Would you buy a console with 0 exclusives?


yes, i own a pc

PC & Xbox are brothers with the same father


Sure. I was pissed of at first but Play Anywhere makes up for it since I'm an idort.

Xbone is now the perfect companion console to PC if you have Windows 10.

Xbone has exclusives and PC is shit so the ones on PC don't count

What about Rise of the Tomb Raider. That's Xbox exclusive.

This only sonycucks like op get triggered by the broness


yes because i don't want to buy a console for only 2 good games

why would I?

Anyone else getting ReCore. Thought it looked shit but the Joseph Staten stream made me excited.

Am I gonna get Halo 2'd again with a cliffhanger that probably will never be concluded?

>buying No woman's desert
>produced by Inafune

>sonyggers trying this hard to deflect attention off themselves

Already have a PC collecting dust so inadvertently yes.

Fell for all those shovelware pictures PCucks kept posting.

Whats up with all the sony shills damage control lately?

If it's the first game, I wouldn't worry about it too much, maybe left open ended up like CE

Yes, I bought a Shita.

>PC has shit
Maybe for a runt like you

>have a PC collecting dust
Lol what are you posting from then?
Do you not use your computer or anything else?

That's what I'm hoping for.

I'm using my school laptop to study nip and shitpost and this costed me 0 because I got it for free.

Its literally a inconvenient experience just for a few extra pixels

I don't care for exclusives, I never bought bloodborne for my ps4. I would rather play games with stable frame rates higher than 15. I'm done with console all together.

I know. It's Joseph Staten's involvement that got me giddy. He streamed it a day or so ago and it got me excited. Plus it's a cheap game so I wont fuck myself over as bad as people who bough Mighty Turd.

>Playing Origin games on PC
>Playing Ubisoft games on PC
>Playing with hackers on Steam
>Wanting exclusive Early Access Zombie Minecraft games
>Buying dead online multiplayer games
>Playing Mobas

The only thing PC is good for is MMOs and they are all shit now. I'll stick to my Xbox.

Trying to finish off some backlog for it. Going to pre-order tonight probably but I really should wait for review embargo on Monday.

cmon user atleast try harder on the bait

A. pc is not a console.
B. PC has the most exclusives and the most games. This is a fact, and you know it very well.
You probably check every day hoping that someday it might not be true

At least it can run 4k blu rays ;)

op and others itt


Avoid Windows10 for new games and get cheaper console exclusive multiplats compared to PS4. Not that bad of a deal imo.