How do I make the magic come back, Sup Forums?

How do I make the magic come back, Sup Forums?

Order better pizza than dominos.

drugs, as sad as it sounds

Order better pizza than dominos.

Play video games

Play less shit games. I recommend Dark Souls.

Stop buying vidya for awhile and make the most out of what you currently have.

Don't sleep in armor, you'll wake up fatigued every time.

Or better yet, fucking Facebook.

I was discussing this with my friend just yesterday. My thougth is:

Not because actual games are horrible, not because you got more things to worry about.
The thing is, you know how videogames operate.
If tomorrow, the most realistic game release, you will be amazed by the technology, yes.
But you will know that the game was possible.

When we were kids, we didn't knew this. So, every amazing game was "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!"

I'd forget it all in a heartbeat just to experience my favorite games again

Take a break from vidya for like a month or two then come back

I should, I really need to
But goddamn it's so hard


Magic is for shitters, stick with your sword and shield

Go back to a game you truly love and master it. Not for the sake of being the best, but for the enjoyment of it. Just play that shit till you know it like the back of your hand.

Shit feels good.

>2005 was 30 years ago

feelin' old bros

I am not saying it's true.
Just my opinion!
But I really think it makes sense.

Basically. When I was a lad I'd look at Super Mario 64 and think "How can the levels be this big!? This is impossibru!!!"

Nowadays, I look at No Man's Sky. I'm not even impressed with the tech anymore, shit's just random numbers generated and saved on a server. Planets are all made of the same components, they don't even have fucking physics man.

Nobody with half a brain is impressed by No Man's Sky. I wasn't impressed for even one second.

The intro to The Evil Within impressed me.

Lords of the Fallen's armour design and graphics impressed me.

Intro to DOOM (2016) impressed me. Was badass as fuck.

You may not think games are impossible anymore, but you can still be wow'd. Just gotta find the right games.

Two of my friends were NMS apologists and their entire argument for the game was literally "What they've achieved with the tech is amazing, it'll be a great game in a few years after patches". Kinda had that depressing moment when you realize your friends are retards.

It's different though, you can be impressed by a game for a lot of reasons. Fucking Drakengard 3 impressed me and that looks and runs like a PS2 game. Specifically, I'm never impressed with a game technically anymore, the technological possibilities have all been laid out so no game has ever made me thought "I cannot believe such a thing is possible". I'm not even impressed with handhelds anymore, I've played full next-gen game ports on an iPhone. Anything's possible nowadays.

Does that matter, though? Is that integral to your enjoyment of video games?

Or are you just nostalgic about the innocence of childhood?

'Cause yeah, the whole world feels wondrous as a kid.

No it doesn't matter, I still enjoy games. I was just specifically referring to that feeling which is what the user I was replying to was talking about, that wonder of discovery. I'd say it's really not just childhood, it's because of how fast technology has developed. What was impossible 20 years ago is unimpressive now.

I kind of feel like devs in general are not trying as hard anymore, as cliche as that sounds. When the very first CoD came out, I was absolutely floored by that first Russian campaign mission. All the little details to make you feel like a shit conscript in the beginning of Enemy at the Gates.

As time went on, this became more and more uncommon. The last time i remember really saying "holy shit" was in the early days of Planetside 2, participating in a huge attack on a large bridge. Tons and tons of tracer rounds flying both ways, explosions fucking everywhere, and anti-aircraft fire blazing in the background as aircraft plummeted to their deaths. Awe-inspiring shit like this is what I want, and while it doesnt seem like developers really want to put in the little effort needed to make it happen.

Yeah, that's fun and all but crown fights get old quick

Honestly i never saw the same "scene" after that. Was just one of those rare cases where the outfits of both sides actually decided to work together, creating a perfect storm. I suppose im more after the "experience" and the "atmopshere". Most FPS have only a handleful of players involved, the "shooting" is limited to a few people at a time with the occasional bang.