What do you think of videogame apparel?

What do you think of videogame apparel?

It's ok I guess, I where some at the club when I go dancing and to the gym.

Wear do you where it?

I only like it if it's subtle.

assassins creed has the best stuff

I still want one

Autism in it's purest form

Sometimes, it's gud

Love it :^)

Definition of autism.

This is goo because it can be confused as a David Bowie thing

I think the makeup of the jacket is what makes it good

Damn it. I have the 2014 one even though I don't wear it too often. It looked nice, and is still in pretty good condition.

That 2016 one is better in every way though. No dumbass stripes up the arms, and zipper pockets.

Fuck, I'm actually tempted to order one.

MGSV? Never heard of it.

do it for me user, do it for me.

>This is a good shirt because people won't get what it's referencing

How about "it is a good shirt because it makes me look hot"?

Well but user, that means there are no good shirts for you.


Fashion is more than just "looking hot", my dear, it's about showing the world what kind of a person you are. For me it's about telling everyone who sees my front to know that I'm NOT to be trifled with and that I also think Kingdom Hearts is fun.

At least you're not getting a tattoo.



Hot Topic needs to be pruned.

>mfw I got a Homestuck tattoo

Fuck me, now I can't go out without a shirt


Mistakes were made

but why

What is it of?

Low point in your life, huh?

Just get a coverjob when you can. Lazer removal sucks.

>wool, AKA too hot for fall and too cold for winter
>black so any and all dandruff will show up
>"what sports team is that user" to your stuttering ass every day
>shoulders and arms way too small for an actual athlete to ever wear

No, fuck off, that is horrible

>getting a jacket that you can't button up

Some of it's cool, most of it is garbage.

I mostly hate how many shirts and shit just have the name of the game on it. It feels like you're just a walking advertisement.

Do you wear band t-shirts to show how plebeian other people are?

Been thinking about getting a shirt similar to this. It seems subtle enough that it could be taken as just a random pattern.

>Autism: The Shirt
Somehow I don't think you can fight.

>graphic t-shirts

As long as it's not some witty slogan or the like it'll probably not be that much of an eyesore.

I quite like those full print tees, the one with the entire front printed.

thats gay as fuck

Fashion! (Turn to the left)

Kanaya with a chainsaw. At least it makes a little sense since I'm a Virgo, but it's still pretty damn embarrassing

w h y



Yeah, black shirt with bloody red squares is not an eyesore

Nobody with self respect wears graphic t-shirts

You can buy shit like this from Uniqlo for $30, you have no excuse

I own this, I think it is my only videogame apparel cuz generally it is embarrassing af.

>getting a tattoo
>getting a tattoo of a webcomic
>trying to use Zodiac in the mix
Shit nigger, what are you doing?

This is the only graphic t-shirt I've ever bought myself.

I just buy plain tees for $6.

You can pull it off if you're attractive enough.


You literally can't though

Is this subtle enough?

Least you snapped out of autism.


You wouldn't believe how much pussy I pull with this horse shirt.

How could you think a cartoon character would make a good tattoo?


i know a guy who got the chain tattoos from bioshock 1

theyre really not bad, i wouldnt do it because i didnt like bioshock 1 that much but theyre pretty tasteful

Isn't it a reference to Ayn Rand and slavery?

Those are like the two things I'd least want a tattoo of.

I briefly considered getting the hylian crest on the back of my head.
Then I grew up.

I'd buy the shit out of some official Wipeout shirts. Power level is low enough where it's hiding in plain sight.


ayn rand no, slavery yes

they are literally meant to be the binding chains of a slave

he has a job, so

Shame they ended with 2048 which didn't even have a Racebox mode

Probably the most subtle one I have


Is it now a meme to refer to the most unsubtle video game clothing as subtle

I've got this one from the first International. Or whichever one was the first one. It's still pretty comfy. I also bought a mouse there and it came with a courier that I sold for like 600 bucks. Was pretty dank.

If you're attractive, then literally anything you wear is acceptable because you'll come off as quirky.

Unless you're a girl, desperate guys will use it as an ice breaker to get into your pants.

Yes, mom, get with the fucking times sheesh.