Why is it suddenly okay to say positive things about WoW now that Legion has been released? I thought Sup Forums hated everything that has to do with Blizzard. What is going on here?
Why is it suddenly okay to say positive things about WoW now that Legion has been released...
It's not ok, but sometimes post or two slip through the hi/v/emind mind control.
Don't worry, the posters will be hunted down and re-educated SOON.
>you will never slip your dick between her big soft room temperature tits and never leave
Fucking contrarians and their fake opinions
>room temperature corpse titties
I really hate how no one seems to claim WoW is pay2win when you can fucking pay to boost to level 100!
Sounds like heaven
Because you don't win.
Think about what you're saying. Think about what this game is.
You never win. There is no winning.
People have hyped it up too much and are unwilling to admit they were wrong. Give it a few months and people will give up, just like they did with Overwatch.
its almost as if people talk about a fucking videogame when it releases or something
>Sup Forums is one person
>don't win
>the entire point of the game is to train, grind, level and get gear. Rinse repeat.
> you can skip all that if you pay to go straight to endgame.
Being lvl 100 doesn't mean you'll win against other lvl 100s. Infact you'll probably do a lot worse since you don't know how to play the game.
You're so hellbent on making your point that you completely miss the fucking irony of what you're saying.
God you're retarded.
you haven't played wow in a while have you
If you had argued against WoW tokens then I would have agreed, but a level 100 boost isn't that much worse than the existing services like faction changes. It may be bad for the game but it's not pay2win.
>questing through stormheim
>not really feeling it
>get to the end
>Alright greymane lets go
worth it just for that line
Expansion hype that lasts about 2 months or until the first major patch comes out.
Then it fades into obscurity as people run out of things to do in the game and with no real community they leave and play other games.
it's called "shilling"
How are Survival Hunters in PVP and PVE?
made this pic in paint
We're on neo-Sup Forums where half the threads are overwatch threads. Have you not noticed? We lost user, this board belongs to the new generation now. You should just let go and realize there is no board for our kind anymore.
Welcome to The End.
>neo-Sup Forums
>not nu-Sup Forums
fuck off tumblr cuck faggot
>More people have watched the Jontron Blizzard rant about how shit it is Nostalrius got shut down than have bought Legion
Truly impels your neurons to fire
Will people ever accept Sup Forums isn't one person or group
Except uniformly we're all losers
It's almost like Sup Forums actually does judge things on merit most of the time. And Blizzard products have been unforgivable shit since after Wings of Liberty until recently.
That said I'm starting to feel burnt out on account of the fact that I've put over 5 days of gametime into the game since launch. (And even more grinding a gnome to cap on invasions). Not sure if I actually dislike suramar and a decent chunk of the end game or just need a break but fear not being geared up in time for my guilds team 2 raiding in Oct.
>Why is it suddenly okay to say positive things about WoW now that Legion has been released?
Because Sup Forums is getting shilled hard by marketing.
You might have also noticed a sudden surge in threads shit talking FFXIV. That's not a coincidence.
>using nu despite current year
Ok grampa. Time for bed.
>unholy dks can summon a val'kyr cd pet, abomination pet with a rotface/festergut cd, army of the dead, and the artifact has a summon more minions proc
Sounds cool, but I'll still remain unsubbed.
This. I can barely understand or play my boosted character.
The End started around a few months ago when you might've noticed an increase in spongebob posting.
>More nostfags have cried on Sup Forums than there are grains of sand on the beach
Really compels me to ponder
but wow wasn't good since ulduar raiding ended