Has to take more meds

>has to take more meds
>gets anxious more often which leads to depression
>uses a mobility scooter at public events
>regular ER visits

How long is this guy going to last?

I give him 4 more years and that is generous as fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


He'll probably last longer than TB, unfortunately.

>spokes eating sugar.

>does a physical activity for 20 minutes a day.

>drink more water, vegetables, nuts.

He can turn around if he wanted to easily.

>all PC gamers on youtube are fat neckbeards who are dying of cancer

Really makes you thunk

What's really sad is that dunkey is just a younger boogie.

Being that 1337 takes a toll on your body.

Most fat people like him lose weight so they can get a gf

This guy is already married (even tho her wife is a golddigger) and has pretty much whatever he needs, so he doesn't have much of a reason to lose weight

I remember watching him a few years ago. I'm surprised he's almost made it to 2017 to be honest. I expect him to be gone before 2020 though.

Is the colostomy bag story true?

less than a year.

hes fucked now.

>I give him 4 more years and that is generous as fuck.

I'm sure his gold digging wife is expecting the same. She is probably pissed he still lived this long.

his wife will be happy when he dies she will be richh and then marry chad thundercock and then she can finally have SEX for the first time in 10 years

No because when someone tells him this on yt the comment gets attacked with


pretty much. Every time he makes one of these why I'm fat or stop making fun of fat people. They say oh you're making me sad boogie you're so brave. Then he thinks its just okay to stay the same way. He just uses excuses to stay lazy and never move out of his comfort zone.

>uses a mobility scooter at public events

Make it everywhere he goes

It's just sad seeing someone get to the point where he can't even stay on his legs too long while not holding on to something

>implying she hasn't been cheating this entire time



Yeah these comments aren't doing any favors. Science has shown that fat shaming works and thats what he needs.

It gets even better on who she cheats with

almost every single case of someone being morbidly obese you'll find an enabler.

>stops eating sugar
Coming from someone that gave it up - it's not as easy. Sugar cravings are fucking terrible and I'm glad I don't have them anymore.

Seeing as how fat he is, it'd be especially hard for him. He probably had a weaker will than I did when I gave it up too.

I can't fucking stand people like this, all his "anxiety" is from him knowing he's not doing what he's supposed to in life. Instead of fixing it he pops pills and ignores the issues.

Better question when will we find out his wife is cucking him?

I believe it.

The host of Man VS Food decided to lose weight, and suggested some female fan to do the same thing he did and he got roasted by the public for it.

hasn't he been crying about his weight for years?

I mean fuck, hes just being enabled at this point.

Thats what I've been thinking. I can't see how anyone could honestly be happy with someone who cant take care of themselves unless she has some sort of savior complex? Like fuck you dont have to be skinny just get down to like 200-250, not saying that's good or anything but I bet its more realistic than getting in the hundred area for him. Goddamn what is he 500 right now?

The cravings never got me too bad, but after however many years of drinking about three 330ml cans of regular coke (UK stuff, not the corn syrup US stuff), my body felt like complete shit for around two weeks and all I wanted to do was sleep.

I don't know what damage I did to myself during that time either. I'm just glad I don't have diabetes at this point in life.

Biggest I've ever gotten was 140kg (300 american) at 190 (6.2 american) and that was already a nightmare.

Is food in America different or something? Or they start balooning up early?

Is "anxiety" the new meme?

you give him 4 years? Boy WE are not even going to last that long. The world is going to heck in a hand basket, enjoy turning on your pc and faucet for water while you can kiddos.

Where´s LTG motivation video ?

It's so simple. Don't have sugar at your home. The fat fuck won't be bothered to get on his scooter and go to the market buy more.

That was basically my diet. I just tossed every shitfood in the trash and only bought healthy food. There, lost 30 kilos in less than a year.

He's fucking gorgeous

Nothing bad will happen user.

yep, even though EVERYBODY goes through anxiety. it's a basic human feeling. but it's just another bullshit "illness" they can put on their list along with self-diagnosed depression and ADHD.

I'd imagine that would have been terrible. Wanting something sickenly sweet after meals was my problem, used to get all kinds of deserts and I'm glad I gave them up now.

Not giving Boogie an excuse but yeah, with his anxiety and shit there's no way he has the mentality to handle dealing with giving it up. Gaining weight is a slipperly slope and is harder to fix the worse it gets.

They throw sugar in EVERYTHING in America and the portion sizes are hideously bloated.

Sugar in the meat, the buns, some of the fucking vegetables.

Still the yoga/avocado/football stuff at least offsets it, Saudi Arabia and Greece are positively bloated.

Well, yes. No one said it's going to be easy. It's mind before matter if you want to succeed and it's clear he's a weak willed fuck.

Yeah its pretty bad over here and its super cheap and accessible but so is healthy food. It just takes a little more work to prepare. But from people over here you'll hear that same excuse but with a more negative spin like "the bad food is cheaper, I cant afford all the different vegetables for a good salad or what have you" then proceed to spend around 20 bucks on fast food around three if not more days of the week.

Seems like a chill dude
10/10 would bbq with

Protip: Any woman that marries a man for his money alone obviously cheats on him with someone she actually finds sexually attractive

Thus, the redpill: Money doesn't attract women. Only looks and attitude do.


Spot the manlet in the room

>heck in a hand basket

Watch your fucking language

Enablers exist. Golddigger wife probably gets him everything he needs and guilt trips her if she doesn't

You literally have to put an effort to keep gaining weight. He doesn't eat like a normal person. I can't even compreheend how someone can keep eating 5000+ calories a day.

You don't have to exercise to lose weight. You just need to stop eating crap.

And ambition which clearly boogie lacks.

3 years is my approximation

>he doesn't have much of a reason to lose weight
You would think staying alive would be a good enough reason.

Anxiety is your brain telling you you should care about something or you should do something. Anxiety can be a great motivating factor the people that don't know how to use it become fucking losers who pop pills

I'm at 260lbs and 6'4" right now, and I try to walk home 50 mins uphill at least 2 days a week. But I need to start eating healthier. Fucking Jimmy Johns

Yeah okay chubs

When you're that overweight, life is just lethargy and misery.

>Money doesn't attract women

Like he can do any harm to her. He can't even get up form his chair to call a lawyer and ask for divorce without her help.

What do you think he's on? Pheno? Amphetamines? I want to know

Maybe asking boogie to lose weight is like asking him to transform into a different person altogether, it´s not going to happen.

where are they going to bury this lardass? the grand canyon?

It's the only way to purge the masterrace

>let myself go over the last few years
>decided i need to lose 30 lbs
>start running and working out regularly
>lost 10 lbs and already looking and feeling better than ever
>heart problem mysteriously vanish
>actually enjoy playing video games again
Fat people are filth.

I feel bad for the people who have to carry his coffin

Vitaly and all prank channels are fake you fucking normie

He's on cookies and self pity

I can't watch his videos anymore he's just too disgusting.

Guy is fit, has a normal face. If he came up to those women and talked to them, he'd get them just as easily.

Like i said, it doesn't sexually attract women. It attracts women that want an easy life with a rich man buying her everything, while she cheats with some she actually is attracted to


i thought of her more as a chubby chaser than a gold digger.

is she fucking the roomate?

>boogie will lose a ton of weight and get in shape in your lifetime

You know what they say about a will of iron? You gotta temper that shit. Becoming unbreakable doesn't just fucking happen. This dude has a will of cellophane and every time he makes a bit of progress he punctures it with a cookie here or there, and then has to start the whole thing over again.

Its gotta be all or nothing for a loooong time, until you don't even want that shit any more.

>boogies asks to be cremated
>this happens: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2154897/Dead-obese-woman-body-fat-set-building-cremation.html

None so critical of the drunk as the former drinker, ey?


This. Kind of. If I want something I got to the store and buy it, and only it. But my life is that way because of being poor more than anything else

Why doesn't he just STOP EATING

That's all he has to do, and take a multi-vitamin and get a blood test every 2 weeks, jeez

>uses a mobility scooter at public events
is this real

Boogy actually kinda upsets me. He has a huge fanbase and he always says that he does not want to work out or lose weight. You are literally seeing him kill himself on camera and he has gotten so much from his fanbase i wish he would just take the effort to get healthy. He would have the insane support of thousands of people to cheer him on, which can't be said for 99% of people who are as big as him. It pisses me off that he can't see that

How the fuck is he even popular.

He's a generic fat dude on a computer, he clearly has no impulse control so he'd be shit at sticking to any kind of upload plan or schedule, and he isn't any more characteristic then any other neckbeard.

Whats so brave about being fat?

Because they have been there and know how much of it is bullshit.

It's this weird feeling of accomplishment that fucks ups diets. "hey i lost 3kg this week, i should celebrate by eating cookies ice cream and a big burger". There, you just got those 3kg back.

It's hard for people to understand that they need to change the way they think about food. Normal fit/healthy people only eat enough to not starve to death, while fat people want to eat all the time and always the most delicious stuff

When you say "give up sugar", how much are you talking? Is it just pointless sweets like soda and pastries?

i'm not saying that couldn't or doesn't happen, but like said, shits fake, 100%. don't tell me you actually buy her 'acting' at the start of the video.

"i don't even know you" yeah sure senpai we believe you.

This enabling infuriates me

Oh shut up. What's avaliable is related to where you live.


Fuck right off with that blubbery shit. Realizing life isn't easy and effort is required is not a mental illness.

Look at these "fakes"






About as much as depression, honestly. Everyone has ups and downs. People just choose to exaggerate shit for pity and attention. Which makes actual clinically diagnosed cases of depression all the worse because it's people that actually need help and you have others devaluing the problem.

They see it as being 'yourself' or some contrived bullshit.

As if it's a natually state of being.

>they got covered in greasy soot
nightmare fuel. reminds me of one screencap of a guy who worked at one of those, and had to scrape bits off the oven because the person was fucking fat.

Pretty sure she brings niggers to their house to fuck

Good point fat fuck

He was one of the first generic fat dudes on a computer, he is like the Lord of the Rings of fat computer dudes

How long did it take you to lose the 10 lbs?

The Francis stuff he used to do brought in a lot of kids to his channel. Because "haha fat man destroy xbox with guitar" was the height of comedy.

>tfw fat for years due to a love of food
>start working out this summer and eat right cutting out most of the bullshit food
>t-shirts are getting bigger i am getting slimmer and i feel great
i never had so much fun with food as i do now since i can cook healthy but good meals
It takes some willpower but everyone can do it

It began following hin ironically and now they're too deep in this meme that they're not following him ironically anymore.

It's like poetry, really

>literally drugging himself

Unless they are pills that decrease your appetite he shouldn't take that shit

Whoever prescribed him that drug is probably doing him a favor and killing him faster

So how did he get so fat, exactly? I've heard he suffered (suffers?) from depression, but how fucking much do you have to eat to become a human blob?

Walk into a walmart.

Buy some apples, broccoli, chicken breasts, tuna and rice.

Repeat for 10 weeks.

Congratulations, you're no longer a fat fuck.

Well, define "attract".

>There's this bitch I buy stuff for so I can jackhammer her ass every night
is not the same as
>There's a woman I love and want to start a family with

>meanwhile on his weightloss channel

I just eat the same shit but less of it.