>Negative review
>"The ending sucked"
Negative review
dumb frogposter
>Positive Review
>"Had my fetish"
fresh memes off reddit
>Positive review
>"The ending makes up for all the game's flaws"
>game review
>The ending is "Fuck you"
fucking hm2
>negative review
>"I really wanted to like this game but..."
>It's a thread beginning with a frogpost
You can always tell these posters are 16
Harvest Moon 2...?
>Negative review
>i really liked everything about it but its too expensive
Hatred literally did this
hotline miami 2
>you are blood
Hey, in a story-driven game, the ending can mean a lot. Mass Effect 3 is a great example. OK game, but the ending was fucking bullshit.
>Joke reviews arent banned on steam
Every angry Joe review
Especially when he goes on a 40 minute rant and still gives the game a 5 or 6 because the game had potential
Every game has potential jesus
>positive review
>diversity (token black)
Serious though.
Think about all the games that are only popular because their ending. It's fucking baffling.
DmC litterally ends with someone flipping you off.
>negative review
>"This game sucks."
>1,000+ hours played
>positive review
>provides an honest analysis of the graphics, music, story and gameplay of the game
>highlights the excellence of the game while also picking out minor flaws
>reviewer feels the need to divide the text into categories and give a numerical score at the end
>even worse when he only uses bullet points
Maybe it's just me, but I prefer reading continuous text that goes slightly beyond listing pros and cons - especially since one man's pro can be another man's con. Games are pop cultural products, not washing machines. Please don't review them like one.
It also doesn't hurt if the reviewer can actually write.
>What is ruining a good game by pushing a a series of shitty updates
Are you actually that retarded? please tell me you're just pretending
How does that revert the 1,000+ hours of enjoyment you got out of the game? Now that sounds fucking retarded. Double if you think your "review" will make a "statement" so that the developer will undo the patch.
Reviews with that much time usually go something like this
>"Hey I used to love the hell out this game, it was so good and I played it very often."
>Unfortunately the devs are tards and it's shit now, they ruined such a good game fuck."
Devs rarely listen to reviews, but there are rare instances, like Necropolis for example is still a work in progress, but they're making the much needed improvements that they said they would so far, so it doesnt hurt to try if that's your line of thinking, but aside from that, the reviews are to help out the prospective buyers moreso than make a statement to the devs anyway so that's a moot point
Well, I bad ending and single-handedly ruin a good story for me.
Then again this really goes mostly for literature, as video games never had particularly good or satisfying endings in the first place.