ITT: People you wouldn't want to play vidya with

ITT: People you wouldn't want to play vidya with.


you a jew, kikey?

he was a great man, but that doesn't mean i'd want him on my team. dude would be a total newb. (i do not use n**b because it is an offensive slur like nigger)

>Is that a fucking Japanese game, user? Do I need to go mental on you?

why not call him a ni********gger instead?

Todd Howard, I bet he is a cheating cunt.

Its 2016 user, don't be a racist. Haven't you seen John Green?





But who is it? WHO?!

I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say Obama is who.

so fucking brave

I honestly believe that Ben is holding out his racist power level. You don't make a comic like this without the underlying message being 'democrats want the black vote' and 'black people stereotypically love fried chicken'.


any streamers or e-celeb

>luck manipulation
I wouldn't play Mario Party with him, that's for sure.


Found the jabroni

I guess that makes sense.

