
Now you're playing with Artifact Power

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why is the armor and weapon design in wow so fucking bad

OK lads coming back to wow human holy paladin or orc enhancement shaman.

>Ion Hazzikostas: We see the feedback but all the hashtags, spam and off-topic posts are unconstructive and makes handling the feedback harder than it otherwise would.

hope they get nerfed even more fucking warcucks

I am about to buy Legion and resub.
What are the best classes and races for those classes on Horde?
Gonna start from scratch on a new character.
I play fairly casual so I dont mind being behind people or whatever.

uninstall wizard

>when you see a rich felslate deposit below you


Play the game and find out only you know what you like

>See a Felslate Seam on your mini map
>literally everything else going on both ingame and IRL is put on hold

>there are ret paladins that didn't beeline for ashes to ashes

Just roll a healer or tank
>tfw holy priest
>queue pops instantly, get into to dungeons whenever I want
>get insta accepted into any mythic I want
>tanks are so fucked I barely need to do my job anyway

Alright so is Engineering completely worthless now? What should I switch my main profession to if Engineering is useless? I am a Warrior btw.

Why are we having twitter tier nigger post on Sup Forums

why? arnt felslate worth like 50g?

Does ret get fun at 110? I've always stuck with ret through good and bad, but never has the rotation been this fucking lame. It puts me to sleep.

I hope we get new artifact appearances throughout the expansion.

>Khadgar STILL fucking with you

I actually took the long way around, because I thougth for 100% sure Blizzard would "fix" the respec method within the week and I would be fucked.

So I just got like yesterday (Ashbringer is level 18) and sweet fucking jesus that made a world of difference.



Enhancement Shamans are doing pretty good right now, can't speak for Holy Paladins, but you're absolutely cucked in dungeons with high AoE damage.

tauren enhancement shaman

Either get as much haste as you possibly can or just reroll.

I actually really enjoy Ret now but I will be the first to say it is fucking unplayable without %20 haste minimum

At least you recognise that it was worth going to rather than going for echoes of the highlord first


Since casters are pretty ass and slapping my dick like a wet noodle against mobs for 20 hours for a single world quest sucks dick, what class can I change to to facefuck mobs in dungeons and for solo play

I mean, how can someone look at the traits and says "Hmm, something that literally doubles the damage of my strongest Cleave/AoE ability and also gives me 5 Holy Power vs a 10% increase on my spenders" and go with the other one.

I wonder how many rets pick up Justicar's Vengeance and then replace Templar's Verdict with it, and build to 5 HP EVERY TIME they want to spend?

So do locks really suck that much, or are people just complaining like they always do?
What's the best ranged dps class?
How fun and good are the resto specs, druid and shaman respectively?

Now you're grinding artifact power.

>Artifacts are something that will continue to grow and evolve so that Artifact Power matters for the entirety of Legion.
Expect the cap raised as soon as you finally max it out.

considering the amount of people asking about that in /2, probably more then you think

Your heroic group is ready.

Sámsòn - Monk Tank
Heeldeeznutz - Druid Healer
Creamfillidan - Demon Hunter DPS
Boggins - Hunter DPS

How did you do?

Yeah, I fucked up not going for that first. But I'm patient. I'll get it eventually. I'll just continue sucking shit until then.

Ah fuck was I supposed to go right instead of left?

Even if you spec single target you have the best burst aoe in the game, you can slap your dick on the keyboard and win all trash fights, and if you don't suck completely all boss fights too

Leveling a druid now at 103, why does swipe do literally no damage? its the worst "aoe" I have ever seen.

You're in Dalaran, forming your Mythic group, when a 835 ilvl Ret Pally applies to it.

What do you do, and why?
Would you do the same to a rogue, dk, warrior, enh shaman, or any other melee?

I'm genuinely curious as to what is considered the FOTM melee dps class that never gets denied

Oh god you're joking right?
There are two ways to get to it, either straight there the shortest path, or go all the way down to the bottom and around to the top again. The short way takes less AP, but the long way has the DPS traits.

honestly being melee is suffering for mythics. I'm ilvl 843 and I get declined for mythics requesting ilvl 825. WW monk btw.

As melee, I don't really get why people don't want melee, especially given personal loot so its not like you're going to compete for gear.

>still no legendary

>playing ret paladin
Someone finish me off already

get confused about how I switched my role from tanking to DPS, switch specs to frost, and accept

>not playing tank or healer and having specific loot for ret
how stupid can one person be?


Boggins carries the group somehow

>it's been 1 and a half week

I bought this game but I haven't played it yet since I've been working on becoming a better person, should I play it?

Sorry, your request to be finished off has been declined.

eh, at least it's not a warlock

>I'm afraid of this happening to me
>I start my own group
>I sit for four hours with a rogue and a DH wishing a tank or healer would apply to my group

You just can't fucking win as Ret. Even if Blizzard fucks up and accidentally makes you viable, the playerbase just fucking hates you either way.

If you went left already, just keep going around and make sure everything you do goes towards Ashes to Ashes eventually.

Basically the idea is because Respec costs scale with how much your next trait costs and not much AP you have banked, you could have gone straight to Ashes, then saved up 67k AP. Doing this would have let you gone the long way around to A2A, which has Ret's best DPS increases.

The respec cost would have only been 625 (which is literally nothing at that point) vs 18,000 (which is literally unreasonable)

>I've been working on becoming a better person, should I play it?

Just bubblehearth away from your problems bro

My Ret has never actually had a problem getting into groups

He's also 844 ilvl so that probably has something to do with it

Druids are great healers though, and Havoc puts out good numbers right now. The only real problem is the tank if he isn't good, or the Hunter if he isn't Survival.
>implying any of this shit matters in HC
Try Mythic, then maybe I'll give a shit. Even Mythics can still be done with shoddy DPS.

>DK tank
Okay prank bro.

This. I'm an "aoe" specced DH and it's easy as shit. Only a perfectly played Monk tends to out DPS me.

>Druids are great healers though
They're shit, actually. And combined with monk thanks it's a guaranteed disaster.

>blood is bad
>specs matter in heroic LFD

Ret can be good if there's another person in the group with high DPS they can toss Greater Blessing of Might to. And they have some good utility of their own to compensate for not having stellar DPS.

hey, i just stopped playing it to work on becoming a better person

isn't that weird

I mean, I'm only level 105 and artifact level 7, so it's already too late to respec?

Cause everything on the island is fucking tribal or gay ass elf shit which is still tribal

Thank god I have one for dicking around and tanking, I can just continue that then

>2/8 for 5 mana overload 2, but windfury for that sick burst damage off rockbiter weapon
>5/3 for free but only obtainable if you have a legendary who dies

Definitely the former

Yea people are mad cause he's shifting blame onto the community for the absolutely pathetic job they did with the warlock class changes. There was tons of perfectly accessible feedback during alpha/beta talking about the problems with the class.

Fighting a mob huh? Well let me just grab that herb there for ya meanwhile.


If it only costs 625 to respec then no, but if it costs anymore thenthat (the costs scale exponentially after the 625 point) then don't bother respecing and just keep going the long ways.

So I tanked the second cd of mythics on my bdk, it was pretty good, I've expected it to be worse (on the first week). Will it be viable in raids?

Do DH rival Hunters in terms the of most retarded playerbase?
>loading into a dungeon instance and seeing a hunter/DH

Is monk healer any good?

Great I get kicked as mage because my damage is shit because shit drops from all the dhs and rogues by the time I have my second fireball out
The damage is shit in general but I have like 11k ap unspent because I'm rarely touching that fag

I haven't played since the end of the second expantion....It's been that long. What's the deal with those Artefact weapons? And is it worth it to come back if I don,t want to lose my life to guild raiding shenanigans?

all the tanks are good enough unless you're going for world first mythic kills, in which case double bear is mandatory

>Be Holy Paladain, aka literally the lest mobile Healer ever
>DH Tank keeps running 2 mobs ahead and pulls everything
>"wtf nice heals bro"

This wouldn't get to me at all if it didn't happen EVERY FUCKING TIME THERE'S A DH TANK

Problem is that shitters and idiots like to ignore how strong greater blessing of might is, and don't credit it to the ret.

I think that it should function such that it shows the bonus damage coming from you so its recorded on damage meter addons.

Is the spiked counterweight worth using on a WW monk? I already got mark of dargul and three-toed rabbit foot. Haste isn't a priority stat for windy monks is it?

DH tanks should be able to keep themselves alive long enough for you to get there. Obviously you just play with the shittiest players of the easiest class.

wasn't it warrior/druid or warrior/paladin?

There was tons of feedback for Warlocks, Hunters, and Ret Pallies. The problems with the redesigns were evident long, long before Legion went live.

The designers just believe they can do no wrong and don't listen to any feedback, as was the case with WoD. They only acknowledge that there is a problem after it's been in the game for months, and you'll be lucky to even get a slight numbers chance on your horrendously broken class in a major content patch.

Warlocks are just shit this expansion. Period, the end, better luck in 8.0. If you're playing a Warlock, look at the writing on the wall and reroll.

On Stormrage I've seen several people get confused on how JV and DP work, these are usually also the same people that bitch about the tank keeps out DPS'ing them and why can't Ret get buffs and Blizzard hates me and

It's only 425, so basically I should go the green path, then not spend any AP items until I have like 67K worth, respec, then go the yellow path, then go blue, then red, then orange and purple?

>someone in my guild has two legendaries already

last time I heard it was two Guardian, but it's one of those questions where the answer only matters if you're in a position where you should already know the answer since 7.0 dropped

Should he have said >mfw or >tfw?

Skada and Details! both accredit all BoM damage to the Ret already. No idea if Recount does but

Well, I'm one of the VERY VERY few rets on my server who knows what they are doing, and even when we are doing it correctly we can BARELY push 200k with ilvl 840ish gear, while other classes are 250k+.

Blizzard DOES hate us, and Ret DOES need a buff.

Way ahead of you bro.

>my fucking face when I just got the 6th orb

You can spend the items on your Ashbringer, just dont add any traits until you have 67k and then respec. But yeah that's the jist of it

200k on a single target?

Shitters are as usual heavily overestimating just how good gear and dps you need for regular Mythic.
I fucking did Halls of Valor with a 53k dps mage and we still did it in the end. Never because of dps but because of idiotic standing in fire.

Thank fuck, I had no idea how I was supposed to hoard all those items.

I like the world quests. a LOT more fun and varied than garrison shit. Makes it fun to actually go out into the world.

I hope they keep adding more though, because after a month I think you'll probably have done them all at least once.

Not like making new ones would be hard. The Kirin Tor puzzle ones have been the best so far.

I mean if you are comparing Ret to Arms, Outlaw, Feral and Havoc then yeah Ret is shit, but so is literally every other class in the game at that point because those specs are incredibly overtuned.

that's fucking brilliant

Can you refund artifact power and spend it on a different artifact?