What's the ideal MMO?

What's the ideal MMO?

Something nobody would want to play, at least according to the last 1000 of threads about the subject.

I liked Shadowbane.

FFXI as it used to be

Maplestory, circa 2007

moople and runescape were pretty decent at one point or another

old school runescape

This. FFXI pre trusts when it was alive.

maybe if you're autistic


>Sup Forums - Video Games

SWG at launch. EQ1 at launch. Heck, EQ2 at launch thru Echoes of Faydwer

don't post too loudly user, you'll attract the mapleroyal shills

tell me that face to face in the wildy mother fucker

Hi /msg/ how are you today?

Still pretending that the people in your general aren't massively in the minority when it comes to opinions on MS?


mgq as an mmorpg with smt negotiations where you can keep the girls as your waifu

You're missing like 3 letters from the acronym lad

Like WoW but with ninjas.


Something with mechs

Something where you can skip absolutely all "story", if I wanted story I wouldn't be playing a fucking MMO

you have shit taste, user