Only attractive Senran

>Only attractive Senran

I'm not even a lolicon

Mirai a cute

>I'm not even a lolicon
that's how it starts

>I'm not even a lolicon
Don't lie to yourself user

Of the following five, which is the most entrylevel Senran?

>I'm not even a lolicon
Oh, user...

Yumi or Katsuragi are easily the most entry

These Mirai threads are the worst.

It's a pretty tough call between Mirai and Kat.

Kat, Mirai and snake.

Mirai is an Internet shitposter.

Mirai threads always smell terrible because Mirai smells terrible.

Worst smelling senran.

>breast envy
>kawaiiX3 fang
>chuuni eyepatch

You're not just a lolicon, you're a lolitacon with shit taste

>Danny DeVito will never play Mirai in a SK movie

>>kawaiiX3 fang
Speaking of this, just a reminded that the fang usually means that they have awful teeth because japs think ugly teeth are cute.

What does she smell like?

Loli juice

Like a girl who doesn't bathe because she lives with four other people in a cave with no plumbing.

She only has one eye. What a disabled, crippled piece of shit.

Mirai is a beautiful woman

Get out.

The covered eye still works.

That sounds like a blatant fucking lie.

No, its true. She wears the patch to "block out the harsh world" or something like that.

She can still see with it.

That sounds like some made up chuuni bullshit.

What a child.

Ryoubi is super cute as well.


Another girl does the same thing, except she wears the patch as a memorial to her dead sister.