Sup Forums loves the game

>Sup Forums loves the game
>game gets popular
>Sup Forums suddenly hates it (or deem it casual)

What's her name?

all of them

Gone Home

First you guys obsessed about how perfect it was, then you guys obsessed over how much you hate it when it got popular.

If a game is popular, that means a very large amount of people can enjoy it.
If a very large amount of people enjoy something, that means it was made to accommodate a lower standard.
Thats why when someone says "reach a broader audience" people give up on the series.

Every good game

mass effect

this phenomenon is more a consequence of the constant stream of newfaggots and underages that arrive on Sup Forums and are desperate to carve out their own identity by shitting on the treasured games of yesteryear however


>Sup Forums is one person or a small group of people all of whom have fickle opinions

literally stop posting, you dumbest nigger

never happened


everyone loved it then suddenly hate wtf guys


>le Sup Forums isnt one person meme

you all are in hivemind and circlejerk

Prove me wrong TORfags

They only hate it because it didn't have enough black dick in it. These cucks hate anything white.

Excluding Deus ex.

Game is shit. Deal with it.

It'd be more akin to a small number of social cliques, as there is rampant disagreement but the opinions are often black and white

You posted it my man

Why is he always smug?

what's his secret?

You're a faggot.


Wasn't Witcher 3 actually pretty casualised compared to previous games? I only played a bit of it and didn't play the previous games, so I wouldn't know, but it seems from day 1 there were people criticising some parts of the game.

You posted this exact same thread, but with this image earlier

overtale and underwatch

Came here to say this.
Literally every game fits your post OP.

>Sup Forums suddenly hates
>What's her name?
Her name is OP. She's kind of dim-witted.
