What the fuck was her problem?
What the fuck was her problem?
It's been a long time since I read this? What do you mean? Her wanting to transform the world into meat?
>you will never marry a cute eldritch abomination
Why live
Got raped
I can't believe she's in a fighting game
Nothing. Everyone else just had a problem with her.
Saya did nothing wrong.
This is literally true. Nothing she did was ever out of malice, it was either for Mr. Meaty or to carry out her instinctual desire to transform humanity. Saya is pure.
>No one will ever love you enough to deform another human being into a sex pet just for you
She just wanted everyone to be like her
I don't know why; Lovecraftian nature I guess.
Alright, so what the fuck was HIS problem?
Why even try to continue living?
Seeing and smelling everything as rotting organ meat isn't good for your psyche.
She just wanted to procreate, which she did in one of the endings.
Meat vision
how does curing cancer give you meat vision anyways
What the fuck was her problem?
Because it's fiction, baby. Anything is possible.
Nothing. She was perfect.
How long is this thing and is it worth it or does the character get eaten at the end
It's really short and only has 3 endings.
Someone does get eaten, but it's a minor character
It's a very short VN. There are 3 endings in total. This is just my opinion, but I think it's a very good place to start on VNs, since it's really good in demonstrating that there is more to VNs than drawn porn, and it's a quick read which helps if you're not used to reading a lot.
5 hours for normal people 7-10 for neo-Sup Forums. Yes it is worth it.
No, but lots of other people do
god what a gud soundtrack
Steam release when? Gotta get the animeme market.
I will never understand people who buy VNs from Steam, they're literally the easiest shit to pirate
That's like saying a cancer is doing nothing wrong. It's doing everything wrong.
I want to support the product I'm enjoying.
A matter of perspective. You can only do a bad thing if you have a consciousness to decide the alignment, otherwise you are acting according to your nature, which is what cancer does.
brain surgery frequently messes up stuff
Hope you enjoy getting ripped off AND getting the game censored.
You can feel the bad times rolling in when this song starts to play. This is some real suffering music
She's literally meatloaf and her boyfriend is literally brain damaged.
I don't feel ripped off at all, and I use uncensoring patches or torrent the uncensored version, thanks.
She's in several, what's your point?
Nothing, what the fuck is wrong with you
It was a car accident you dummy.
That's arguably a "good" track though.
The bad track is this one:
It's porn, not possible.
It wasn't even that, it was Saya's "dad" experimenting on patients to make a friend/partner for Saya.
Used goods that enjoyed her gang rape?
So by buying the censored version, you do know that you are supporting and condoning the censorship of art, telling the investors that censored is better, and telling the artists their original product is shit.
You are the problem. Just buy the game from amazon.co.jp you stupid cunt that just want the game in his precious steam library.
What? No it's not.
It never says that in the game.
It totes did, or it was at least >implied
That said, it has been a really long time since I read it...
how can you even censor this game. The core fucking concept is shes taking human jizz for the genetic apocalypse.
All her dad did was summon her.
The meat vision was just a plot device so you could love even an eldritch abomination.
>5 hours for normal people 7-10 for neo-Sup Forums
What the fuck does neo-Sup Forums even mean in this context? Dyslexic people?
I've read it like 7 times. It's not really implied that much but I could see why you could think that.
Just too pure for this world
Saya has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard
Videogame, movie, VN, it doesn't matter
It's so fucking top tier it's not even funny
In a lot of games porn has scenario values, doesn't prevent it from being censored, just look at Fate/Stay Night.
All the songs also starts with the letter S. Poetic.
My waifu is the purest thing that ever crawled this earth.
She look like that irl
Shoes of Glass is the best song and I have at least 400-100 listens to it
This version of it blew me away the first time I listened to it
Absolutely incredible
I can be .... worse
>the pain of being asked what this song is from in real life
delete this. no seriously, why the fuck was this comic ever made
Is that from the comic? I never actually read it and have no idea how bad it is.
you can just tell them like a normal human who's not insecure
Saya no Uta is leagues beyond Shoes of Glass.
I am supporting the VNs being sold worldwide, which is what the games really need.
Looks like you can only think with extremes, as expected from user. I think it's ok to work one step at a time. If the publisher can give me an uncensoring patch from under the shelf, then it's a great solution to me.
There's a hole where the vaguely between where her legs are so good enough for me
Ah yes this is from the japanese novel saya no uta. its about fucking a little girl but its okay shes actually an other dimensional horror sent to fuck up humanity literally aND metaphorically.
No she does not, do you not have the official art book?
Ito Kanako is great.
If you're too afraid to say that to a person then you must truly be a beta.
As long as she loves me I don't mind.
Shit that was supposed to be 400-1000
Do as said
Say it's an interactive book with an engaging story with pictures and music. "Visual novel" doesn't work as well in my experience
I love them both but Shoes of Glass is with me on an emotional level that I'll never be able to explain/drop
What was HIS problem? Dude just wanted to go innawoods with his waifu.
She raped and mutated the girl who had a crush on Fuminori out of jealousy. Saya's a petty little bitch.
Shotgun/Suicide ending is far and away one of the most satisfying conclusions to any VN I've read.
Well deserved, to the both of them. The both of them deserved to be nuked.
She look exactly like that tho
>I am supporting the VNs being sold worldwide, which is what the games really need.
Why do you even care about worldwide, so investors and media from the west can start influencing the last untainted genre of video games?
Do you want a nigger in every galge, just because diversity? No? Then just buy the game from amazon.co.jp to support the artists, and they will keep doing good uncensored games.
Been a while since I played this but my favorite ending was single bullet.
It felt like a perfect downer. I don't understand why there should be a 'happy' ending in a story like this.
Also, didn't the guy that composed the music get shanked and killed? The OST was pretty creepy.
Too pure for the eldritch truth.
I thought the ending where she released the spores into the atmosphere and more or less 'died' so you lost you waifu was sad.
She did it because she thought it would make fuminori happy as opposed to just killing her after her mind shattered.
No she does not. Look into the artbook. There is a sketch that is a full completion of the CG where we partially saw her and her eye.
>poor's man Cthululu myth
He is the personification of normies.
There isn't a happy ending in this, what the fuck is wrong with you
More like Japan making waifus out of everything
I don't think there is scans, I have the book at home.
It's this one, shares with Angelos Armas.
"In every man lurks the dark desire to
spoil that which is beautiful."
Because the planet has more people than Japan alone and Japan is racist enough to not give a shit about your opinion.
I figured spore ending was a bit happy or bittersweet to those that liked Saya or the protag. I didn't like either and would burn both in a fire at the drop of a hat.
Good VN though. I somehow convinced a few friends to play it and although they liked it they won't let me live it down.
Oh man the ending where he ends up in the loony bin and she comes by randomly and uses a cell phone to communicate made me sad as fuck
This is not the 1600's, what is made in Japan can be found worldwide, even if not commercially made available everywhere.
And are you going to say to me that NO nintendo/sony/pokemon shit were modified/censored to cater to a western audience?
Only sane man in a fucked situation.
is there a summary of saya no uta
Damn this song is filthy.
You niggers want a real mans VNs?
Swan Song
Kara no Shoujo
Kara no Shoujo: The Second Episode
Play these and you'll see that there is no God.