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We're like a week away from TGS, there's a chance they'll show it there (unless they already confirmed they won't like with E3).

If they don't show it in September or October it means they delayed it

Nintendo doesn't have physical presence at TGS so they're not revealing it there. However, I would be surprised if Nintendo didn't host a direct or conference the week of.

What? For what reason?

No need in being cynical

Nintendo could take a shit on stage and it still would be better than the PS4 Pro reveal

NX reveal will have its own event, even if it's just a digital one

The NX is actually ahead of schedule

how would you know

>Not eXist

It was due out this holiday season
It was delayed to strengthen the launch lineup

>Nintendo uses mobile earnings to fund high end console development to actually compete with current gen consoles.

Probably too optimistic.

Insider here. You most likely have already seen it.


Realistically what can we expect from the reveal

>Here's Zelda on NX

>Here's "Mandatory Tech Demo game"

Miyamoto's words imply we won't see 3D Mario until Atleast E3 2017

Insider here. You most likely have already seen it.

I'll be impressed if they confirm that Zelda NX will actually look significantly better than the WiiU version, also difficulty settings.


He knows someone who knows someone who knows a catdog that works for Nintendo high command.

Pfff.Then post it then faggot.

Reveal what?

Why are they doing the same slim thing Germany is doing with their flag colors on all their governments sites and illustrations? Also the only color missing is black.

Will it be a console for cucks?

But Zelda U isn't always this foggy.

Why are you shitposting?

I think he was referring to the dogshit LOD present in the bottom pic and your webm

>thinking the wii u could handle this graphics fidelity
Shiggy diggy

Have patience, man. There are plenty of video games to be played in the mean time.

Are you so eager to be disappointed OP?

You know that top pic has been manipulated, right?

I think they'll show it around December.

They don't even have a prototype yet, they have no idea what they're releasing at this point. It could literally become anything.

While I was talking to a Nintendo rep on the phone about something, they told me about this:


Any thoughts or opinions about it? I haven't seen Sup Forums talk about it much.

If they go for one or the other, what would anons prefer?

>Semi portable console, can take it on the go but with less power or use it at home for more

>fully backwards compatable console with good resolution/upscale support

The tournament ends next year, so it's possible that the NX will be already out by then.

It's THE perfect time to reveal it.

iPhone 7 (mobile gaming) reveal was shit
PS4 Pro (competitor) reveal was shit.

C'mon Nintenbros.

All I want from the NX is a good launch line up. That's all I can hope for really.

Doesn't mean anything. That prize is being awarded after the supposed launch of the NX.

This, all that matters are the games.

3DS is so shitty hardware wise and it has so many great games.

It's fanmade.

Sony and Nintendo are the only people who have good games with fun exclusives I'm hyped to get ps4 pro. RIP xbots. RIP PKEKS

Nigga who cares about sony, I want to see the fucking NX already.

I dont give a fuk which but the 3DS needs to die in a fire so Monster Hunter can come back to console.

One day I still wanna play the Halo games maybe if one day they all come to PC some how.

>strengthen the launch lineup
I'm a N fan but I don't see that happening.

>We're like a week away from TGS
Nintendo will not be attending TGS.

Nintendo never goes to TGS. It does however hold a press conference or direct around the same time. I miss Space World.

>They'll most likely be revealing it through a Direct

I love Directs, but they are really only good for software - and most importantly, there is no crowd reaction. This is really the only thing I miss from e3.

I hope they will do it through an actual press conference with a live crowd.

I just want another Twilight Princess reveal reaction.

That will never happen.


>I hope they will do it through an actual press conference with a live crowd.

I'd hope for that too, but Nintendo's recent disconnect from reality is proving to be a bigger issue than anyone anticipated.

>still getting hyped for anything Nintendo

Was the "you need to be over 18" rule removed or something?

That disconnect can result in some pretty funny stuff though.

Remember the 3DS reveal with all the models coming out on stage with the 3DS's chained to them?

PS4 is selling like hot-cakes and PS4 Pro is already top seller on amazon and stays there.

They have to fucking do a proper MH game.

The new president will never appear in public, not even in the Japanese directs.

Best we'll get is Reggie revealing it somewhere. But most likely it'll be a direct.

>not wanting Tatsumi "Yakuza boss" Kimishima on stage


I want him on stage, but it'll never happen.

Why not. He can act likable.

Oh, Miyamoto will comfirmed be on stage.

And Bill. Bill is the new Reggie

Bill > Reggie "Pizza Hut didn't want me" Fils-amie

He had plenty of opportunities already but he never showed his face.
The Japanese directs are held by a random dude.

It was when Sup Forums was created.

They weren't so disconnected from reality back then. They sure as fuck were when Wii U rolled around though.

It's a dock for an iPhone.

It's a cord for a pair of wireless iPhone earbuds

It's probably going to be a box of Fruit Loops with an LED light array taped to it - inside the box, there is a quartz crystal containing the souls of 37 infants whom whisper slurs and obscenities in the middle of the night telling you to stop playing with your pecker.

Whatever it will be, ReviewTechUSA will shill it along with every other Nintendrone.

Hopefully Nintendo wakes the fuck up and gets its head back in the game by not selling a cheap gimmick

Sony fucked up. I don't see any reason to hold up longer. They need to show it this month.

>liking anything Nintendo

I hope it's something like this.

This doesnt make sense

Why would the nx be a single game?

I would still be better than the PS4

Honestly, at this point, why do any of you even care?
It will never live up to your hopes and dreams. Its going to be a pile of shit.

Why show it now instead of a few weeks before release when hype won't have time to cool off and die?

>not even 4k HDR
but yeah, I would be totally okay with that.

>expecting good business decisions from Nintendo

Joke's on you pal. This thing will come out the day it's announced, just like the Saturn.

Nintendo will announce it two weeks after it launches.

They're still laughing at Sony's Crapstation 4 Pro.

Hey now PS4 has one game, and it's a bretty gud game

That would be a new one.

But you're already getting your current gen Console Hunter:


Kimishima is Yakuza. He'll avoid being on stage if he can help it.

>when hype wont have time to build up

They'll show it after TGS so that they can steal the thunder from their competitors after they've already blown their loads.
The one to announce their big news last always benefits from it.

I hope the NX has good hardware. I know the chance of that is slim, but I just want the next Monolith Soft rpg to really shine. I'll buy the console for that game alone

Everything is falling into place for Nintendo. Winning E3, massive Pokemon GO success, Tokyo Olympics teaser, Mario Run. 2016 has been a return to the top for the company, and I hope the NX continues to propel them upwards.

Do they ever attend TGS now? I remember them consistently being no shows

How is the LOD better in the upper pic than in my webm? Everything in the background is a low poly mess.

But he can't, not at a big reveal

You know the leaks are fake when the leakers aren't dead

They should release it, so it can flop and have Nintendo fans blaming Sony and Microsoft for all of Nintendo fuck ups like they have this entire generation.

Nintendo have actually played it really smart, announcing NX early and forcing the hand of the competition.

Now that the underwhelming PS4 pro and Scorpio are out of the way, Nintendo can ride that shit storm and announce a decent console and show some actual content and games too.

Wait until you see what the NX is like, you won't be calling Nintendo smart anymore
Which is a shame because I am something of a nintendrone

I want a handheld

I'm done with Nintendo consoles

Oh no doubt the console itself will be shit. It just needs content.

I just hope it'll be region free for once and have 3+ games I'm looking forward to.

dont you guys think theyll show it at tokyo game show? although nintendo is retarded so i wouldnt be surprised if they didnt.

They promised to show it this year, which means December 29th

Pretty sure they've delayed it because they realized it's literally the wiiu idea with the tablet controller again.

Yeah I'm sure that's it
>start working on NX in 2013
>3 years later
>oh shit guys, this shit is literally Wii U 2.0 what the fuck are we doing? better delay the shit out of this

>Now that PS4 Pro and Scorpio are out of the way, NX will sweep up all the disenchanted gamers

Eh, I dunno. Waiting this long to reveal a new console/handheld seems real dangerous, especially after the competition has just announced the release of new hardware that's scheduled to be released earlier. Parents probably won't be willing to put down money for more hardware right after getting their kids new consoles this winter. That may be less of an issue if NX turns out to be surprisingly cheap, but we'll see.

What's more, I'm curious to see what sorta hype NX is able to generate between its reveal and its release. Nintendo apparently feels that lots of people are going to get super excited between now and spring. Which, sure, they've got a few months to build on hype still. But if its another console that isn't immediately attractive (or outright confuses consumers), then they might need more time to market it effectively.

Sometimes I almost have a hard time believing that that there are developers like Monolith Soft in this world, and that they're still making games.

Almost every game they've made have been GotY to me.

fuck off with the backwards compatible meme

if people want to play wii and wiiu games how about they go fucking buy those consoles or a wiiu then

I want them to concentrate EVERYTHING they have on making the NX as good as it can be, not have to worry about making sure it can also run fucking wii games

pretty sure it's gonna be early october because we haven't heard any press getting invited for an event yet

>Microsoft killed itself - while the scorpio can at least do things the ps4 pro can't, it'll be too expensive and all their games are coming to PC anyway
>Sony killed itself - ps4 pro patches will cost money, sony fucked up mods on ps4 and the ps4 pro is practically useless, doesn't even increase fps. still only 1 game worth playing

Easy swoopings for Nintendo