Play Mandkind Divided on high

>play Mandkind Divided on high
>a little stuttery at parts but nothing below what I assume is 50fps
>think maybe I can keep it solid 60fps changing it to medium
>game becomes way more choppy
>drops to single didgit after loading into new area and being general bad performance minutes after
>try low settings
>same shit
>switch back to high settings
>everything is fine

Why does this happen?


She's so cute, the only non-white woman I'd ever spill my seed in.

anzu a shit


None wants your seed, user. Not even your bedsheets.

Eat something you retarded skeleton!

Works On My Machine (TM)

It's a 2014 i5/970/8gb memeware setup and not at all impressive. Ran high with a few very high settings at got 50-60... but I also have depression era PC Gaming tendencies and close everything out before playing a demanding game. Also ran it on SSD.

White roach best roach

>implying an ugly obese virgin's seed would be wanted by ANYONE

also someone post a pic of her without makeup. dem jowls

>You will literally never have a girlfriend this cute



>wanted to take part in a PC sperg thread

Trannies were a fucking mistake.

She's balding

guessing it's probably something stupid related to power saving settings on your card -- low/medium aren't taxing it quite enough to run at full performance, despite the framedrops and whatever

if that's a boy, I guess I'm going to fuck a boy now

I want to become Anzu and whore myself out and become the number 1 anal queen!


>not respecting somebody's gender identity

Haha yeah it's really epic to be told you're not a woman because you're too fucking lazy to learn how science is marching on past the dark age that you live in.


It's still pretty cute.
Like a hot zombie or something.

>after meth

>that mustache

is anzu dying?



Me too

Well her country is in a civil war, she may have been raped by disgusting muslim trash.

It doesn't matter what age we're in or what the brain tells someone zhe is. The bones, genitals, hair line maturity, VOICE and constant estrogen bath required to maintain the facade of femininity say otherwise.

The constant estrogen bath is kinda what turns me on the most though.

Muh wrong side of history.

I have a trans friend I'll call 'she' and would respect anyone's pronoun to keep the peace. It's whatever.

Let's be real, though. No one's really buying it. We all are them as others or men in dresses. It's gonna be suicide central when the meme ends and we're left with a bunch of jilted chemical castratos and modern day lobotomy equivalents in the form of hacky ass gender reassignment surgery.

Still cute. Would cuddle and watch K dramas all night with.