger combat moves faster sure, most enemies are still tanks and combat is brain dead compared to any semi-modern game.
Also, ignoring the combat the control scheme in general is just bad.
>They respawn after you go 2 rooms away from it actually. The only issue I had with this were the Chozo Ghosts since they don't go down too fast, otherwise it was fine since the enemies are weak. It's not liking fighting enemies were the focus beyond the bosses anyways, it was mostly the exploration aspect.
True, the only time you would need to quickly backtrack is if you get far into an area and run low on health and you don't want to lose progress because Lil death = load save
Sometimes I would skip the enemies in an area but the shitty fucking door would get stuck loading so I would have to wait while getting fired out
It has some things I like though, like the interconnected world and level design in general is pretty interesting for a GameCube game.
The final boss was probably the most solid part of the game IMO
>Toward the end of the game once your supply of missiles gets larger combat moves faster sure, most enemies are still tanks and combat is brain dead compared to any semi-modern game.
I think you were just simply too conservative, I usually do the same in games but you can use Missiles a lot in Prime, even early on since they spawn quite a bit so you rarely have the risk of running out of them. Also by the end of the game you should be abusing that Plasma Beam, takes most enemies out in 1 hit and before that beam did you use the Ice Beam and after they freeze use a missile? Because that kills them instantly.
>Sometimes I would skip the enemies in an area but the shitty fucking door would get stuck loading so I would have to wait while getting fired out
The Wii version is at least way better with it, they open up pretty fast.
Pretty much all aRPGs. They often have some great world-building, atmosphere and lore going on, but fuck me if the gameplay isn't absolute ass.
So much content and so much possibilities but it just bores me so quickly whenever I play for some reason.
I should've known Pikmin 4 was going to be a fucking handheld game.
I mean this is Nintendo we're talking about for fucks sake.
You faggot!!!
I've tried playing through it on two separate playthroughs. Each time, right around when they introduce different clothing styles I lose interest. Something about it doesn't sit right with me, maybe because I think it's going to be really grindy, or optimizing stats will be too daunting, or something else I can't put my finger on.
How far did you get into the game?
Are you baiting? Because it's not Pikmin 4, it doesn't have a name yet.
Vagrant Story
Love the aesthetics, the music and the sfx. The combat system is fine, but I can't understand how weapons work in this game and no matter what type of weapon I use I always end up dealing no damage at all to enemies.
Folklore sounds like a fantastic hidden gem until you actually play it.
>the gameplay switches between an Irish village and the Netherworld, the land of the dead, with colorful forests and undersea kingdoms
>it plays like a hack & slash version of Pokemon, where you capture "Folk" and use them as weapons
>you capture Folk by using the SixAxis controller to pull out their souls, and it's the only PS3 game where the motion controls work well
>there's two playable characters, a supernatural writer named Keats and a student looking for her mother named Ellen, and the Folk have different effects depending on who you play as
>the art style is inspired by Neil Gaiman's works
I just want something to fill the void that PSO left
PS0 was good but it only goes so far
Final Fantasy XIV.
I'm being very cynical about this.
I think it's Pikmin 4.
Pikmin 3. I wanted to believe. It fell short.
That's because each weapon has an affinty, and to increase that affinity you have to attack only two specific types of monsters with it. You end up switching weapons and armour constantly. I highly recommend reading a guide as it's pretty confusing and not explained at all in game
God of War series
I remember REALLY wanting to like it and tried playing the second game, generally considered to be the best one, but I found it to be a chore and a drag to play through.
Not him but it's totally explained in game. And turning on notifications is really useful too.
What made me stop playing is that the game is built around using a tedious menu every fucking room. It makes it feel like you're rarely supposed to switch weapons.
I played through it recently for the first time, that and Echoes. I found them to be really enjoyable games, probably some of my favorite GCN games now. I also played Super, Zero Mission, and Fusion and enjoyed all those too.
Oh but yeah fuck chozo ghosts, those were the only things I really didn't like about Prime.