Post power suit/armor/exoskeletons
Suit thread
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Do people really think this doesn't look terrible or do they just like it because it's associated with Doom?
it looks fantastic and I would pay exorbitant amounts of money on cosplay to dress up as doomguy
It's the only power suit I've ever really liked aside from this.
armour > no armour
Alright then.
I think the entire midsection is vomit-inducing but to each their own.
I like nuDoom but the serious sam style levels kinda suck compared to the orignial and on top of that you dont fight massives horde like in ss although nudoom run without absolutely no problem on pic related unlike serious sam 3.
>FO4 power armor mechanics were awesome (for the most part)
>the rest of the game tho
Pic related has some of my favorite designs out of anything. Even 3 has some cool stuff.
I still don't like his new design but I'll be fucked if nuDOOM isn't great.
Youre a faggot with no taste.
It's incredibly ugly but I find it incredibly charming for some reason.
I won't lose sleep over it.
I fucking loved this movie
I'm convinced that xcom apoc is the ugliest game ever made that people still consider good.
I've always wanted to try and 3d model it but i feel like it would destroy said charm, not unlike what fo3 did to powerarmor.
It is. That game is fucking ugly as shit, but god damn is it fun.
that fucking hairy pig nose laser thing ffs what were they thinking
>this is batman now
friend of mine who doesn't draw nearly as often as he should.
makes some good armor related shit tho
As someone trying to learn to draw this pisses me off. If I could draw like this I'd be drawing 24/7.
Well, I do remember that certain colors do make people nauseous. That's what Visceral did for Dead Space 2.
I wish I could draw armor.
post the nanosuit
Prophet sucked cock.
Fuck niggers.
This Raiden render still makes me hard. In-game armor doesn't look that good though.
I kinda love all iterations of Chief's armor
Honestly Halo 4/5 armor is pretty sick
Agreed. I don't get the hate.
I like the Halo 4 model, but it's not as iconic as the original Mark VI.
Prime 2's is better.
Honestly, a lot of 343's designs are pretty damn solid like the weapons, soldiers/marines, and the Spartan-II armor. On the other hand, they went entirely overboard what with the underarmored Spartan-IIIs.
I never had a problem with the MC's new look in Halo4/5. I have a problem with how they explained why he got the new armor though. Nanomachines? Nah go fuck yourself.
>Portal 2 Robot figures
Where can I get those?
It looks like shitty 343 armor from gaylo 4
Fuck you.
This is true. I like the little notch on the top of the visor.
>gets in batmobile
>whole game is a giant batmobile section
Who else /armor fetish/ here?
>No one has posted space marines because we all already know it's inarguably the best power armor.
Why is the mid-section vomit-inducing? It's not made to be aesthetically pleasing, it's meant to be indestructible. It looks like it's actually fit around a human as well, instead of a toothpick like a lot of other power armors seem to do.
P-Body isn't too hard to get nowadays:
Atlus is pretty much sold out though.
not really, read codex.
This is a power armor
Literally the first user I've ever seen post terra Nova strike force centauri on this forum. I've been sneaking it into threads for almost a year now. Are you the same as xcom armor poster?
>useless gears and engines all over the place
>probably half the weight of the suit
>decrease armor effectiveness
whats the point
that's like the air force buying a plane where half the weight accommodates gears that flip the exhaust around
ARS from Vanquish
Nova's ghost suit from SC2 holds a special place in my pants
You can just have one actuator with hydraulic tubes all over to move all those small bits. The reason is to make the suit for fitting without the hassle of putting them on one by one.
Mechwarrior battle suits and element suits look kinda like that, but they're more hard to wrap your head around.
and more excuses
>Suit/ExoSkeleteen thread
>no Haze stratos
what a bunch of nerds.
Fuck, time to replay this. Screw the Wii Remote for needing batteries but still
it looks fine its a cool exo power suit thing whats wrong with it
Give me some sleek GOTTA GO FAST powered suits Sup Forums
Mark V a best
Mark IV*
that's concept art for Halo CE so it's the Mark V
Played a bit of the original, never got this one because apparently it was pretty dead by then. Shame too, since it was a pretty fun game.
I like MK IV the most.
Seeing astartes marching in a parade was really the best part of that whole thing.
>tfw get a hard on from watching WW2 movies where they gear up with strap tightening and belts and buckles
>all suit design is just spiky, bulky and impractical
just kill me
Shame Section 8 died as quickly as it did, it was a fun game.
Pardon my ignorance, but what's this from?
This game looked interesting to actually play. What a shame.
Plz get serious guys and loot at that
Thanks buddy
Am i being memed?
nope you are not.
Holy nigger shit, this is fucking outstanding
The secreta has some nice armour
>all this great art, modeling, and music
>ruined by horrible voice acting
wtf are those lame shit vinyl rags.
he looks like he would die on another planet's surface
fanart doesn't count
the ingame armor doesn't look 1/3rd as cool.
It's overdesigned as fuck. Too many small details, give me something simple. A modernized version of the original armor would have been much appreciated, atleast they gave a proper lore explanation as to why it's different.
>fanart doesn't count
It's concept art for the first Tribes game, you fuck.
Did you even know there were Tribes games before Ascend?
Would be better if it was more consistent. All the really jagged parts contrast with the smooth helmet and chestpiece.