Dragons Dogma vs. Dark Souls 3

Dragons Dogma vs. Dark Souls 3

Is there realy any comparison? Dragon's Dogma outdoes Dark Souls 3 in every way possible.

Dark Souls 3 becomes shit after you get a high level and the game punishes you heavily for grinding, it has no map or minimap so when the game isn't linear its confusing as all fuck to find where to go next. There's no quest log, and to be honest the game has an extremely depressing isolating feel.

Dragon's dogma however doesn't have any of the above issues. In fact the only problem dragons dogma has, is how much there is to do in this game. It's possibly the best arpg of all time.

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>no co-op

You need to upgrade your bait son because this post reads like an autismo's first troll


The co-op in dark souls 3 was shit
This isn't bait its the honest truth, I see this fucking dark souls threads every fucking day and barely any DD threads. I really don't see the fucking appeal. It's like you all lick From Software's greasy asshole. They could shit on a plate and you'd eat it.

None of these were original ideas with Dark Souls, they're reoccurring mythos with any medieval fantasy.

>because these monsters aren't already in gothic mythology

You're the definition of a fucking moron. Literally every single RPG dating back to the 80's uses these monsters and demons.

nbo they aren't
dark souls came up with them first

How wrong can one person be... holy shit

101% bait

>Dark Souls 3 becomes shit after you get a high level and the game punishes you heavily for grinding, it has no map or minimap so when the game isn't linear its confusing as all fuck to find where to go next. There's no quest log, and to be honest the game has an extremely depressing isolating feel.

Did you play any dark souls games? Ds3 is super linear, no map needed to know where to go, only semi-functioning brain, no grinding needed, didnt stop once, most people actually somewhat rushed through the game as everyone got too good at them, there will never be a need to grind anything in souls games if you go ahead and level up once in a while.

Dragon's dogma on the other hand, while it could have been much better is not bad. But its no souls game and it doesnt try to be, which is good.


Neh, not even that guy, but clearly its just a japanese dev not knowing anything about medieval fantasy so they just took what they saw another dev was doing, some of those were berserk things, like dragon in the bridge, but mimic, giant blacksmith really makes me wonder. After that you start questioning other designs. Generally you dont see all those in western developed medieval fantasy games parallel so well, so i get that guys point.

What did he meme by this?

DS1 > Dragon's Dogma > DS3 > DS2

They aren't even meant to be the same game. Nice bait tho.

Dragon's Dogma is the sort of game where you love it so much and then you finish everything the game has to offer. You want to keep playing, you want to play again, but you've already done it all so it's just not the same. You frequently get urges to go back to it, but stop yourself, knowing that you'll get bored a few hours in despite liking it so much. And then you'll cry yourself to sleep.

I found Dragon's Dogma sharing the same aspect that made The Witcher monotonous:
>Talk to A
>Walk for two hours
>Talk to B
>Walk for another two hours
>Go through a dungeon (the most exciting thing about the whole thing)
>Walk another two hours
>Talk to B
>Walk back to A
>Talk to A
At least Dragon's Dogma combat is actually fun.

The only similarities Dragons Dogma and Dark Souls 3 is the setting, I guess. The games play completely different from one another.

why does this thread exist anyway?

Dragon's Dogma > Witcher III > Souls shit

I know that feel friend.

Did you mean Dark Souls, because usually that's exactly how DS fans feel?

The walking can pretty easily be made fun by making waifus with anime girl proportions to look at as you walk.

Dark Souls gets rehashed every year.

>Dragons Dogma

Doing it wrong

Poor bait, both are great and have a distinctly different flavor despite the similarities
Try using lords of the fallen or dark souls 2 as your examples of better games than ds3 next time

It's just a matter of time before a new action RPG game appears in the gaming landscape (probably Ni-Oh) and then Sup Forums will start calling Dragon's Dogma shit while praising the new game
In the same way this board praised Dragon's Dogma and started calling Dark Souls shit
In the same way this board praised Dark Souls and started calling Skyrim shit
In the same way this board praised Skyrim and called Oblivion shit

I can't get in to DD because i hate giant open world quest shit.

Maybe the blacksmith but mimics are a staple in fantasy and so are dragons on bridges. What we really need to question is why there has been a dragon on a bridge for every Dark Souls.

The blacksmith maybe, a quick Google can't bring up anything on him.

Hardly, i see a big difference between Des, Das and BB. Its your own problem if you fall for bandai namco shit and play ds2 or ds3 and expect something new. Sorry that i wont jump on the hate train thats been going on since ds3 release, or even bb being announced as exclusive, it doesnt change the fact ds1 or bb are some of the best games i played through these last two garbage generations. And i am no hating on dragons dogma either, i hope capcom continues surprising me, as i never liked any of their existing ips.

Apples and oranges. You're retarded

>walking into irythill
>expecting a dragon
>get Guts inner beast instead
Need a few more change ups like that

Why does the first good Eastern arpg have to be a ps4 exclusive. It's not fucking fair, I've been waiting forever for a game like that. Or another tenchu/shinobido game.

Fuck, even an assassin's creed set in japan would be amazing as long as the sjw writers stay away from the fucking story.

Every japanese developer that makes good arpgs seem to have a huuuuge westaboo fetish. Dark souls, dragons dogma, and many others are your generic knights in armor instead of interesting ninjas or samurais.

Japanese developers have this strange notion that westerners don't like japanese culture, even though the majority of each fanbase is weeabo cancer.

More like a mushy rotten apple that's been around too long and half an orange.

But that's dark souls outside of pvp. Games with as good of a core gameplay system as DD and DaS always feel like they should have a nearly endless stream of fresh content.

>Dragon's Dogma outdoes Dark Souls 3 in every way possible.
Except at being challenging or having multiplayer.

DD is great fun, but there's not much reason to play it more than once (especially with the way the game only allows one save without manual backups).

They're two very different style games

>i hate giant open world quest shit

It's the most simplistically fun type of game out there. That's the only reason that incompetent devs like Bethesda can actually be successful.

Hard mode and of course, different vocations unless you played every single one extensively during your first run.

Dark Souls is good for multiple playthroughs to test out different build types and to find stuff you missed the first time around since items, npc quests, and whole areas are easy to miss if you play blind. Dragon's Dogma on the other hand allows you to switch classes at will without too many penalties and there just isn't as much new stuff to do on repeat playthroughs. Not to mention there's a lot less variety in enemies and geography in the game which gets horribly boring even on the first run through. If it didn't have the half decent dlc it wouldn't be worth playing at all.

>Hard mode
Doesn't actually make the game hard in a meaningful or balanced way.

The core gameplay just isn't designed to be challenging at all. It doesn't require the kind of precise timing and enemy pattern memorization that something like Souls games do.

It's meant to be fun, and it succeeds at that.

>different vocations unless you played every single one extensively during your first run.
You can only kill AI controlled enemies so many different ways before it starts to become a bit boring.

It just can't compare to having human opponents IMO.

Open world isn't for everyone user. And even for those who do like it sometimes the world can just be too big.

lol i consider dragon's dogma more challenging than Dark souls, at least as long as you aren't a rudiculously high level.. But Dark souls does have excellent pvp.

Just because the system isn't based around pattern recognition doesn't mean shit doesn't easily kill you. It's a different sort of challenge I'd say.

Game would be amazing with pvp though, assuming some abilities are banned.

Using the argument of pvp for Dark souls is kind of unfair. Is their any action rpg that does pvp?

>precise timing.

There are actually some skills that a timing window

literally none of this discussion matters, because even if Dragons Dogma is maybe more enjoyable to play, it's also boring as dirt.

DD fails to hold my attention in any aspect and all of it is so incredibly boring.

At least Dark Souls has a more lore rich world that feels rewarding to explore and learn about. Meanwhile DD is just
>a dragon took your heart
>I don't know, you're still alive for some dumb reason, go invent some friends and fight some shit no particular reason

>even if Dragons Dogma is maybe more enjoyable to play, it's also boring as dirt.


feel good
is bad and dull

you're chosen as the one to slay the dragon by the dragon himself
it's a direct challenge by an entity so impossibly more strong than you at the onset of the game that your sword can't even pierce its skin, a single attack kills you, and even just climbing one of its legs will leave you on your ass from exhaustion halfway up
I find that to be the very essence of video games as a medium, I want to overcome this challenge laid before me by the big bad boss itself just like I did in countless other classic RPGs, and Dragon's Dogma does it on a level no other game I've ever played has mustered

>tfw level 150+ in DD, have all the best shit

I really want more to do, I wish this game was a lot bigger.

They're both in the Dark fantasy genre, and they both have bare bones story and lore that must be discovered with proper effort.

DD focuses more on Dark.
DaS focuses on dreary.

and both have excellent flavor text

have you played another class extensively?
reached level cap yet?
done BBI on hard mode?
if all else fails I just make another character and play through the main plot again, I just find it engaging enough to warrant it
most other people I see try doing BBI low level challenge runs when they feel bored with the game, feeling like you have to actually make use of items to progress properly makes the game feel so much more real for lack of a better word

>another DD:DA thread hits page 9 for no reason
almost like that PC port never happened

Who cares about story?

How do I enjoy Dragon's Dogma guys?
I'm fucking sick of walking everywhere. Why can't this game have fast travel?

Friendly reminder that if you are unironically engaging in this bait post you are retarded. With that being said please hit 300 posts and prove my point.

Funny enough, Dragon's Dogma actually has Guts' armor for you and your pawns.

PClards only play DOTA and CS:GO.

First, stop being retarded
Second, cherish these walks youll miss them
Third, check your storage and read each item carefully

porticrystals son

>guys this game is shit what do?
>learn to enjoy shit

Dragon's Dogma would of been a 10/10 if it hadn't fell for the open world meme. It could of been the next huge thing.
> it has no map or minimap so when the game isn't linear its confusing as all fuck to find where to go next
kys, more games need to do exactly this

How would have it worked without open world though? It already had a lot of enemy climbing.

>fast travel

The world isn't that big. Fast travel is for shit games that focuses on narrative rather than action.

>stamina regeneration doesn't scale with maximum stamina
>as a result, the higher leveled you are, the much longer it takes to get to max stamina
>in order to run anywhere in a decent amount of time you have to constantly chomp dozens to hundreds of mushrooms

>more drow pawns

Stamina perks nigga. Get 2 or more and you'll run for days. Also, Liquid Vim


I played Dark Arisen and all it did was make me want to go back to Dragon's Dogma online. I found Dark Arisen to be extremely annoying, it's a hassle to do anything even going from point A to point B is annoying because Stamina runs out after 10 seconds of sprinting.

At least now in dragon's dogma online you can run forever and they finally fixed that retarded rage mode big monsters have.

oh boy another Souls like woopee
looks like shit senpai

>another DD thread

And now I want to start again. I already have like 4 steam accounts with their own hard mode characters, 3 of them are in end game.

Maybe I should start a new game in normal mode, since Hard mode becomes so goddamn easy when you get in Gran Soren. Too much exp and money.

Please stop mentioning Dragon's Dogma.
It hurts too much to know it will NEVER get a sequel.


>+150 stamina

wow that will really help me run for 2.5 seconds longer before spending 3 minutes to regenerate my 3300

Even then dark souls stole most of its enemies from castlevania.


reminds me of "Way of the samurai" but easy.

Is this ninja gaiden for babies?



Unless there is bow combat, I don't give a single fuck. I'm fucking tired of melee combat and not enough games give archery enough love.

Archery is implemented poorly in like 99% of games. The only game that I feel did it well was mountain blade.

i want to play this
too bad i don't have a ps4

They're completely different games.

Looks like rubbish.

I'm a dragons dogma fanboy but you are seriously in denial if you don't remember how literally every part of the game that isn't combat is either below mediocre or absolute garbage. The story was shit, the world is completely dead and shit and the quests are so bad that most people dont even want to start a new playthrough because it would mean having to do that 5 year long escort mission again to get to the main city.

DS3 has combat that i find just as ennjoyable in a different way and atleast it has atmosphere. And while you cant do cool shit like climb bosses atleast the DS3 bosses are all visually pretty epic.

That being said i really hope they make a big budget sequel for DD and keep/expand the class and combat system + add coop. The game is literally made for multiplayer considering all the "jump off of my shield to get hhigh in the air" skills that are in the game and are completely useless since AI is too dumb to use them properly.

>The only problem with Dragon's Dogma is how much there is to do.

>start witcher 3 for the first time
>choose death march
>literally never die because circle spamming is retardedly op
>bored to death by combat
>annoyed as shit because movement is absolute shit
>stop using horse because it gets stuck every 2 feet
>walk everyhere on foot
>get even more annoyed at any part that has to do with water in the game
>literrally no quest proves any cchallenge because it's just -> witcher sense -> find red thing -> click red thing -> quest codmplete
>realize that literally ALL loot in the game is useless because witcher gear is stupidly OP

dont get me wrong the game has a great amount of content and the sidequests are atsleast interesting from a story perspective but gameplay wise it's the most casual "lets try to not annoy our costumers" shit ever.

The A.I. Was extremely, poorly implemented. they could come back from a rent all retarded and the pawns would copy your behavior instead of, say fighting in a way that complements your playstyle.

I wish you could manually set and lock their A.I.

>It's an escort quest

>tfw you get all hyped up for Dragon's Dogma
>"it's what skyrim wishes it was."
>an hour into the game and nothing is happening
>combat is cool, but all the enemies including the fucking wolves are OP.
>finally get the snake head to the city and realize it's hugely, empty sandbox game.

God i love walking through the exact same empty areas over and over again, fighting the exact same enemies in the exact same positions 15 times in a row because someone though escort quests were a good idea


You haven't seen the hell hounds, have you?

Bu-bu-but muh combat!

>the game has an extremely depressing isolating feel
that's the whole point you retard

>how much there is to do in this game
Nigger, you can't even go to the moon.


>Dark Souls 3
>not linear

jej mahal

>game is empty
>"that's the whole point, retard."

I liked Dragon's Dogma more than any souls game honestly, except probably Dark Souls 1. The only things that kind of killed it for me was the fucking grinding, the annoying item management/too many useless items, and the shitty warrior class.

Still, the gameplay shits all over dark souls, especially the magic, and the bosses we're all great, although the game needed more of them. Too bad we'll never get a proper sequel that refines the combat and gameplay, adds more rpg elements, has a better map with more content, and adds newer mechanics.