Western male protagonist

>Western male protagonist
>Grizzled man with stubble, short hair and a gun; costume is some brown pants and a shirt, probably has a scar somewhere

>Eastern male protagonist
>Anime teenager with black/brown/darkblue hair and a sword(s); costume is some neon pants/shorts with belts and zippers

Without going into the territory of overly-stylized characters like Mario or Professor Layton, can you name a single male human video game protagonist with an interesting or memorable design?

solid snake/big boss

BTFOing weebs since 2001


If robots count then Donkey Kong might as well be considered a "male protagonist".

I think James has a pretty good design. He's not over-stylized, yet still has features and clothing that makes him stick out as a character. He's not the typical grizzled action hero and it's very clear just from looking at him he's not meant to be. That in turn reflects well in the story as he's supposed to be a somewhat social awkward, depressive man who has gone through a lot.

While not a male protagonist, I'd also say Heather Mason has a fantastic design as well. She also matches exactly what the story sets her up to be: a teenage girl alone in a horrific scenario. She's not particularly sexualized, defined as overly feminine, and her character design has lots of cool details such as bags under her eyes clearly alluding to insomnia or just late nights in general.

The Silent Hill series is great about making somewhat average and believable protagonists that are still memorable for their design elements.

>He doesn't know the Halo story


I can't. Just make all protagonists cute girls.

>eastern male protagonist


JC Denton. prove me wrong

Ignoring the weird hair color, I've always thought Persona 3 and 4's protagonists had pretty good designs. Not too stylized, lots of individual defining characteristics (P3's awkward posture, P4's confident stance, the stark contrast of fashion sense between the two, etc), and they generally just fit pretty well in the world they're in. Compared to other JRPG protagonists with wild outfits or crazy features, P3 and 4's protagonists have pretty subdued but stylish designs.

>Weeb protagonists

Eastern character design is shit. Those guys look like homosexual college boys


Alrighty then user. Personally I think their designs are pretty good, especially when compared to the normal stuff that comes out of JRPGs, but to each their own I guess.

I'd say Phoenix Wright but his hair and eyebrows are too over the top.

Seconded, and it doubles as being pretty believable.

>Those guys look like homosexual college boys
Yes, and?


solid snake and big boss are pretty generic bro, venom is pretty colorful since he has a horn but that's it.

halo is fucking shit so good for him

go buy another iPhone you fucking tool

name me another soldier with an eyepatch and a mullet
and no, Snake Plisskin doesn't count

Squall is way more of a man than Ethan Drake. Squall can summon pure pillars of energy from his sword and depending on how long you grind, has every magic spell at his command.

Drake doesn't even have magic. he has a gun, and guns were proven useless in FF8 because people can use shield to block projectiles, and there are worse projectiles than guns in that world.

tl;dr yer a cuck

>western protagonist
>beat up by a girl

>eastern protagonist
>gets a harem of them


>Japanese protagonist
>Tall, masculine, well dressed
>Western protagonist
>Pixelated genderfluid blob

At least the first 4. But yeah

They're alright.
I prefer P3 protag but that's just because I want to fug him.

P4 guy never really stood out to me as being very unique, though. I can think of a lot of vidya characters that look like him from far away if you squint a bit.

>eastern male protagonist


One of the best male designs I've seen

A pity how his game actually turned out.. I thought his original design was very attractive.

Guess that means Goku is manlier and better designed than any other character in existence, because nothing can beat him not even Sunchips Superman.

You know who's really shit? Winnie The Pooh. He couldn't even beat Deadpool, what a pussy, he isn't even immortal.

But Squall has a gun blade. Wouldn't that make his weapon half-useless?

I assume it's a blade that shoots guns but I've never played FF8. How does it work?


Why would you post a pic of yourself?


An art book explained that it was a vibroweapon that vibrated at high frequencies when it makes contact with the opponent, causing explosions and extra damage. yeah it doesn't make sense and I haven't played the game in a while so I might be saying bullshit

I DARE you to find a better, more beautiful and more powerful man than Zhang He.

bc he has a unique character design

Rifle with a bayonet attached except less rifle and more bayonet.

how did we go from this

Nah that guy was right.
Maybe the first one was fine a decade-and-a-half ago but you posted some neo Halo 7 shit or whatever. You're a tool.

Might as well post some of the latest Assassin's Creed characters while you're at it.

You made this too easy

>no jewelry
>no zettai ryouiki
>no makeup
>no butterfly hip decals
>doesn't even sexily flaunt his left midriff

Nice try, mommy's boy.

To his final product? I don't know, but it was a fucking travesty.

>tfw no sexy scumbag Aidan to baton me

Solid's stealth suit is petty unique, and Big Boss has the whole eyepatch thing while snake has his bandana.

>western men, all the same and super masculine
>western women, "women"
>eastern men, pretty much girls
>eastern women, cute girls

Nathan Drake
>quip quip quip
Squall Leonhart
>a personality and character development

> no jewelry
he has sexy leather
> no zettai ryouiki
thats only for qt animu girls. it looks gay on men
>no makeup
he's already pretty with it
>no buttery hip decals
he has badass shoulder armor
> doesn't even sexily flaunt his left midriff
he has a completely uneccesary scene sat the end of the game where he shows his muscular yet lean physique and abs
damn this sounds super gay

He doesn't need any of that. He's a natural beauty.

*he's pretty withOUT makeup


Naoya/"the boy with the piercing" will always be best Persona protag. P3 guy reminds me a lot of him, however

>Drake (actual quotes):
>"uugh watch out Sully, don't touch my ass, haha"
>*shoots guy in the dick* "ooooh no kids for you, haha"
>"don't flip out now!!!"
>*watches a man drown horribly* "adios asshole" *immediately proceeds to hoverhand his bitch and fart*
>*loses 2v1 to some black chick*

>"......the darkness...."
>"....it was all a dream.. in the time compression...we were all orphans together and we forgot....."
>*gets weaker as he levels up*

They're both shit.

>Hasn't been posted yet
Are you guys even trying?

This is memorable, and it was before space marines in powered armor became commonplace, the only one who cared about that stuff back then were nerds who read starship troopers or watched anime

go back to Sup Forums

Are you dumb, OP?

Brad from LISA is very memorable mainly because everyone bullies him for being bald
He also has a huge beard and is not a dwarf

unfortunately for Ryu, his design has been copied to death.

>implying this matters

Squall was unironically one of the best FF protags (in disk 1 anyways). Dude toppled several military institutions with his army of traveling teenage mercenaries because the adults supposed to be taking care of him and his friends were incompetent and couldn't sacrifice what was needed to complete the mission. Plus the whole time traveling and defeating a demon witch stuff that was crazy anyhow

Came in this thread to post this.

It's not even a rifle. The sword blade is hollow and the gun component fires into the sword blade, causing a small explosion and increasing the damage to the target at the moment of impact.

Yes, it is the stupidest concept for a weapon ever conceived.

How are they not?
Even if Squall is anime he still has the general proportions and outline of an actual person.

Mario and Layton are completely cartoony and their designs can't be translated to a real human being without heavily modifying them.

not to me or anyone except that other user. The reason none posted Ryu was bc his design has become so commonplace in fighting games, that its basically like the space marine for shooters

Yazoo's gunblade in AC was basically a better version. It was a bit shorter than Squall's but had an opening near the end to actually fire bullets

>he knows the halo story


>Yes, it is the stupidest concept for a weapon ever conceived.
Yeah but it sure was satisfying to use.

if you include their clothes into the mix i guess they do stand out but it thought we were just talking about the characters. Barebones, snakes just a brunette nathan drake looking type and big boss would be a typical 80s action hero. I'm not even bagging on them since i lowkey am mancrushing on nathan drake and them but i think what OP should know is that western video game characters are meant to symbolize the ideal western image which is a powerfantasy. Same with eastern except their ideal is the more feminine twinkish archetype. Again not bagging on the easterners but you can't deny that that's the ideal that they all strive for.

>an interesting or memorable design has to be close to human
Their designs are simple too. Mario with his red shirt and blue overalls, and Layton with his shirt and jacket and his top hat, how is that overly stylized?

Slavs are based, are they western enough? Culturally I would say so, sort of

That's retarded. It's a fantasy setting, they could have just said "It's a sword that makes MAGIC explosions!", but they had to go with that that?

The tan and turquoise ninjas are actual characters?

>snakes just a brunette nathan drake
Wouldn't it be the other way around since Snake predates Nathan by 20 years.

Literally looks like that one old chancellor dude in FFXV

Snake has a mullet.


he got you good

Yazoo's gunblade is basically what most people think of when they hear "gunblade," i.e. a gun with a blade on it. It's pretty much just a long-barreled pistol with a sharpened edge, which is a fuckton more sensible than the wrist-obliterating monstrosities from FF8.

It's also way cooler looking.

tan is Quake and torquoise is Chameleon or is he Khameleon, both of those exist and one is a grill, I forget which one


They aren't bad, but the thread is apparently about good semi-realistic male designs.

It's much easier to make a cartoony character appealing and memorable than it is to make a good realistically-proportioned character. As evidenced by the fact that 90% of the designs being posted in this thread are very boring, samey and forgettable.

I don't even play Persona but I liked grey hair dude.

>343 designs

my man
Kadaj's personality was a great villain but Yazoo's entire design was top tier

sorry, not Quake, his name is Tremor, he came back to the games in MK X

>Atlus fan
>Final Fantasy
>Chrono Trigger


10/10 made me cringe

>apparently about good semi-realistic male designs
Must be why the OP is asking for "interesting or memorable design," right?

Leon S Kennedy

Your hand comes off?

You don't find the clean androgyny of eastern designs to be aesthetically pleasing?

I like both western and eastern designs, personally.

>Have nice as fuck Jacket
>Loses it at the end of the very first chapter
>Find out that some spic went off with it

jesus man, i'm trying to just have a conversation with you and you're just nitpicking it to shit. If it fucking suits you better than look at it that way idgaf they're just video game characters.

homosexual college boys wish they looked like that

>can you name a single male human video game protagonist with an interesting or memorable design?

They gave him fucking six pack abs. Why do people deny the he''s a tranny?