Give me a good reason why you wont be playing Sun and Moon

Give me a good reason why you wont be playing Sun and Moon

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I'll wait for Gen4 remake

Don't own a DS.

itll probably be even easier

Gen 4 was the best gen.
Haters just don't remember the golden days of Skarm/Bliss, Garchomp, etc.

>This comment will be super effective!

I have fallen so far I can't play anything unless it has waifushit at this point except for shooters and fighting games

I'm done supporting Nintendo after all the shit they've been pulling lately and I don't feel like hacking my 3DS. It'll be shit anyways. I think I'll find a good game to play instead.

I fucking HATE it when people write "etc.".
You have more information, why dont you just fucking write it. It wont kill you.
If you can only come up with two things for a list, theres no point in making it a list with that "etc" bullshit. It gives me the impression that you dont have any good defenses so you resort to making your text bigger in any way you possibly can.
Opinions discarded

Because Pokemon does not make significant enough changes between it's entries. People are too quick to heap praises on minor changes that should be expected.

It could very well be one of the best, or even the best, Pokemon games ever made, but it'll still be 80-90% "been there, done that."

Sun/Moon will easily be game of the year, and the only way they could possibly fuck it up after all this hype is to make it as shitty as ORAS.

That shit looks stupid as fuck.

Because I don't like the designs of pokemon and any new pokemon shown for this game don't make me think "Man, that would be fun to watch that thing in motion"

Now digimon, THAT'S A THING.

Why drastically change a formula that works? Would you really pay money for another Sticker Star scenario?

I'm still waiting of for the starters evolution to see if I'll buy the game.

I'm still recovering from the trailer. Better have some great music this gen.

>Sun/Moon will easily be game of the year

I hope you meant your personal GOTY, because they don't stand a chance in their own genre, especially in this year.

>everybody is hyped for this game
>can't bring myself to feel hyped at all
I'm getting too old for this or is people overreacting about this game?

you are getting too old

ur just dumb lol

Monster hunter.

What genre is pokemon anyway?

I would like to think JRPG lite but I am not sure.

I don't enjoy how easy Pokémon has been for the past few gens. being able to mow down an entire contentinent worth of trainers with my starter isn't fun (aside from the inevitable gym that my starter is weak to)

Yup, jrpg. Which means it has to compete with smt 4 Final.

I think it's you. I loved Gen 5, ate up the hype, got the games, love 'em. Hate Gen 6, never got the hype for it, got the games, hated them (ORAS was alright, only cause hoennfag). But I'm on the hypetrain for Gen 7 now, so my hopes are high.


Already my favorite character.

What exactly competes with it this year? No Man's Sky and Mighty No. 9?

There's plenty of reasons why you may not be excited. Its not a big deal.

Personally, I'm very interested in the game. I haven't played Pokemon since gen 3, but SM has me very interested in coming back to it. Everything about what I've seen of the games so far feels like a much-needed breath of fresh air.

Demo fucking when?

Digimon cyber sleuth.

>another Sticker Star scenario

Just don't fuck it up.

That's really all there is to it. Change too much and you might ruin it, don't change enough and it gets boring. But you can change things for the better, and eventually the risk needs to be taken. I just think Pokemon's overdue for it, there's not much I'd get out of Sun/Moon that I couldn't get by finishing X/Y or trying any of the other recent ones.

Also, Paper Mario had 2 games that were fairly similar, and then a drastic reinvention into a weird RPG-platformer and then a gimped RPG that strips away most of the genre's core elements. That tends to be common; First one's great, sequel is (arguably) better, third one fucks it up. It doesn't need to reinvent itself after 2 successful games. But Pokemon, on the other hand, is entering it's 7th generation, and I've played about 5 of them and I'm just tired of it.

Gen 4 completely overdid it with the fantasy of what made a Pokémon legendary. What I liked about legendary Pokémon in the first 3 gens is that it wasn't entirely confirmed that these Pokémon were one-of-a-kind, rather just EXTREMELY rare and/or powerful, so that stories developed around them. Then Gen 4 just shits on that concept by saying this Pokémon RULES an entire DIMENSION or is literally the GOD of POKEMON. This Pokémon is WHY NIGHTMARES EXIST. It creates a bunch of stupid overarching laws and said "This overdesigned piece of shit is in charge of it. Yep. No more imagination."

That was last year for the official release, and even then it wad a Persona clone with little depth. Not to say it was bad of course.

not a baby

It's okay user, I also thought I was too old for Pokemon when I turned 15.

Im tired of the gameplay and I only care about the porn.

Are you me?
I had the exact same process, never even played xy.

I remember the glorious days of 70% accurate Hypnosis and 500 Base Power Explosion
My Electrode/Milotic duo kicked so much ass in PBR randoms

it doesn't matter since the games are guaranteed to print money anyway


I can give you a good reason why I won't buy it instead.

Reminds me of Jack Spicer, evil boy genius.

>Game looks like dogshit

Are these the actual graphical limitations of a 3ds?

So, they dropped the mega evolutions already?

I'm bitter than I had to grow up and leave behind my childhood. The world is changing and I don't like it, so I reject every new iteration of something I loved as a child.

Both FFXV and P5 release in the genre and both will generate more hype among the press, P5 will most likely be better as well.

I doubt either of those will get GOTY themselves, but they are far more likely candidates than S/M.

I'm pretty hyped for S/M myself, but also know how they're gonna be portrayed.

I can't. For the first time since Gen 3 came out, I'm incredibly hyped for a Pokemon game. I'm so fucking glad that they're switching up the formula some.
I absolutely love the new region. I love most of the new Pokemon. I love the new characters, especially Team Skull and the Aether Foundation. The music sounds great from what we've heard so far. A ton of garbage from Gen 6 is being fixed or removed. It's fantastic.
It'll also probably be the last Nintendo game I buy unless the NX is some really incredible shit

>Give me a good reason why you wont be playing Sun and Moon
I'm not a liar though
I'm picking up Sun, my bro is getting Moon, and I'm gonna wipe the floor with his shitty Pokemon.
Just like the good old days.

Looks comfy
Gonna have to try harder if you want this (You).

I was excited for it... until they announced all the gen 1 pandering bullshit, like Alolan *cough* re-colors *cough* forms and dark Oak.

Sun Moon seems like Gamefreak are actually putting some effort in this time. There's a lot of new concepts, a lot of interesting new Pokemon, and the game itself seems like it'll have a completely different structure to previous gens. It's been a long time since GF have put this much effort in. I liked Gen 5, and sort of liked Gen 4, but it was clear by Gen 6 that they were giving up. It's good to see that they can actually put some effort in.

Is this doughnut going to give me a virus? Is this a safe doughnut?

I'll be playing Arma 3

I wasn't really hyped untill I heard the ost in the newest trailers.

>Design changes and retyping

Nope, sorry. I like the Z-Moves and new Gen I remixes. (Too bad the Pokemon Tabletop made that concept first though.)

>There's a lot of new concepts, a lot of interesting new Pokemon, and the game itself seems like it'll have a completely different structure to previous gens.
SM have a new director, so that's probably part of the reason for all these changes.

I was never really into pokeman, I was "too old" when it first came out in the west.
I'm glad you guys have cool video games to play, though.

The jap trailer music is fucking amazing

dude i don't play pokemon and don't know what that guy is talking about but you are a fag.

God I fucking love that Aether Foundation music. What is that style of music called? It sort of reminds me of the Trophy Gallery from Brawl but more techno.

Gladion's theme sounds familiar

Can other Villain team leaders even compete?

Map looks boring and linear.

Trailers also make it seem like a plot driven experience, when I want a return to form that has a very loose plot that only serves to be icing on the cake for a fun little adventure.

Also judging from previous games, there wont be an option to: skip cut scenes, select a hard mode, start the game with the national pokedex.

Its also incredibly likely that the game will be boring as fuck like ORAS and XY.

Waiting till they reveal alola scyther and snorlax, I need those confirmed to be fucking retarded island faggots before I am on board.

The brand new, Extra Crispy Professor Oak

Something like this?

I've played games from gen 1 to 4 and all of them were just so similar that I've had enough Pokemon for the rest of my lifetime.

Snorlax doesn't have an Alola form.

I really hope we get to team up with team skull once aether reveals itself to be the true evil.
>Yfw you get a team skull grunt outfit to wear

No postgame.

>Give me a good reason why you wont be playing Sun and Moon
It's all the same. No, having new pokemon based on Gen 1 pokes rather than new designs is not going to change anything. Having a new Team Rocket is not going to change anything. Having a "let's pretend to be good but we're actually the badguys" isn't going to change anything.

It's boring and repetitive. You're doing exactly the same thing in this generation as you have been in every other generation.

It won't go back to being good, because the people running the company don't understand what that means. Gen 5 promised to return to the good ol' days of Pokemon, and failed terribly. Gen 6 promised to return to the good ol' days of Pokemon, and failed miserably. And this one will, too. The Pokemon Company just knows how to process a product to sell merchandise, not how to create a compelling story or setting. And so, there isn't really any point in picking up the newest Pokemon games outside wanting more plushes.

I'll be playing it, but they've shown little about the game itself to excite me. The only things that I see that should be exciting anyone are the JP trailers are very well put together, but I'm not the sort to get hyped for a game just because a trailer has good not footage of the game or good cuts.

Overreacting, just like XY.

>not downscaling it to native res of 400x240

It's like you want it to look like shit

fucking god man

>1. gamefreak
>2. 240p
>3. 3ds
>4. rock paper scissors gameplay
>5. single battle focused in-game
>6. Double battle focused metagame
>7. Unbalanced Metagame
>8. No option for 6v6 online matchup even after 7 generations
>9. recycled boring predicatable plot
>10. we added feature A but removed feature B through Y that was in previous games because our audience can't handle 1st grade math in 2016.
>11. Feature Z will be locked in amiibo

now we wait for lorefags to damage control

Spoken like a true pc cuck.
Damn son, I would be proud! Now go play some Inovative Souls, you deserve it, brave Gaben warrior! ;_;7

too busy fapping

You don't have to be a "PC Cuck" to end up disappointed with Pokemon games.

But whatever. I hope you enjoy the game when you pick it up. Just keep it in /vp/ with everyone else excited about the game.

He wasn't saying it was a hard game, just that it will get even babier.

>Spoken like a true pc cuck.
Not even the same guy, but where did you come to the conclusion he is a "PC cuck"?

>to cowtits
fuck off

DFC memefappers are the worst

No post game.

Fuck off back to tumblr.

it's 240p, dipshit

Because I just don't give a shit anymore, I'm tired of the direction Pokemon's going & there are other games I just like and want to play more. That a good enough reason?

. No option for 6v6 online matchup even after 7 generations
what do you mean by this

. recycled boring predicatable plot
totally wrong

. we added feature A but removed feature B through Y that was in previous games because our audience can't handle 1st grade math in 2016.
what the fuck are you talking about

. Feature Z will be locked in amiibo

I feel ashamed, giving you this (You)

. gamefreak
not all pokemon games were lazy
. 240p
doesnt look half as bad as you think on an actual 3DS
. 3ds
nothing wrong with that. 2 screens are optimal for playing pokemon also
. rock paper scissors gameplay
its more complex that that. also there are other factors like status etc.
. single battle focused in-game
. Double battle focused metagame
itd be too boring if you played 1on1 competetively
. Unbalanced Metagame
yes, its kinda shitty as a competetive game, online is still fun imo
. No option for 6v6 online matchup even after 7 generations
pretty sure thats possible
. recycled boring predicatable plot
doesnt look like that honestly, but it could very well be
. we added feature A but removed feature B through Y that was in previous games because our audience can't handle 1st grade math in 2016.
we dont know if there were any features removed yet
. Feature Z will be locked in amiibo
that wasnt mentioned whatsoever so youre just speculating

Certainly not due to all of these neat looking characters.

It's one of the few games I'm still excited for.

I really hope it isn't shit.

>no more suicide leads
>no more scouting
>no more spin blocking
>no more stall

gen 1-3: original
gen 4: melee
gen 5: brawl
gen 6: tr4sh

I fucking swear if they shit at the champion song again

just look at that

Diantha was absolute shit.

>Gen 4: Melee
But that's wrong because Gen 4 was actually good and doesn't graphically look like a dog turd when you look at it nowadays.

>Barebones RPG
>No actual Post game
>terrible story
>Multiplayer focused RPG meme
>No multiple save files
>no difficulty setting

There are ur reasons m8

>No option for 6v6 online matchup even after 7 generations
>what do you mean by this

he means battle spot, not friend battles.

you can do 6 vs 6 but select 3, not full 6 v 6

game doesnt even have gyms or an elite four, doubt it has a champion.

Honestly? I want too.

But god I hope they have alot more New Pokemon/Megas/Alola Forms

I hope we aren't running out of new mons for the games because So far there might be like 5-7 Pokemon I find decent enough-good