I just recently started playing this for thr first time as the HD version came out on new gen. What about it makes me keep playing bros? Is re5 as good?
I just recently started playing this for thr first time as the HD version came out on new gen...
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It has great pacing and a good sense of how to keep players engaged.
Also no, RE5 isn't as good.
>just now playing RE4
Enjoy yourself, m8.
>What about it makes me keep playing bros?
>What about it makes me keep playing bros?
Cathartic core gameplay
Varied enemies
Consistent stream of level variety
Great pacing of the difficulty and challenges over a 15 hour first run
The only bad thing about that new release is some of the animations play at 30fps for whatever reason (like the rifle reload) and it looks jank as fuck.
But no, 4 is the greatest action game ever.
5's pacing is fucked and is mostly a retread of 4 and the forced co-op was a mistake. It should have been entirely optional.
RE5 is as good, it's almost a carbon copy of RE4 with improvements to graphics, controls and the addition of co-op, but retards will tell you it's worse because they are meme spouting faggots.
This it's perfectly paced not a single moment feels boring or a slog to got past.
>just now playing RE4
lucky you
>Is re5 as good?
Short answer no
Long answer Noo
Although I like playing Mercenaries and pretend i'm Ben Garrison
Every gun aside from the mine thrower is viable on your first run. Because of all RE threads lately, I've busted out my old ps2b and doing a fresh new run of re4. Gonna use the starter handgun this time around to mix things up since I like the red9. Ultimately I'll end up with handgun, shotgun, tmp, bolt action rifle and broken butterfly.
I'm also hype for the new cgi movie. Did they say when it's gonna be out?
Im making my way through the castle now. They just took ashley away with some contraption. That magnum I bought is crazy powerful. Enemies literally explode its so fun to use. Gonna save the ammo for bosses though.
RE5 suffers from taking itself too seriously and shifting too far into being an action game while still keeping survival horro restrictions that no longer work because of how actiony the game has become.
This isn't true. The rifle reloads fine
5 coop is fun af
> buying the magnum
Which one? Well, I'm glad you're having fun user. First run of a game is always magical.
The Castle has shit pacing and the Island is a fucking slog. Did you even play RE4?
RE4 is fantastic, but people nostalgia over it too hard
when you actually look at it the places you go almost never varies in their shades of grey, the enemies are bland (enemies, not bosses) and there are some poorly handled difficulty spikes (fuck that waterroom forever)
Got the butterfly. Dont tell me you can get it for free?
Why's the mine thrower not as viable? It seems like extra grenades.
What's the best versions of this game? Personally, I think it's the Wii versions, since the sight works perfectly with the nunchuck controller.
It's fun, it's got a distinct personality, atmosphere, variety with a very simple combat system, makes you fight for it, gives you just enough of what you need, characters are charismatic, there is tension that makes you grip the controller without even realizing it.
But, no, RE5 is not as good. The combat has been fine tuned to have more but the rest of it, the atmosphere, the charisma, the characters the variety, it's all gone. Yeah, if you made a list of what each game had RE5 would be longer but it's still lacking some of the stuff that makes you come back for more.
I still think it's worth playing, even if it's just to see if it's something you'd be into, even if it is just by extension of been related to RE4.
I'm just asking since there's two magnums in the game. That and the Killer 7.
Don't worry about gun viability too much even on subsequent runs. In a nut shell here's what you'll wanna know
>striker is amazing
>riot gun isn't worth the buy
>get sniper rifles if you want
>Black Tail or Red 9 are the viable handguns, just use the one you like more
>broken butterfly over killer7 20000% of the time
>TMP isn't as good as people say it is, not as bad as others say it is. If you wanna use it, go ahead.
>up to you if you wanna upgrade the bad weapons while you work towards the good ones. (Personally I don't upgrade anything I am not gonna be keeping)
Really, "high level" play is getting in as many good kicks as possible so you can knife folks on the ground as much as possible.
You can get it for free
Ammo is pretty rare unless it's basically your only gun. Even then, you're probably not good enough on your first run to fully utilize it. It's pretty fun to use from what I hear from people that use it as their main gun.
Most versions are fine, just not ps2.
Also cause 60 fps breaks the game
Like dodge prompts are shortened, you cant use them to cancel animations either, and you lose the moment of invincibility after getting hit.
are you retarded? both rifles have their animations locked to 30 for some reason
I don't think this is true. I just recently got the hd version of RE4 on my pc, and for some reason the frame rate is just shit.
Seriously, I put it on the lowest settings and for some reason everything goes into slow motion whenever I look anywhere, and all the audio is out of sync. What the hell is wrong?
Shit pc
That can't be right. It's literally grand spanking new.
Yeah the ultimate HD port is shit
Its a "good enough" port to where it doesnt crash, no other optimization otherwise.
So yeah, even though its an 11 year old game, it cant run on toasters!
What GPU you got & did u update video drivers yet?
b-but my computer isn't a toaster. It's new, but for some reason it won't work right.
No, they have 30fps animations and it's very jarring since the game tries to run at 60fps. The plaga head burst animations are also running at 30fps.
The port is actually probably one of the worst sadly. It dips below 30fps in a lot of areas, the increased 1080p ratio makes some graphical things look odd (like the rain) and don't get me started on how many times the audio doesn't work or lags. Everytime I break a box the 'break box' sound plays afterwards, among other things like that.
Does that stop me from playing it for the 500th time and getting all the achievements I already got on the 360 version over again? No.
Personally I couldn't wait for it to be over. It was great at first but went on too long.
Dunno pham
Having anti-aliasing turned on in the driver settings makes it go into slomo for me.
The 30 fps reloads is a fact, dingus.
Broken Butterfly
There's three. And yes, you can get the Broken Butterfly for free in the castle right outside of the hedge maze by going back there once you get Ashley and boosting her in the room.
Re5 > 4
Rev2 >> 5
You're a stupid idiot.
Does the PC HD version of RE4 work well with a controller?
Right I forgot about the handcannon, but I don't think he can buy it the first time around anyways.
Handcannon unlock via mercenaries full complete. Which is a pain in the ass. Fuck that. Seriously.
Well, I know my video carde is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 730. I don't know anything about my GPU
You have got to be baiting!
Thanks senpai. Calling me an idiot is really helpful, but as long as you feel good about yourself then I guess that's all that really matters. Though you're not really being helpful at all.
Its abysmal without one...
Aiming with a mouse is godawful
I did it the other day. Not my first time doing it either.
Really the hardest things is Leon (in some cases) and HUNK on Waterworld.
The rest are painfully easy. Krauser can kill anything with his arm. Wesker has the Killer7/Sniper and his melee is great. Ada has the sniper as well. HUNK can decimate anything else in his path with his neckbreak, and overall Leon's shotgun is pretty good.
No seriously, you are. If you did 15 min research or ask anyone you wouldn't end up with a "new" computer with gtx 730 inside
Download this and post your specs
I'm not the most technologically savvy. I didn't build my own pc.
If only RE6 got a good gameplay, it'd be an amazing game.
God dammnit, playing it with friends is 100% pure absurd fun.
>brand new
Did you buy it at bestbuy or something??
the gameplay was the only good part of RE6
yes :'(
Aside from the guns not handling at tight as RE4, and the enemies being bullet sponges I'd say gameplay is 6's strong suit.
The whole dodging, leaping on your back, melee anytime combat is pretty fun when it works. Too bad it's in a shit game with the aforementioned bad controls and shit enemies.
Operating System
Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Intel Core i5 4460 @ 3.20GHz 32 °C
Haswell 22nm Technology
8.00GB Single-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz (11-11-11-28)
DELL ST2310 (1920x1080@60Hz)
2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 (Unknown) 34 °C
931GB Seagate ST1000DX001-1CM162 (SATA) 36 °C
Optical Drives
Realtek High Definition Audio
>poorly handled difficulty spikes (fuck that waterroom forever)
Whenever I see this opinion it's a sad reminder that videogame critiques will always suffer from the games themselves being interactive experiences and will therefore suffer from the noise introduced into this intellectual space by the terminally bad.
I'm pretty sure people who buy pc at best buy don't spend time here. These are just incompatible, orthogonal things. nuff baiting
>Like dodge prompts are shortened
Really? Is that why Krauser is such a bastard on the PS4? I don't remember him being so damn though, not the QTEs been so fast. Other QTEs give you significant more room but the Krauser ones feel like are going at twice everything else.
Games with good gameplay are the worst.
Stop telling me I don't exist :'(
Castle is excellent desu. Sounds like you are the problem
But it has good gameplay. Guns don't sound satsfying when they hit like in 4 and 5. The movement is also very good. Sometimes I feel like I'm in RE Damnation when I play Leon. And I feel like I'm in a kung fu movie with jake, his melee is very satisfying.
Everything else though is bad. Forcing you to have every weapon, enemies with magnums can fuck your day up across the map and enemies/players in agent hunt don't stop attacking once you're in a cutscene so you die in the middle of it.
Holy shit
I hope you didnt pay more than 300$ for it.
This is worse than a ps4 probably!
But to an actual solution... go to nvidia site and download the latest video drivers.
If it tells you to get geforce experience for them, do it.
If that doesnt fix it... youre fucked, go return that thing... actually... just go return that thing
That 730 is crap senpai
>i use big words to make myself sound more important
some parts of RE4 is bullshit and you know it
Don't get the Exclusive upgrade. Homing mines may seem good, but it robs you of control.
The pc port requires you to hold 60fps to prevent stuttering and audio issues. If your system can't consistently overkill the game, lower settings or switch to 30fps.
Maybe I'm just picky but I kind of regret picking it up on the PS4. Default controls are complete ass and Type 3, my preferred control scheme, has aiming set to L1 instead of L2. I swear, Capcom just keeps fucking shit up nowadays. What's even worse is that there's no AA what so ever. Seriously, I don't even care that much about aliasing, but this is just a PS4 port of a Wii port with slightly better textures. It's embarrassing. Capcom is a fucking joke
I genuinely feel upset.
It's only about two years old. I just want it to run the RE4 game on my computer, which it should be able to do.
You keep saying the computer's age like that should automatically make it capable of playing the game properly. That's not how it works.
You'll probably be better off emulating it.
Well then, how does it work? Honest to god, I'm not trying to bait or anything. I'm just a poor fag whose trying to have an okay computer run an old game.
To be fair just a few months ago I didn't know shit about PC and I was always bamboozled when people talked about specs and AA and shit like that. Seemed like really hard shit to get into with way too much to learn.
That being said if this guy isn't trolling then s mh because it took me about a week to understand everything and realize it's not even hard. Not that I'm an expert or anything now but I can read someone's specs are judge how good it is.
>But it has good gameplay.
No, some parts are challenging and that's part of what makes it a great experience. When people talk about the pacing in RE4 they're referring to the fact that every high tension moment is balanced by a period of calm in which to restock items, explore and fight early game enemies. Also, each high tension moment is either foreshadowed or thrown in your face to great effect.
It's consummate, empathetic design and I apologise if those words are too big for you.
You guys are no fucking help at all. You keep bringing laughing at my poor set up, but don't really offer any advice or help. I just don't fucking understand why RE6 and RE5 are more playable on my rig than RE4.
This part was bullshit on pro
Because capcom can't make ports
>words are too big for you
who said they were?
i said they were pointless, not excessive
Lost the awesome nitty gritty feel once I got to the castle. Village was comfy zombie killing atmosphere, only to be ruined by that fag Salazar.
Throw grenade at door, run out.
>Stun clawed dude
>Shoot lock off
>Shoot clawed dude through cage
The only other bad thing is that it doesn't have the absolutely perfect controls of the Wii version. I'm still adjusting to the controls.
This. What about the Wii controls made that version so fucking perfect?
But it does though. Everything else in the game sucks. Like I got tired of Leon being the sidekick in his own route for like 3/4ths of the story. And by the time they find Helena's sister, she doesn't really know anything. That being said, Leon's first two chapters were very claustrophobic. Which is what I like from Resident Evil.
>told you to install latest drivers
>"no help at all"
Pointer aiming pretty much made shooting super easy. Since you don't have to fight against Leon's trembling hands and you can compensate for your own inaccuracy easier.
I just got this today for ps4 and the controls feel terrible. Not being able to control the camera with the right analogue is so fucking annoying.
>The reloads sounds came out of the Wii remote
I don't know why, but that made my dick rock hard
leon on water world was the last one I completed. I didn't know your head could be chopped off through the window :/
from what i remember the water world is hard to get the most out of the bonus chests
>But it does though.
What's wrong with the gameplay senpai?
I feel like playing again.
Is PC still the best way to play this?
It's shit
>RE5 suffers from taking itself too seriously and shifting too far into being an action game while still keeping survival horro restrictions that no longer work because of how actiony the game has become.
While this is definitely true, RE5 is still a good game.
It would've been better as an offshoot title or something instead of trying to pretend it fit the mood of previous RE games, but it's still fun as hell, especially with a friend, and plays just as well if not better than RE4.
That's not a very compelling argument