Time to get fucked, stud

Time to get fucked, stud.

this game is shit

You're shit

you're mom is shit

>been playing nimin for a while
>check daycare
>little under 3k children

Stop with these threads they're popping up more than usual

Not today.

Man this game started off pretty good, then half way threw.... god help us

Fuck this game, they never implemented the Tamani dating route.

>tfw no goblin assassin to sit on your face and jerk you off with her feet


>cant fuck the kids you have with urta

I didnt know I wanted this. I want this. fuck you for making me want this.

>sex scene about breeding harpy daughter
>doesn't actually effect the game at all
The fuck

We're all shit


Are there any games like the prison mod for CoC?

What do you mean? Games with a lot of [placeholder]s?

>first third of game
>tons of mythological creatures and DnD monsters you rarely get to see in porn

>middle of game
>tons of demons with cocks the size of buildings and tits bigger than the entire rest of their body
>kind of boring but still okay

>last 3rd of game and endgame
>nothing but generic fursonas

>tfw wanted to be super broodmare in CoC

3k children fucking lord man.

anyone got that screenshot of the CoC character with testicles that are like a mile circumference?

Games where you are the one getting mind broken. Those place holders are suffering.

Nimin lets you have as many vaginas as you want and you can birth like 6-10 kids from each womb so 3k is pretty easy to achieve

>literally have max stats minus libido
>everything gets its shit pushed in in 2 hits
>too bored to find the magic spells
>have a harem of beasts at the camp and the demon slave
none of the scenes excite me anymore

>be fujoshit
>see hype over fantasy fetish game for boys to beat off to
>used to like fanfiction, so give it a shot for lulz and screenies
>start with female character
>avoid all intercourse and play it as a straight fighter
>get to Minotaur scenes and discover things you wish you didn't know about your sexuality

So is there anything that's like CoC, just with actual good writing and less furry shit?

and don't fucking say TiTS, i don't want to play anything made by that fenoxo guy

Fall of Eden:^)

You can give Slablands a shot.

TiTs is both better and worse in a lot of ways.

What game?

Clash of Clans

>actual good writing and less furry shit
You know that's impossible.

It's amazing if you like furry shit and dicks. A LOT of dicks.

I love it

Needs more breast expansion options.

Sadly it's true

TiTS is actually better than you might think.

Besides that, the unpleasant truth is that Fenoxo is the only person who has got his shit together enough to actually make these games. Every other one fails quickly.

Slablands manages to be even more autistic than CoC/TiTS ever was. Not to mention, years later, still has no fucking content.


I just want to turn into a fat cowgirl and milk my giant udders all day while I lay magical eggs and honey out of my pussy and ass.

It's sad that the only collectable/usable item out of the three are the colored eggs. I want to use my breastmilk and butthoney for more than pocket change and a masturbation scene.

Shame FoE is pretty much dead.

Can you really say that with a straight face?

Call of Cthulhu

Clash of clans



No, sadly there isn't