Cost money for publishers, not consumers
>Publishers may decide to charge for upgrades
>Shuhei already confirmed this was false
>Sup Forums still riding this
This is seriously the best shitpost this board has to offer? Embarassing.
>linking to kotaku
too lazy to pastebin it
this is why the ps4pro and scorpio are going to be pointless.
developers are just going to continue making games based on the specs of the original specs for ps4 and xbone.
there will probably be like 1 or 2 games that will take full advantage of it but thats about it.
its gonna be the same shit like with the -new- 3ds. xenoblade is the only game that takes advantage of the upgrades.
>tfw xbots are back
I actually missed you guys, the console wars seemed souless without you.
Regular patches have always cost money to publishers/developers. There's just a vague confirmation now that Sony will allow publishers to offload that cost on the consumers. Which is fucked up but I can definitely see it slowly gaining track. Just a few years ago we laughed at the idea of paying BEFORE DLCs were even made, now Season Passes are the norm. We laughed at the idea of having to pay for resolution and frame rate related graphical updates, but last gen remasters are the norm now.
We've been laughing at the notion of having to pay for patches, but shit is so dangerously on the verge of happening.
Yes, charge the developers
For fuck's sake quit trying to spin this into something it's not
>tfw sonycuck
this is will only exist for multiplats on the scorpio and not even all of them. microsoft developing their games with windows in mind since all games also go to PC allows them to scale more easily with how similar the architecture is between the two which is why the xbox is more easily capable of allowing mods with bethesda games.
>publishers will charge the developers to make patches
We never left, we've just been in hiding, waiting for sony to show a sign of weakness
>HDR patches cost money
>No 4K Bluray drive in the slim or pro
>No mods on PS4 for skyrim and FO4
Why is Sony blowing it so badly? Are they trying to kill their brand?
Sony officially changing the market for the worse? Paying for patches would be shit.
Being able to pay for patches will make the patches better.
Yes, essentially. Whether you/we like it or not, there are way too many shitheads with disposable income whether from their parents or whatever that would pay an extra 10$ to have a 'DEFINITIVE EDITION UPGRADE'. Fuck, they'd even see it as a bargain since remasters are being charged 30$-40$ now, getting those upgrades (resolution and framerate) for a 'small fee' of 10$ would be cheap.
The bad news for everyone (if this is true and aside from the obvious shittiness of having to pay for patches) is that the publishers will likely take advantage of this and raise the current standard pricing to 70$-80$ while 'including the DEFINITIVE EDITION UPGRADE PATCH' in the base game. Maybe they'll segregate the two, having a retail standard edition and the more expensive upgraded edition. After awhile, the next console gen comes around and, surprise surprise, the standard price of a retail game would remain at 70$-80$ since the market would have proven that that price range is acceptable. By then, the standard price would affect all platforms, not just Sony's. PC players especially would have to pay more for digitally distributed games with settings, resolution and framerate that we've been enjoying since forever.
>if this is true
if you read the thread, you would now that it is not
crisis averted
I swear you guys get dumber by the day
I've been following the whole thing since the first articles were published user. Just having the leeway for publishers to offload the cost of the patch on consumers is enough for them to force it open over time. It's been proven time and again with the advent of DLCs, Season Passes and Remasters.
>In 2015, Blu-ray and DVD sales fell 12 percent while digital-media sales jumped 16 percent, following years of similar trajectories for both categories, according to figures from the Digital Media Group. In fact, digital sales also surpassed physical-media purchases last year, clocking in at $8.9 billion compared with $8 billion. And let's not forget about streaming subscriptions, which jumped 20 percent to reach $5.7 billion. In other words, 4K Blu-ray is launching at the worst time for disc-based media since the advent of DVDs.
Well Sony has been selling Blu Rays for quite longer than Microsoft so I guess they finally took a hint. Also Internet Bandwidth growth outpace physical media unless you live in a third world country with Cartel like ISPs
Developers are already practically charging $100 for a game. Arguably all the DLC could be considered part of what is essentially an unfinished game.
>raise the current standard pricing to 70$-80$
They already cost $90 after tax in Ontario, so that would be pretty lame, since the 'upgrade' would probably cost more here too.
Streaming "4K" does not look at good as 4K bluray, hell it barely looks as as regular 1080p bluray. The only people buying 4K TVs are people who want the top quality, the kind of people that want 4K bluray. It's not like Sony is making money when Sony or Amazon is streaming 4K unlike Bluray which Sony is actually a part of. It's an stupid ass move to not have it.
New games cost RM190 here in Malaysia. RM220 if it's an Ubishit game and more if it's a Rockstar game. And these are PC games. Console games cost RM250 minimum for a new release.
And our minimum wage is RM3.50 an hour for shit jobs in McDonalds and whatever. Video games are expensive as fuck but it's still not enough for publishers to afford a new yacht.
ok, so how about those of us not retarded enough to upgrade from the regular PS4
It's not like Sony is making when Netflix or Amazon is streaming 4K*
the patches are to enable hdr and shit, which you don't have to worry about