Favorite Sup Forums moments 2: "Mystery Sanics" Edition

Favorite Sup Forums moments 2: "Mystery Sanics" Edition


last thread:

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Anyone remembers "El vidyo"?

Just let it go man
Polite sage

Somebody was talking about YTMND in the last thread and I logged into my account and found this song in one of my videos.


I miss when we could delete our own threads.

Honestly even if 2008-2012 Sup Forums was Sup Forums 2.0 I had more fun during that time than now. It's like vidya threads and the anons/memes/culture were better. I'm just browsing out of habit now.


I miss noko.


I miss these comics

Do you guys think Sup Forums will ever return to it's former glory?

According to the zeitgeist: no.

I dunno man

I think the biggest obstacle is how easy it is nowadays for OC to get reposted somewhere else and get missourced


Did they ever finish that runescape Sup Forums remake?

Oh, I know mine.
I'm sure several of you remember a game called Demonophobia. Got passed around here a lot years back.
Some of you might also remember streaming sites that weren't Twitch. From what I remember, the big name in those days was Livestream.
So somebody on Sup Forums decided to stream Demonophobia on Livestream. It had a few viewers at first but then I guess the thread got bumped at just the right time because there was an explosion of popularity. Next thing we know, someone makes a thread in Sup Forums and links the stream.
We got so many people that the stream made it to the front page of Livestream. At the time we got to the front page, the streamer was fighting that flying uterus demon where you have to make your character not masturbate in order to survive. Someone screencapped it, but I lost it.

Who let you follow up my thread and link to it here?

what is the song?

>hurf durf everything has to be Sup Forums now
I hate neo-Sup Forums


Nobody makes OC anymore is the worst part

or it gets shitposted on


just look up Mystery Skulls m8.

Fantastic band.


The only place I ever consistently see OC anymore are in FE LP threads, and even then it's once in a blue moon we get non headswap stuff like Pic Related

I couldn't remember the actual name of it.

IIRC the whole reason Mystery Skulls became popular was some ponyfag who made this:
Who was in turn inspired by OP's video.

oh my god which run was this
It wasn't gheb, was it the one where the self insert gets cucked?

I don't care what poneshits like

Band is good though, gonna be downloading and maybe buying their shit now



You know what I miss? Finding and playing dumb online flash games. This was before the .io craze. I mean like really shitty ones.
There was this one Snake clone that was fucking fantastic. It had some sick power-ups that made you fucking huge and you could stack them and stuff. It went on fro about two days before dying off. So good.
Also, I bet at least some of you remember this shit.

I miss Jelly Battle with Sup Forums.

Holy shit this. FOTMs were amazing. I have a list with most of them somewhere.

Everything after Tortanic was just not as fun. Not trying to be an oldfagfag, but I really feel as if Sup Forums has lost something along the way.

Please post it.

Sup Forums has grown a LOT since tortanic days, at least triple or quad the amount of people we had then

and I think most of those new users are young shitposters

It was a list before /vg/ was a thing I think so I took out most of the non flash/indie games. Add more if you remember something else.

Ace of Spades
Pandemic 2
Haven and Hearth
Violated Heroine
Everybody Edits
Happy Wheels
One Chance
Don't look back
Super Deepthroat
The Swedish Armed Forces
Robot Unicorn Attack
Real Lives
Sup Forums RPG
Moonbase Alpha
Dwarf Fortress
Armadillo Run
Realm of the Mad God
Yume Nikki
Alter Ego
EnviroBear 3000
Cave Story
Sengoku Rance
Spongebob Boating School
Attack on Titan
Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby
Board Game Online
Hydra Castle Labyrinth
Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden
worlds com
Doodle or die
Kamidori Alchemy Meister
Jelly Battle
Virtual Piano
Cookie Clicker
Mario Retardy

>Don't Look Back
>The Swedish Armed Forces
>Moonbase Alpha
>Spongebob Boating School
>Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby
>Doodle or Die
>Jelly Battle
Are all great, but none will ever top Robot Unicorn Attack. I just want one fucking day of Harmony. Just one more.

>no reccetear
Where the fuck are my yayifications?

You forgot Oh Dango Jam

>ace of spades


le jagex faec

Fuck, how could I forget

Never played that one, checking it out right now


This still makes me laugh. One of the best threads I've been here for.

senpai desu baka

This is what I miss more than anything. FOTM games, back when we could actually have them.
Not allowed to like anything anymore and any game that gets more than five threads made get shillposted into oblivion.

Club Penguin.

Anyone have some screencaps left? Fuck, I miss that shit. Pretend ERPing with 12 year olds and farting in the cafe was the best.

I don't know why I have this "Sup Forums mix", I don't even listen to music. Notice how less than half of it is video games.

Is les populaires still a thing or is it just filled with children now