>amazon approved me for $1500 credit even though Im unemployed
lmao stupid normies
>amazon approved me for $1500 credit even though Im unemployed
lmao stupid normies
I guess as long as you pay for it eventually, it's ok.
You know you have to pay it back right?
Enjoy shit credit, retard
Not if he's china or Hong Kong people ;^]
ur the stupid mike doerfaggot
>prime membership is $50 for students
>apply for prime card
>put any bullshit yearly salary without proof
>get credit approved
Fucking how? I'm self employed and though I make good money I can never get approved for any kind of credit.
>synchrony bank
epic bro now I bet I will get raided by Sup Forums
Because it's garbage credit that can hurt your credit score but not help it. Paypal has something similar.
What's the rate, though?
My buddy did this and shipped the packages to an abondoned home and called the credit company about fraud when collections contacted him.
He got off scot free...
that's like, 3 months worth of autism bux
he'll be fine
Thats a shit 4k TV that has no HDR worth talking about. You should be going for the KS8000 series.
you are really tempting me to get a pro you fuck.
stop that
PayPal credit actually doesn't affect your credit score.
No interest if you make minimum or equal monthly payments
6, 12, or 24 months depending on how large the purchase is
Think it is like $2 a month for every $100 owed
Oh sorry I misread. Yea it doesn't help your credit at all.
because you have no credit. start with a secured credit card and build your way up, kid.
For a synchrony bank credit card? 15-35% if you miss a payment.
>credit rating in the shitter
>got off scot-free
I wish life were so wonderful but I cant get a $2000 tv
user, its a 1000$ TV.
Amazon is super easy to scam. A friend of mine got a 1080 for free recently because he lied and said the package didn't show up. Instant refund because the poo in loos running customer service don't give a shit.
if you don't give a shit about getting loans and you're self-employed, the credit system literally has no hold over you
>Fucking how? I'm self employed and though I make good money I can never get approved for any kind of credit.
Shit I was the same a years back. Some reason or another... nobody would approve of any credit cards for me because i lack a credit history. It was such bullshit so I just paid everything with a debit card. I never learned that I needed credit for anything at all until years after I'm out of high school.
Eventually I went to the bank and just made a 500 dollar savings accounts just so I can get a bank approved credit card to start building credit. That was the only fucking way I could get approved for any credit at all.
I make just above 20k a year and I got a basic ass Discover card - what's your APR baby boy
>tfw used to work at a collections agency cold calling faggots like OP about their debts
>agency knew you'd almost never get these dumb shits to pay, your job was to make their life miserable
>8 hours a day of people screaming at me and death threats against me and my family
Even though it was pretty easy to do, it was the most stressful job I've ever had.
Don't you need SSN? Won't it tank your credit score? Won't you pay 10x times over later when you want to buy a house or get a car loan?
If it's the result of fraud it gets removed off his credit history.
My credit was in the shitter due to late insurance payments and then went up to good when I disputed it.
>40 inch 4K
A fool and his money
Wow $1500 credit, you're really rolling in the borrowed dosh now.
Yeah but I got some trill ass speakers already so I got about $100 left
>mfw i've been blocking VoIP numbers from you faggots for 5 years now
2 more until you stop calling me for the $500 debt i accrued at 17.
You don't need credit for shit unless you are trying to buy something beyond your means.
Let's discuss legit scams we can pull off Sup Forums.
Oddly enough, lots of credit card companies will refuse to even give you a credit card if you got no credit history. You have to start in high school from those free credit card programs and if you pass on that during high school, there only other way is to ask the bank for one tho you have to deposit 500 bucks to a saving account to get $500 credit.
That's what happened to me since I never bothered with credit shit until I actually started applying for apartments and everyone would refuse because of no credit history even tho I could pay the rent for sure.
>"buying" a 4K TV
Why? the Pro doesn't do native 4K, TV channels won't be 4K for YEARS, and the selection of 4K media is too tiny to justify owning a 4K TV.
Whats wrong with them? I only have two accounts with them and my amex, it's the only credit I've -ever- had and I'm at like 760 in my early 20s. I don't even make that much.
That bank is what got my credit score started.
>Ge $1,500
>Waste it on the worst shit possible
Might as well have burned it OP
The company you worked for bought bad debt for pennies on the dollar. They hired you for minimum wage because robodialing for debt collection is illegal. Who is the real dumbshit? Don't judge people. Shit happens to everyone.
>not just renting out some cheap as fuck room or living with family
>not just buying a run down old piece of crap car for less than $500
dumb normie, credit is for wageslaves
>getting a 4K TV that's not OLED
>getting a PS4 Pro
How to spot a retard.
How does disputing work? Who do you talk to?
Aren't there three separate companies? Do you talk to all three?
Their are two Amazon credit one with Visa for credit line and Amazon Prime which is finance.
its 12 monthly payments 0 interest
I can pull $100 a month by begging my parents and eating rice
>You don't need credit for shit unless you are trying to buy something beyond your means.
ah.. it must be nice to be young and naive. Trust me user... you WILL need credit for many things in life. Many places will look at your credit rating and history and if you got no credit history, they will see it as you went bankrupted before or really bad with money. You can't even rent apartments without credit.
m8 i'm a poorfag on neetbux but you're even worse off than me if that's how you live.
>american economy
>He fell for the OLED meme
You pretty much have to have a credit history to rent, to get a mortgage for a house and even buy a car.
It doesn't matter if you got a job making 100k a year, and proof that you can make the payments. Companies want a credit history.
You can dispute through Credit Karma.
>buying shit you can't actually afford on credit
Or you could just, y'know, PAY your fucking debt.
You've got internet, and you're using it to do fuck all here on Sup Forums, so life can't be all that bad.
You must be a white male. they refuse to give you a credit card because credit is a scam -- it's an easy way to fuck someone's life over and get guaranteed returns. I'm a black male; I got approved for a credit card off the slap of a wrist because they suspect me of being some nigger who can't pay debts. little did they know I'm not even 1% Greek :^)
use the credit only in emergencies! silly bankers
>can't even rent apartments without credit
Maybe in Murrica you can't
>You pretty much have to have a credit history to rent
>You can't even rent apartments without credit
>until I actually started applying for apartments and everyone would refuse because of no credit history even tho I could pay the rent for sure
what the fuck are you talking about? where do you live?
i have a credit score of 650 and i've never been declined an apartment. even nice ones for $1,200/m.
Some apartments will also charge out the ass if you have no credit or shit credit too.
Imagine paying $1000 with $500 down for a one room apartment just because you don't have credit.
more like decades
most channels arent even 1080p yet.
>Eventually I went to the bank and just made a 500 dollar savings accounts just so I can get a bank approved credit card to start building credit. That was the only fucking way I could get approved for any credit at all.
Completely normal, blame your parents for not telling you to do this when you turned 18
Almost all Web based TV like Netflix have 4k and sony's checkerboard upscaler is one of the best, not to mention if he gets a pc he can 4k whenever.
But op, some 4k tvs have alot of lag, you should read some reviews to see how much the lag is
You can get a car that will transport you to a destination and back without problems for incredibly cheap. Only a dumbass would buy a car that they need a loan for
>Or you could just, y'know, PAY your fucking debt.
If I could I would. I don't have $500 or even the minimum $100 payment they keep asking for lying around.
>You've got internet, and you're using it to do fuck all here on Sup Forums, so life can't be all that bad.
I'm living with my GF. If I couldn't stay here, I would be in my car which is a piece of shit and I don't even have car insurance.
"Other organizations, such as mobile phone companies, insurance companies, landlords, and government departments employ the same techniques." (Using credit score to determine risk...)
>You can't even rent apartments without credit.
Uh...what backwards country is this?
>I have a credit score of 650
Because you fucking retard, you have a credit history. Even if it's fair or shit credit they'll rent to you.
Apartments don't rent to people with zero credit history
Native doesnt mean it isn't worth. We are getting at least 1440p out of most Pro games. That combined with HDR on the better 4k TV sets is gonna be a huge boost in Graphical Fidelity.
> buying shit you can afford on credit since discover credit cards gives you 1% cash back on everything
> pay off all your debts before any interest is charged
That 1% adds up over the years.
The one I posted is really the only one I can afford
My credit is so bad that I can't even get a bank account and have to use those prepaid card fake ones (Chase Liquid) and I've still never had to pay anything extra for utilities or apartments.
This must only be the case in like California and Jew York.
Going into debt for a game with shit gameplay? You sure showed me!
>can afford
The TV OP chose is alright in terms of lag, but has shitty HDR.
THE BEST possible TV for Pro right now is the Samsung KS8000 models. About 1000$, Some of the Best HDR currently available, and 20ms input lag when using HDR.
>I don't have $500
it's literally two weeks of minimum wage work. get a fucking job you filthy bum.
>I'm living with my GF
get a job.
>26.24% APR
Holy shit OP you just fucked yourself HARD.
>work credit up to the point i have no spending limit
>buy everything possible
>o-okay now pay it back
>leave the country
Stupid normies
Didnt work for me :/
>get a fucking job
I can't pass an interview. Too autistic.
I got approved for PayPal credit in April and bought myself a new Galaxy S7 the week after they came out. Saved $100 buying the international unlocked version, bought 12 months of phone service with great coverage for $200 and got 6 months to pay it off however the hell I felt like same-as-cash. Can't get better than that. Too bad I can't buy a good PC on ebay I think.
>tfw 15k in student debt and still don't have a job
just kill me now senpai
>have to spend $1000 to get a whopping 10 bucks
I guess it's better than nothing but you could have invested that 1000 in even the safest bonds and gotten 5 times that much
The best cash back is not buying shit no one really needs
This is you. Idiot.
why don't you get the citi double cash for 2% or the quicksilver for instant 1.5 cash back?
>Can't get a bank account
What the fuck. Just use a poor people bank like the ones that set up in Walmarts. They usually take you in regardless of credit. Most credit unions do too.
>dreams of a NEET who can't even get a secured card
dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard. if a nigger can get a job, if a spic can get a job, you can get a job.
that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. you recognize the problem, fucking fix it, dumb fucking idiot. LE TOO AUTISTIC XDDD so how the fuck do you have a girlfriend? retard.
So question, do these faggots even DO anything besides be pissants? Like repo men only start showing up if you fucked up big league right? And even THEY aren't an issue if you can deal with them/scare em off.
Where does declaring bankruptcy come in for all of this? Doesn't that wipe all debts or pawn them off to other faggots?
>They usually take you in regardless of credit. Most credit unions do too.
They don't if you have a blackmark with the banks' credit bureau.
No I just know a lot about how OLED works
You're a fucking idiot if you ever buy OLED
literally how do you have student debt? lmfao. don't fucken go to school if you can't afford it, unless you're going to med school.
He's not saying to buy shit you wouldn't by otherwise.
Making purchases you're going to do anyway on credit with cashback can be useful, however.
>tfw 10k in debt
>tfw making 800 a month
paypal credit works on newegg bro
>Final Fantasy XV
>Have shit genes
>Hate life
>Good enough credit to get basically any loan I want
>Rack up 100k+ of debt over a few years
>Kill self
Fucking normies, how stupid can you be.
You don't have a fucking clue, mate. Don't make yourself look dumber than you already look.