>before Doom comes out
>Sup Forums bitching and moaning how it's going to be a shitty cash-in, a godawful, slow-paced, "modern" shooter
>Doom comes out
>it's actually a good game and fun
>barely anybody talks about it
Why do I even come here anymore? Nobody here talks about video games, and when we do it's just to whine about them. When a game comes out that isn't to complain out, it just gets ignored.
Before Doom comes out
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself bethesda shill
you got me bro, only a shill would want to actually talk about video games here I guess :')
You should lurk moar, and stop baiting.
D44M was complete shit, and only morons who've let their brains rot with the casual console-AAA trash for the past 10 years would consider it in any way "ground breaking" or even acceptable sequel / reboot.
The fact that there's no players nor anything to talk about just shows how shallow flavor of the month crap it truly was.
Slap some faggy shitendo character on it and they'll discuss it here
>ctrl+f "groundbreaking"
>just your post
okay dude. A game doesn't have to "revolutionize vidyer gaems!!" and be "groundbreaking" to be fun.
Dude new Doom is fucking awesome! As someone who started out playing the originals on fuckin Windows 95, this game feels just like those except better, faster, and more polished. Don't know what you're talking about, it's so rare to get a good 1P AAA single player game these days. I wish more 1P single player campaigns like this would come out
So the fact that cod and battlefield do so well means they're the best, good to know
>>Sup Forums bitching and moaning how it's going to be a shitty cash-in, a godawful, slow-paced, "modern" shooter
>turns it's just a fast modern shooter extremely similar to Wolfstein The New Order or Shadow Warrior remake with no depth whatsoever
Pirated it, haven't finished playing. It's ok so far but nothing mind-blowing. Pretty standard game.
Yes it does
>Slap some ironic memes on it and they'll discuss it here
clarified your post a little
No it absolutely does not. Comparing multiplayer to single player really is an apples vs oranges argument
> As someone who started out playing the originals on fuckin Windows 95
sup newfag
This game, man.
I barely thought it would live up to the hype, let alone exceed it. I've been playing for four hours straight across only two systems and about five planets/moons, and it has been absolutely and utterly humbling. My breath is being taken away at every turn.
I just drowned trying desperately to make my way out of a dark underwater cave on a cold, lonely, massive planet, with ominous growling startling me from far across some rocky, eroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive dark blue system. Earlier I was marveling at a herd of grazing antelope-like creatures on a little yellow paradise of a moon with a pink sky. Creatures were screeching in the distance and tinkling piano chords played in the background.
I very much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as mining and trading, but most of all, this game has been an extremely emotional experience for me so far. I could barely pull myself away from my first system once I acquired the warp cell. No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost. Space just beckons, wordlessly. What a beautiful, beautiful, titanic game. I have no words.
Enjoy, everyone. And thank you, Sean and Hello Games. Jeez Louise.
Bitch I been on Sup Forums for over 10 years now, what's up homie?
At least this version has a story, no default 100% accurate auto-aim, and more strategies than "press LMB while strafing to win".
Seriously, I love Doom, but some of you guys really oversell it. It's not a deep game. It's never been deep. It was just plain old fun.
This. It ended up being even worse than everyone expected. Like some kind of horrible parody of modern shooters.
Srsly, who plays Doom for depth? It's never been deep, never even tried or pretended to be.
Didn't you hear? Sup Forums only plays the finest menu-driven dialog simulators with open-world realistically-paced walking. This drivel is for nincompoops, Anonymous.
I was very pleasantly surprised with it and I know I'm not the only one. I'm not sure what I would change to make it more Doom-like except to use the original id engine, and I'm pretty sure there's already a mod out for that
Lol my bad, got ahead of myself there
>I've been in this shithole longer than you!
be proud
Actually the reason why nobody talks about it is because the game is boring and as soon as the release day cash was in all the nigger shills that had been plaguing the board shortly before and shortly after release mysteriously disappeared. Which tells me either they were paid shills no longer being paid after serving their purpose or they were just THAT disappointed by the game.
finally getting to pirate it. denovo btfo yet again
That.. to call that reaching undermines how large of a stretch that is
2 deep 4 u
>this is Sup Forums now.
We're talking about nu-doom, not duke nukem forever
>before Undertale comes out
>Sup Forums actually looking forward to it
>Undertale comes out
>board constantly hammered with D44M threads for weeks
>ur buying this game aren't U???
>ugh fucking contrarians it's gonna be great
>all criticism comes from poorfags who can't pirate it cuz of based denuvo!!!
Entire catalog was filled with threads like that and for the whole of release week I saw almost nothing but positive opinions. Then, release week ends... Nothing. If anybody who was talking about the game genuinely liked it there would've been continued discussion after release. I've seen non stop MGR threads since release for instance. If the hype for D44M was not manufactured by viral marketers or by gullible idiots desperately trying to justify the cash they wasted on their preorder then there would be frequent threads about the game itself
Snapmap is the thing that could keep me talking/playing, but it's hard to care when you know there's so much unreleased content.
>The fact that there's no players nor anything to talk about just shows how shallow flavor of the month crap it truly was.
It's a single player game. Why would there be any players?
People barely talked about it because they couldn't pirate it at first.
that's because there was a better undertale already out
called LiSA
Well, the fact of the matter is that it's been cracked now (just the other day), so people are going to be talking about it a lot more whether you like it or not.
Lots of people talked about it faggot. But guess what time passed and people moved on to other things. The No Man's sky shit storm for instance.
it's an okay game for a while
kek, good point. Guess that explains a lot now.
That is not the name of the game. That is the name of a Japanese singer with a sexy voice, so I know what you're into, buddy.
Eh, No Man's Sky wound up to be a little underwhelming for me, but I appreciate what they were going for. To me it just felt like Minecraft in space, which got pretty repetitive to me. But that's just me, i know plenty who love the game.
it was better than expected
still wasn't THAT great
The bit is strong with this one. D44M is pretty good and only retarded contrarian try to pretend otherwise. Even Sup Forums was pretty inclined to praise it.
You are just baiting morons.
Games do not get discussed unless there is something TO discuss.
If a game is good and uncontroversial, great. That doesn't make for constant threads about it.
You might see activity at release, but it quickly dies down except for the occasional thread.
This is the current state of Sup Forums. Nobody's allowed to express more than backhanded praise or else they get called a shill.
Fuck off. Best game of the year
cause attention whores need their daily (you) or they will die. Kinda like morphine addiction
This is true. People are more inclined to talk about negative things than positive things. There's just not really anything to say about DOOM. It was a good game, people played it, they enjoyed it, that's that. It doesn't have a black protagonist or gays or something to create some Sup Forums drama.
Guess what newbie, only shills like video games. Come back when you're an oldfag like me dork.
Additionally, when a game is like this it's pointless to create a thread because people will attempt to manufacture an argument about it even though there's nothing to argue about.
Seriously, what the fuck can we say about the game? The dude keeps punching the screen every time someone tries to explain the plot.
Is it still word filtered?
The people who actually want traditional FPS games like this are a loud vocal minority. The market is the way it is for a reason.
Most people say they want a game like this, realize there's nothing to complain about, then go back to other genres that haven't been honed to a razor's edge by years or development so they can keep complaining. People here like complaining more than they do playing video games.
id really fucked up by not allowing mods for the PC version and making that stupid console friendly forge mode crap instead.
I agree completely. When a game is praised on here its just flavor of the month bullshit. Lets me know what to avoid.
>traditional FPS games
>like this
nu-doom is modern trash. it doesn't hold a candle to any classic FPS.
That doesn't really happen when the game is shit however.
It's just soulless, I liked it at first but halfway through I lost the drive to play it. Hell is a major disapointment and the settings are boring as fuck.
It's a good game and people didn't want to pay for it. They judge bethesda on other games.
Care to elaborate?
To be honest it was completely ID's fault. I had the exact same impression about it because of the multiplayer and because of the initial singleplayer trailers.
No one really had any clue what it was going to be like.
It wasn't until I saw the vulkan demo the week before the game came out that I changed my mind, bought it and had fun.
It was just really really bad marketing on their part
I wish someone would just ban these fucking shitposters
This board is being ruined by these unbelievably juvenile and obvious attention seeking idiots
Its worth a torrent. Not paying 79.99 for it, but its pretty fun.
any game with denuvo gets forgotten within a week. now that its gone I see threads popping up
Mario 64 still has more players than d44m.
It's called replayability.
Main reason everybody was shitting on it was because they advertised it as cod with a hell theme and takedowns
Also there were plenty of threads, there just isn't that much to talk about now since the Devs are retards who decided to salvage the dead multiplayer instead of working on the singleplayer
Great game. Way too fucking short and the ending was trash. I know most people dont play the game for the story but I was really hoping for a better last boss than "oh hey I remember that boss from the old games, oh the credits are rolling"
Beat the game in 2 sittings.
I thought you couldn't even pirate it because of Denuvo?
If there isn't much to bitch about or shill over, vee doesn't have much to say.
Regardless, D44M is probably one of the best soft reboots seen today. The PC version is a native build instead of a shitty port. The campaign is the most amazing enemy arena shooter in years. The story is tongue in cheek with its absurd writing and ultra serious delivery (DooM marine's previous campaign only stopped because he fell for some Looney Tunes grade trap). On the other hand, multiplayer didn't gain as much traction as desired. Snapmap is neato, but still needs a lot of polish.
Also, anybody can run Mario 64 because it's older.
I haven't played this game yet. What's "snapmap"?
>it's actually a good game
it isn't though it is a fundamentally mediocre game with some god awful design choices all wrapped up in a shiny AAA package
A map making mode about as complex as THPS's.
a retard proof "level" editor
you can do a lot of neat stuff with the visual scripting chains but you are severly limited with things like enemy numbers (12 i believe) and all the rooms are just prefabs
Your context-free buzzwords have shown me the errors of my ways.
it was cracked a few days ago
60gb download but cracked nonetheless
You're gonna take those buzzwords and you're gonna like 'em, bub. That's real, quality, Sup Forums content now.
Now, if you please, that'll be 60 GB plus DLC.
I suggest you take a good look at doom once your honeymoon period wears off
Doom is all shock and awe once that wears off (or you see through it) there isn't anything of substance left
There's only so much you can say about a singleplayer game.
Yes, DOOM 4 was fun, and I think you can get like thirty hours out of it collecting all the stuff and whatnot, but that's nothing compared to any multiplayer game.
I don't understand why people want singleplayer games in the current year. Internet access is ubiquitous and there's endlessly more fun to be had with multiplayer.
new doom is fuckin' great, my only two complaints are that Masteries are annoying and the map makes finding secrets piss-easy