Xbox Scorpio is 3 times as powerful as PS4 Pro

>Xbox Scorpio is 3 times as powerful as PS4 Pro

where the fuck did Sony go wrong bros?

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Congrats, you'll be able to play Halo 6 on medium settings with no antialiasing at 4k

Xbox has no exclusives lmfao and it costs 2 grand what a fuk up

*30 FPS


>Scorpio is obviously more powerful than Pro

Sony got BTFO hard yesterday


I'm not your bro guy.

I think it's 3 times as powerful as the regular ps4.
Either way, it's better than ps4 pro.

it wont come out until 2018 or holiday 2017 so whats the point? might as well get a pc, all of the games are on pc anyway. ill buy a ps4 pro just for the single player exclusives and cheap 4k experience.

And 3 times as expensive.

Unless they aim for $499 they are not going to make it


It'll cost 399

>he doesnt know

oh user

They can't, Pro costs that and doesn't even include the 4k player, Sony cares more about games/price rather than gimmicks

Too bad their exclusives suck fucking ass.

No, I don't wanna play halo, or gears anymore, shit's fucking boring.


Still better than weeb shit.

Looking forward to all them Xbone exclusives, oh right they have none. Will instead pirate them on PC thanks.

what exclusives does pc have?

no its not 3 times. 6tfps vs 4.2 though


All of Xbones. :)

You realize Sony survives solely on degenerates like you?

>all these console fanboys fighting over who's the top of the trash pile
You kids are hilarious.

>Not even 3 times as powerful
To think, people actually spend their time lying on the internet to influence people they dont know to buy a console they havent seen.

im not your guy pal.

Yeah, 6.2 vs 1.84 or whatever the default PS4 is.

However the different between Scorpio -> PS4 Pro is smaller than PS4 -> Xbox One. Since Scorpio is going to be like Fall 2017 maybe they can get away with selling it at 400 but if its 500 then Microsoft fucked up. All of the exclusives will be on PC so if they sell a console box at 500 they will actually just lose their opportunity at a comeback

>sonyggers and xbots arguing about which cheap plastic box is faster
>neither of them have games

>this mentally challenged person is 3 times smarter than this other mentally challenged person
>this infant is 3 times stronger than this other infant
>this OP is 3 times gayer than this other OP

Where did Sup Forums go so wrong.

PS2 had games though

more like 3 times 6 fps

343 prioritizes 60fps over graphics so they'll do whatever the fuck they do to uprez rather than sacrifice 60fps. they did it with 5.

Ps4 owner here, I don't trucking know but it happend to all 3 companies. Nintendo got arrogant after the Wii, MS got arrogant after the 360, and sony got arrogant after PS2,

It's just repeating the same thing over again,

Honestly wondering one thing.
If both ps4pro/scorpio will keep full compatability with older editions, will it make any difference if I don't play at 4k?

I honestly just want 60fps as 1080p, if that is fullfilled by the pro, would the extra power of scorpio make much of a difference?
Maybe better textures/aa?

they both lowballed the systems at launch and assumed microsoft would do the same with the upgrade.

In not your buddy, guy

delicious anal tears

sauce user?

I'm not your guy, friend

Xbox is a platform so it has exclusives.

Go fuck yourself

Hate to be that guy but, source?


sleep now

Try it yourself, faggot. Google image search has been shit for a while now.

According to phil spencer, the scorpio aims at 4k 60fps native, hence why they called it a "premium" device.

With Horizon they insinuated 'more stable framerate' so I wont get my hopes up on that

Also some games are made to run on sub 60 fps (cant really say 30 bc of drops) like BB so that another pain in the ass for devs

fine then.

Yes because this will ALWAYS find you what you want

You're really not very good at this. Don't you actually know how to find sauce online or are you just a bandwagoning faggot that wants to jump on the "find it yourself" train?

Why not just buy a slim instead

Microsoft are extremely rich and can just subsidise the costs

this is going to look like a fox and grapes post but why did everybody start using 4k as a standard suddenly
don't things look fine at 1080? 4k hardly seems like a worthwhile "new frontier" when things like view distance, antialiasing, and texture quality are still holding many games back from their full potential

>There are people on this board right now that think the Xbox Scorpio will be a success.

1 of 2 things will happen. Or, more than likely, both things will happen.

1. It won't be near as powerful as they say it will be

2. It will be rediculously priced to the point of literally nobody buying it.

Not to mention, Xbox's are the new steam machines since all its games are going to be on PC anyway.

Sony fucked up this week, but it's nowhere near bad enough to undo how well they've been doing.

chatpad works on pc as keyboard

battery life is not shit like the 5hr DS4 failure with ultimate shit build quality and ergonomics

I found it, seems like you need to stop being spoonfed,

What's with all the Sony Ponies coming out of the woodwork lately in the defense of their fucking exclusives of all things? Last I checked, you cock smokers literally have one fucking game worth playing.


3. it will be $400 and be just as powerful as they said

It won't do it with that CPU. GPU is almost comparable to a 1070 though

Also focusing on 4K is a huge fucking joke.

basically all the games you'd want to get a ps3/4 anyway, with the exception of bloodborne.

mhm, I truly believe you

>This is what Xbots actually believe

>comes out late 2017
>Sony will have a year of sales on them, starting with the Xmas run-up

I expect Square-Enix to release game patches as well to take advantage, seeing as FFXV comes out 2 weeks after the Pro and Deus Ex can still be milked for a holiday sales bump.



beat them to the punch and theirs wont cost 599 usd

they learned their lesson