Why is rosalina so tall? That puts her in the heavy class in mario kart

Why is rosalina so tall? That puts her in the heavy class in mario kart

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Miyamoto recommended it to differentiate her.

It did set her apart, true. But I always thought that made her look awkward racing in the same class as a lardo like wario

I want Rosalina to step on me.

how vulgar.

I wanna suck her dick

It's a clit. It just looks like a dick.

Daisy is the one with a penis.

Thanks OP. This is going to be my first picture for boner encouragement.

Alright, whos gonna do their folder dump this time


She's my racing bae




Me too


Why are Peach and Daisy naked here?


I want to lick her high heels.

why do westerners like drawing nintendo so much? whenever you see fanart of a nintendo character it's like 90% chance that it's western, which is the opposite of almost any other jap game fan art.

Because Nintendo trash and western trash artists go hand in hand.

Recognizable characters gets them attention.

Where does Fupoo even draw these days?

His blogspot is barren


More pictures of characters wearing that arm thing that covers only one finger in op's post. For reasons

I wanna knock up Rosie!

>get her pregnant
>suck delicious milk out of her swollen pregnancy tits
It's win-win

Sounds yummy!

Behold, autism in its purist form



>sleeping on top of user
I don't know why I like feeling something heavy on me when I sleep but I do

Greentext arrow writing is a crutch for real writing structure.

Rosie has a chubby butt!

Well I personally copied the original fic directly from posts.

It's decent for when you just want to blast out a quick fapfic or whatever that's not meant to be seen as anything substantial.

>implying I caught a word of your post with that image in the way

It's so big and fat, it blocks everything close to it.
And yeah, I guess that's fine.

Not just the size. It's pretty easy to distract someone whose blood is running south.

I want to kiss her tummy!

Yeah, their blood and their eyes. It's like the bigger Rosalina's ass is, the more looks it pulls in with its gravitational pull.
It's a nice soft tummy, it would be so soothing to kiss it.

Hey. You guys.
Tell me why I should wanna fuck Rosalina.

You mean it's not obvious enough?

She thicc!

Why not?

She doesn't get your weewee hard as she is? Come on user

That's it?

I've got something else it could pull in.

The impregnation potential.

I want Miss Rosie to sit on me!

Not my bag.


When a stellar mass becomes massive enough, it will naturally draw in bigger objects. What's it going to be pulling in next?

And yes, all the impregnation potential.

What does her butt smell like?

If we're going to be all scientific about it, she'll be drawing in a mass of variable volume, where that volume is directly proportionate with how close it is to penetrating her event horizon.

I have those fingertip numbing orgasms thinking of her belly bulged with jizz.

Star bits

Sweet condensed milk!

Can you impregnate Rosalina even though she's not human?

If God wills it, it can be done.

Sounds intriguing. Give it to us in layman's terms prof.

She was born to be a mommy. Her pregnant belly bloated and round makes me a dozen kinds of horny.

Being blunt about it, she'll be drawing in my cock which will be getting bigger the closer it gets to her ass.

Both the aftermath and the initial breeding get me throbbing. That belly bulging is just the best, most obvious sign of her fertility. Not to mention how it'd affect her hips, breasts, and ass.

>not human

At least post the better version.

I want to rail Rosalina

She's too big to be human.

Divine beings aren't human.

Penetrate far into the depths and explore where none have explored before.

You may be my nigga. I love everything about impreg from beginning to end. Mating with her like wild animals, to the belly growing bigger, bigger, waiting to see just how massive a size it will blimp to. And how how all her curves swell up with her tummy, and the lactation. unf.

I suppose that's true.