So What exactly is Xenoverse? And do I get to main the strongest human?
DBZ vidya thread
So What exactly is Xenoverse? And do I get to main the strongest human?
DBZ vidya thread
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I'm pretty sure humans have noses
yes you can main Tien.
Alt-timeline DZB fightan gaem and yes, Tien is in it.
Best evil Goku comin' on through.
Tien has 3 eyes. Humans don't have 3 eyes.
Humans have noses
he's got his third eye open
If Krillin didn't have a nose, he'd be dead
basedfug is a retarded mongoloid
Humans don't have 3 eyes
BT2/3 were the last DBZ games that really did it for me. A copy on PS2 goes for $70 at my local game store.
Hell,just a digital copy of 2 or 3, ANYTHING.
Budokai HD collection I've burned out and Dragon Rush fucking ruins the game for me after a while. I wish they did the version of 3 with Janemba and no DR for the HDC.
it's a spiritual thing
Hoped for this until they released the atrocious Budokai Collection. Fuck them, I don't want my games censored and content cut.
>strongest human
But user, you're absolutely right
Can anyone beat Tien? And I'm not talking about Tien with Kai training.
I'm talking about Tien after the Cell games, having trained for 7 years in 1000G gravity while wearing 10 ton clothes, with his Mystic form unlocked, with Majin energy, and while using the Kaioken 20K
Absolutely not. Tenshinhan after training 10 years in Room of Spirit and Time while having Kaioken permanently activated and being able to fight his clone copies each with 4 arms for maximum effect puts him at the top.
He's spiritually enlightened, its a buddhism thing.
Daily reminder of pic related.
Also budokai tenkiachi 2 is too underrated. Loved that as a kid.
i've never met actual retarded people on Sup Forums
how do you use the restroom in the morning?
Lets see those Xenoverse characters and your autistic backstories for them anons, whether its screens or drawn.
Nameks don't have penises though
Budokai 2 was fun outside of the very end of the map with Kid Buu, that was just frustrating.
Nigga what ?
This one does. Get over it.
>not including the Z sword
what is this donutsteel thing
i wish this was real actually
Who the fuck drew all this autistic maximum roided tien fanart?
Why is Tien's fanbase the most butthurt? Even Jobeta's fanbase has some pride in their character.
So was someone really this mad Tien didn't do shit once Z started?
That's not even fair. Piccolo doesn't have SSJ2 powerlevels.
This is a better display of Tenshinhan's power
Oh look, a Krillin fan upset that they don't have cool AU power and movesets.
A Tien with the power to go toe-to-toe with the bullshit of later saga powerlevels
If Krillan had a nose he would have lost to Bacterian
Reminder that we'll never see best mother again
Seems like you missed your daily dose
>unironically the strongest human
>cutest wife
>strongest wife
>cutest daughter
>retired and safe from danger but still regarded as a hero
>rich by proxy because he knows Bulma from way back
Krillin had an easy ass life.
Why aren't you? The fact that Toriyama fell in love with his pet Saiyans is a travesty. Tien was doing fine for all of DB.
He did well in every single fucking tournament. But then he dies(after narrowly avoiding death once), and it's all downhill from there
If Tien had gone to Namek and got his potential unlocked, he would've done way more than Krillin. The Crane style would've worked beautifully against Frieza
Pan will end up being the cutest daughter, so Gohan at least has something.
Future Mai is gonna end up being the cutest wife eventually, they've really done wonders on her character from the days of Dragon Ball.
he got fucking exploded on an alien planet
>Wore armor anyway
He got better.
Krillin died before Tien in the Buu saga. Krillin stopped training.
Tien is stronger
>cutest wife
>cutest daughter
I didn't know Krillin cucked Gohan somehow.
She was originally in Bardock's team, but wasn't fit for fighting. Besides it seems like everyone in Frieza's army was conscripted to wear Armor. Vegeta makes a similar comment about it in Super and how Cabba wears gladiator style armor and it was what they wore before Frieza.
Will we ever get a handheld experience as good?
I still can't believe they threw Mai a bone after 2 fucking decades.
And some higher-ups in Toei are so buttmad about it, it causes in-fighting.
I watched about half of the original Dragon Ball but will probably never watch Z
What did they do?
Why would they be mad?
>Vegeta makes a similar comment about it in Super and how Cabba wears gladiator style armor and it was what they wore before Frieza.
Fuck that noise. It's just retcon after retcon with Super and I'm getting pretty fucking bored with it.
Toei can stay butthurt. She was always kind of just a there character despite always liking the Pilaf gang and thinking them becoming kids was a bit silly, but I'm loving what they've done with Future Mai, she's great.
Are you telling me this isn't the height of sci-fi costume design?
Saiyan Armor hasn't been Saiyan Armor since the Namek Saga was made out of material based on Frieza's/Chilly Willie's bio-armor.
Nigga, I'm a Future Trunks main. your main has jobbed more than Trunk's rather large kill count on non cannon fodder characters.
So you stalled imperfect cell for a few minutes with triangle square beam. Woop dee fuckin doo! Krillin managed to hurt Frieza by cutting his tail off(if frieza felt pain from goku biting his tail, imagine how having it cut off would feel like to hin) and hit survived Nappa's onslaught without losing his arm. Krillin got android 18's pussy, while Toriyama forgot the closest thing Tien had to a love interest even existed.
Tien fuckin sucks m8
But is it an RPG?
>Keep hoping for more stuff in regards to transformations for everyone but Saiyans
Deep down I know its all we're getting because fuck everyone who doesn't pick a saiyan but I just want more. Maybe in X3.
>I wish they did the version of 3 with Janemba and no DR for the HDC.
Look up Infinite World. It's exactly what you're asking for although it's apparently hard as shit.
Tag Team had some of the best What if stories.
Even if it also had some of the shittiest
>tien got cucked by toriyama
Suddenly getting blown up isn't so bad anymore
Nah it's basically multiplayer Tenkaichi 3 on PSP in terms of combat
Another game like the LoGs would be sick though
That armor is flexible anyway
Are you fucking kidding me? Krillinwas the first "major" character to die in DB. He never did anything useful. Meanwhile, Tien was fighting Goku and Piccolo pretty evenly.
Come Saiyan Saga, it is true Tien bit the dust. But that was for pure shock value, because Tien had never died.
Tien fought against the Androids, while Krillin stood there look a pussy. Tien fought against Cell, while Krillin stood there like a pussy. Tien fought his Cell Jr. way better than Krillin did.
And who got turned into stone and then Candy? Krillin.
It really upset me that they went to the laziest possible place and had one which was just "Broly kills EVERYONE".
What were the good ones? And were any as good as Piccolo's story in Supersonic Warriors? Trick question, no they won't
and Tien is the descended of aliens retard, so he's not human. One drop.
Chilly Willies get Golden Frieza, even though Frieza chose that color so presumably they all can, its something.
Namekians get a Giant Form similar to old Lord Slug stuff.
Earthlings get Unlock Potential and I believe Mystic/Ultimate.
Majins unfortunately get massively shafted and they just get Kid Buu and its whatever color their Majin is. No clothes changes, no Super Buu, just Kid Buu. I mean it makes sense that they all came from Kid Buu through Fat Buu, but still.
A lot has changed though. SSJ takes 3 Ki bars, SSJ2 takes 5, and SSJ3 takes 7, which a lot of ultimates now actually consuming ki, upwards to 5 bars total for some. There is no SSJB however, which is weird, since Golden Chilly Willies are in, you'd think it'd function like SSJ3 and just be a cosmetic thing for people that wanted it, but work exactly like SSJ3.
No. It looks like he's wearing a bra with frilly purple bits dangling off the bottom of it.
No he isn't you fucking retard. He is an enlightened human. Watch dragonball.
Tien is human, just like Chiaotzu is human. Hell Chiaotzu is less of a human than Tien is, he's a fucking Chinese Emperor Vampire.
It did, and never will again.
>Krillin was directly attacked by Buu
>Buu didn't even bother to hunt Tien down
>He oneshotted both characters
Yeah nah.
That wasn't even written by Toriyama.
It's just some shit the suits jam into the lore books to get people to shell out money for them.
Best AU, can't prove me wrong
guys what about Yamcha?
Krillin getting attacked by Buu was just because he was in the area. Tien was busy training, he at least attacked Buu.
What site is that?
I forgot
nigga thats a retcon
>Tien's profile in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 mentions the Triclops as being an alien race.
>The Daizenshuu guidebooks claim that he is a descendant of aliens, called the "Three-Eyed People" (三つ目人, Mitsume-jin), which is exactly what is sounds like.
Tien dodged the human extinction attack. And he fought a version of Buu that was way stronger.
If Goku fused with Tien, he would've been able to kill Buuhan
Nigga doesn't write anything anymore. I mean, which one is more cannon at this point? GT or S?
And Krillin got the ultimate training.
Banging an android that can destroy worlds.
No its not. Raging Blast 2 isn't canon, and the Daizenshuu is translated wrong. The term is Three-Eyed Clan. Dragon Ball and Toriyama himself have gone on record that he is human, and that the Three-Eyed Clan are not aliens, but enlightened humans who have opened up their third eye due to meditation.
Toriyama writes all the plot outlines for Super, which is why Mai is a major character.
All Toriyama did for GT was design a few characters.
Super is clearly more canon.
>completely ignores the frieza saga
True, Krillin has died more, but he was always smarter. While Krillin didn't jump in against the androids, he quickly realized it was better not to go in and job like a retard like everyone else. Krillin also saved people from imperfect cell without almost killing himself.
Before you mention buu saga, any of the Z fighters could have dodged the extinction attack. If Tien was on the lookout, Buu would have eaten him like everyone else.
Tien's a faggot ass bitch who can't fight a main villain without almost/completely killing himself.
>Tien dodged the human extinction attack
So did fucking Chiaotzu.
Pretty much any decently skilled fighter could have dodged it, it's just that the only two somewhat competent human fighters left that weren't on the lookout were Tien and Chiaotzu.
>If Goku fused with Tien, he would've been able to kill Buuhan
Her personally storyboards Super. This is in regards to the anime (which he gives them rough outlines) and the Manga, which he is more involved with Toyotaro, the one drawing it for him.
Super is 100% canon, GT is 0% canon. The only thing Toriyama did for GT were a couple designs, Pan and GT Trunks, which some of that has carried into Super such as Trunks' ascot, and the title GT itself which means Grand Tour.
I thought they just gave him the ascot in Super to make him look more like his mother, who also has one in super.
Krillin is also one of the reasons Perfect Cell even exists in the first place because he refused to just kill 18. I mean it worked out in the end and he got some non-aging teen pussy, but still, he was being a bitch for a woman he had no interactions with other than watching her murder people and getting their asses kicked.
Tien's fighting style has produced results. Post-Frieza, Krillin never contributed to any fight
Its part of the reason as well, but Super Future Trunks' has a lot of design elements taken from various things.
Such as the sweater he currently has on. He's wearing that in Xenoverse underneath his jacket.
A simple cel panel, Look how attractive it is with it paint strokes and hand pencilled linart.
I hate CG now.
>I mean it worked out in the end
If you don't count all those people Cell killed because of Krillin, sure.
>watching her murder people
Did they actually kill anyone in the present-timeline?
How are the Origin games? Any good DS do stuff? There's a Kai one it looks pretty good
His name is Tenshinhan, the strongest human.
Attack of the Saiyans.
>Tien held off Imperfect Cell for a few minutes by almost killing himself.
>But in the end, it didn't even matter