I've been playing this game for over an hour and I still can't really get into it

I've been playing this game for over an hour and I still can't really get into it.

Does it get any better?

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It's sort of mediocre, but I like to play it when there's nothing to do and I'm feeling lazy.

it's a good lazy day game

its a cinematic experience, uncharted-lite

This. Just avoid the sequel, it's horseshit. If you really want to play that one just pirate it.

What's wrong with the sequel? I've never played it but I heard it expanded to more varied settings and added more stuff

no, just delete it to save space on your drive.

its cinetrash. throw it away and play the second era games.

no it gets worse, she cries about how she hates killing and hates tombs while mowing down thousands of enemies.

Just keep playing you can make machine gun parts out of deer bones! so realistic!

its 2016 and she is using a bow even when there are guns all around her, into the trash it goes.

Its nothing but a shitty hunger games rip off.

Not much, it's pretty similar. It's an OK game, nothing special. Pretty impressive graphics though, but a lot of areas don't really seem to take advantage of what is really possible and can look fairly bland.

Cliched shitty as fuck story (which imo is magnified more by the fact that it's supposed to be a cinematic experience) that recycles Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, shit characters (one of the ones they brought back was the one no one cared about or even remembered), one of the villians is just recycled Natla, STILL NO FUCKING TOMBS WTF CRYSTAL, and they made Lara into a European flat chested model with no ass. And did I mention it's even more of a tps then the previous game? Literally everything they could have did wrong with game, they did and even more. Like it was a goal of theirs to fuck over the franchise as best as they could before calling it a day. Fucking swear to god Crystal.

Not really. If you aren't enthralled with anything that happens in the first hour, then you probably aren't going to like the rest of the game.

feels bad senpai

If the climbing axe doesn't pull you in, I don't see anything else doing it.

not really. there's this oni that they build up to be an intimidating foe but when you actually fight it, you literally just shoot it in the back to kill it. plus the cult leader guy is killed through QTEs. Hope you didn't pay full price.

nah. Steam sale


It's like playing and consuming nothing

I don't even remember the Oni or cult leader. Shows how forgettable the game is.

did anyone else think this was going to have survival elements like in Don't Starve at the beginning?

I remember because they were like 8 feet tall. The game made a point of having especially heavy sound effects for their footsteps.

would have made it so much better

what %?

Not really. If you don't like the first ten minutes, there's no reason to keep playing it.

write a shitty review and refund it, fuck the devs

can't remember. But I definitely didn't pay more than $10 for it

not a big loss then

I think all the tomb raider were cheap back then. I picked up legend for like $2

Did they get all their sound effects from a porn film?