If this game were released in 2016, it would be widely derided as a piece of shit, while fans would claim that it was some sort of hidden gem.
If this game were released in 2016, it would be widely derided as a piece of shit...
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Good thing it was released twelve fucking years earlier, huh?
It is shit as a game and especially as a sequel. The face animations were good though.
I finished it again in 2014. It's awsome game bro'.
>I finished it again in 2014. It's awsome game bro'.
Whether it's good or not isn't really the point. It would be hated because modern gamers are insanely fickle. "Too much story, why no aim down sights? Too slow, why does it have a silent protagonist?" etc.
Most underrated Youtube gaming channel right here.
Episode 1 and 2 were great. HL2 itself is pretty bland and boring.
dude's clearly a cynical retard
t. mad millennial
Half-Life 2 is the greatest sci-fi game ever made
Might and Magic 6 is
nah, just not autistic. this guy has a hard on for HL1 and is looking for reasons to take down HL2 from its pedestal as one of the best PC games ever made, and a game that totally eclipsed HL1 in every way possible.
Replayed two weeks ago, it still holds up.
Probably not given how loved HL1 was.
It would probably be very divisive.
I dunno, I still think it's pretty damned enjoyable. I first played it on the original Xbox; keep in mind, these were the days before I had any idea how to build a PC, much less even just install a graphics card in an off-the-shelf PC.
The visuals, for the time, were quite stunning; the atmosphere was great. Ravenholm, for fuck's sake! And then the gravity gun, that was a unique way to let the players interact with the environment and turn everything into a weapon.
Not to say it's perfect. All the sections where you're wandering around in a hovercraft could have been condensed considerably and you wouldn't lose anything from it. But overall it's still a very good title.
HL2:E1 was only "eh", but HL2:E2 was fucking golden.
If this movie were released in 2016, it would be widely derided as a piece of shit, while fans would claim that it was some sort of hidden gem.
Everything about the cinematics was so good. Valve kept getting better with each game. Such a shame they just stopped.
Guess we will never know if you're right because it wasn't released in 2016 you fucking retard
I love HL1 as much as that kid but that video is fucking retarded
The right man in the wrong place makes all the difference in the world :^)
He's just ranting. Reminds me of myself when I was in middle school.
I found the set pieces and locations interesting.
There hasn't been a better fps since
>13 year old voice
closed video immediately
quote from the video
>Oh but it is an interesting story, right? Who fucking cares? It completely disregards everything from Half Life 1, how could you possibly be invested in it? That cold open that takes 20 or 30 minutes to get started establishes the setting, just like Half Life's tram ride. But Half Life had to establish the setting because it was interesting and different.
Right, because City 17 wasn't interesting or different?
this kid is a dumbass, with nostalgia goggles for HL1. Good FUCKING work guys, wow, this FUCKING sucks, are you FUCKING kidding me? FUCK FUCK FUCK! Just cursing about how Alyx or Barney take .000001 second pauses in their speech and acting as if creating characters out of NPCs is a bad thing, when HL1 had no explicit characters with which a sequel can form a cast of characters around. No shit its a bit of an awkward transition, the game expecting you to know these people. They have to be introduced here because your precious HL1 did jack shit to introduce them in the same year that MGS1 set the standard for characters and their stories in gaming, and that was a PS1 game, not a PC game.
it's a 12 year old game you nigger. If halo 4 was released today it would be considered total shit
Is it wrong where I want to play a game where you are the CP or just any combine species?
Honestly, they are some of the best antagonists in gaming, with Breen being the best.
Halo 4 was considered shit on release, what are you talking about?
For the time it was great, both half lifes, personally. What if hl2 wasnt so much like 1, gameplay wise? But they were great ways to get into the gerne. and ut99
>hating on Sam
>praising xen
What? Nobody liked Xen, ever.
And if my grandma had a dick, she'd be my grampa. Whats the point of threads like this?
>because City 17 wasn't interesting or different?
It isn't. He pretty much instantly addresses City 17's setting right after that. He says you can take one look at it and instantly tell what's going on. 1984-style oppressive regime in control of an Eastern European city post-war.
I liked it
If this game were released in 2016, it would be widely derided as a piece of shit, while fans would claim that it was some sort of hidden gem with le retro pixel grapchics.
Why does this board have a massive hate boner for this game
because everyone outside the board loves it so much. it's not THAT bad, it's just worse than its reputation
>a game released in 2004 would be shit if it were released in 2016
Half life 2 released would probably be treated as an average game, solid and unremarkable.
Just as it should have been when it actually released, instead of being propped up by faggoty valvedrones
I did
you may have jumped the gun there, buddy
he's pretty well-spoken
Because people have become more bitchy nowadays, moaning about everything and anything
If this game were released in 2016, it would be widely derided as a piece of shit, while fans would claim that it was some sort of hidden gem.
Seriously, what kind of point are you trying to make, OP? One of the reasons why people were impressed with HL2 was because it was a rather unique experience and in many ways technologically impressive at the time.
Come on, it's hardly fair to call it unremarkable for its time.
>how to reveal you weren't old enough to be buying and playing your own games on release in 2004
not enough memes and SJW shit for modern gamers
it aint no undertale thats for sure. that game is a modern masterpiece
If this care was released in 2016, it would be widely derided as a piece of shit, while fans would claim that it was some sort of hidden concept
Now if only this game was released ten years earlier than the release date.
>le hl2 isn't the second best game ever made after hl meme
Silent protagonist is one of the best features of the game. I wish they'd retained that in Dead Space 2 and 3. Instead of the character we can self-insert like in DS1, we get an angsty, smart-alecky, wise-cracking idiot to play as in DS2 and DS3.
I never understood this. And I see people bitching about Xen only on Sup Forums. Wtf is wrong with Xen?
It feels like an alien world, and a good final level. It's smooth, plays well, platforming is easy but fun, and that giant spider with a giant ballsack is cute.
i don't care what the nasal fuck has to say
my eardrums worth more to me than opinions he has before his balls even formed properly
t. cowaduty kid
>Sup Forums is one person
For me it isn't about self insertion. My life is pathetic but not to the point where I need to self insert in a video game.
It's simply because if his voice isn't perfect, it's gonna ruin him. Now you can only guess what his voice sounds like, and you can't be dissapointed.
It's a contrarian reaction to the way over the top praise the game and series in general gets. Its aged pretty terribly too, which makes shitting on it all the more attractive
If these proto-humans had evolved in 2016, they would be widely derided as unfit for survival in modern society, while fans would claim that they were some sort of hidden subspecies
I fail to see how my post has anything to do with COD user. And what's this new bullshit of saying cowaduty like a retard instead of cod or call of duty.
actually every game is so busy trying to be a sandbox these days that hl2 is refreshing to play. it has direction and a coherent story. think youre just a fag, op.
>And what's this new bullshit of saying cowaduty like a retard
not that poster and I agreed with you that half life is overrated but holy shit
>what's this new bullshit
>being this new
reminder that HL2 hate is neo-Sup Forums and Redditors trying to fit in with neo-Sup Forums
hide and ignore
Fuck off newfag
>not that poster and I agreed with you that half life is overrated but holy shit
My post literally says that Hl2 is the second best game ever made and that HL is the best one. No game, no matter what genre came close to the perfection that is Half-Life.
>being this new
People started saying cowaduty like a year and a half ago. It sounds dumb as shit.
>hide and ignore
You mean the way you just didn't?
>It's a contrarian reaction
If you were old enough, you would know in the early days there was plenty of legitimate criticism for HL2, it was about a year later when Garry's mod became huge was when the whole "HL2 IS THE BEST GAME EVER MADE" crowd kicked into gear and drowned everything else out.
>People started saying cowaduty like a year and a half ago.
Yes they did. And even if they didn't, why say it? It's fucking retarded.
why the fucking fuck??
sourcefags are truly insufferable
t. underage cawadoody newfag
I wasn't even paying attention to message boards when the game was released (honestly a good decision)
I played it on PC and original Xbox and had a great time on both. It was pretty much universally praised by the gaming media at the time, nitpicky message board criticism aside.
I only remember Valve fans becoming truly unbearable when Portal came out, and the obnoxiousness has pretty much continued unabated since then
It's been going on since at least 2010, and probably before then too. It's making fun on uneducated COD fans or at least the caricature Sup Forums likes to imagine
>I've been posting all summer
Shitting on HL2 here has been fairly commonplace since 2006 at least.
You could say the same about a lot of 12-year old games that have been ripped off repeatedly.
Goes for pretty much everything apart from timeless things like tetris or a rubik's cube.
>It's an "I'm 12 and Half Life 2 isn't as good as everyone says it was" thread
>It's making fun on uneducated COD fans
How is saying "cowa" instead of "cod" making fun of them? What's the link between COD and education?
Why not say codkids or codkiddies, why the fuck use "cowa". Fuck this thing pisses me off like crazy.
Even 5 years would have been acceptable (barely)
>What's the link between COD and education?
COD's pretty popular amongst guys like this youtu.be
"Cowadoody" is a shit imitation of the accent someone like that might have
>Why not say codkids or codkiddies, why the fuck use "cowa". Fuck this thing pisses me off like crazy.
Maybe you should get a life
No, they didn't. It started sometime around five years ago.
It sounds stupid on purpose. To make fun of the retard-tier morons that play those games.
If you didn't immediately get this joke after three seconds, then you are a fucking underageb&. Your brain is severely underdeveloped.
And HL is overrated as fuck. Even 15 years ago, they were middling at best.
lol it's true. friends with a 15 year old on steam and he doesn't "get" hl2. Also one time was watching him try to play skyrim and he couldn't even beat the first dungeon.
>I wasn't even paying attention to message boards when the game was released (honestly a good decision)
Different guy here, I was a regular on many PC gaming magazine boards at the time, and from my recollection, there was little to no criticism of HL2 back then. It was actually a bit echo-chamber-ish.
But maybe my memory is a bit tainted, because I did have a few minor qualms with HL2 back then and I would always be called a troll for expressing them.
stop samefagging, back to csgo with you
HL2 is overrated but it's still better than the first game. Now that's a dull shooter.
At least HL2 improved on the puzzle and platforming aspects.
>COD's pretty popular amongst guys like this youtu.be
Games like persona, final fantasy, persona, SMT, mgs are popular amongst guys like that too, I still don't see the link here.
>Poor gunplay
>Boring, overly long vehicle sections
>Extremely simple physics "puzzles"
>Mediocre story
>Left to use the least fun gun in the game for nearly the entire final mission but without the few fun projectiles that made it tolerable in Ravenholme
>Quite literally pathetic boss fights
>The good atmosphere of many levels is let down by the fact they run on for far too long and iverstay their welcome
>Enemy AI touted as being fucking genius but the game never gets the chance to show it off because all enemies are made of paper mache and spend 90% of the time locked with you in a linear corridoor shooter
It's got some good points and is arguably still worth a playthrough but good fuck HL2 is a very mediocre game, besides the graphics tech.
I made it to the end of Black Mesa Source, but I was pretty much ready for it to end a few hours earlier. I remember enjoying the game way more in 2000.
I give up, multiple people have tried to explain it to you now.
You're objectively wrong. Ep1 was trash, ep2 was great, neither topped HL2.
If this game was released in 2016 it would still be widely regarded as awesome, while fans would claim it was some sort of hidden gem
If ET from the Atari was released in 2016, it would be widely derided as a piece of shit, while fans would claim that it was some sort of hidden gem.
>It's an "underages think Sup Forums actually hates everything so they shitpost about games that are universally agreed to be brilliant" episode
Seems this episode gets replayed a lot.
I'm 29 mate.
HL2 was a poor game at release and has aged badly.
I wish there were mods that made the gameplay actually fun, then I'd play it again.
Something like bunnyhopping (no not that backwards shit). Changing weapon stats is already available afaik so that's good, but the movement is just so slow and boring.
>If you were old enough, you would know in the early days there was plenty of legitimate criticism for HL2, it was about a year later when Garry's mod became huge was when the whole "HL2 IS THE BEST GAME EVER MADE" crowd kicked into gear and drowned everything else out.
Go fuck yourself entirely. You're fucking delusional if you think that's true. Do you not even remember the critical reaction to the game? Or the massive shitstorm around Steam because of the number of people wanting to play it without internet? Or the universal acclaim it had from everybody?
Fuck no, you're another shitposter who thinks you're too good for a game just because it's popular.
maybe you're just in denial sonny
I don't even understand this "HL2 SUCKED!!!!!" meme. Seriously. I've replayed it a bunch of times and it still has things which other games can't match, namely:
>GOAT pacing
>The enemies are all unique to some degree, except for the soldiers (who at least looked interesting)
>Varied environments, which combined with the pacing and vehicle sections make you feel like you're actually travelling a long distance, due to the loading screens just being a pause in gameplay
>Physics are used for effect, making the world feel more interactive
I'll concede that the guns are lacking a bit. On the other hand though, they don't just have generic assault rifle that's better than every other gun, so I can respect them for that.
Either way, even if you don't like it, I can't see how you can call the game shit. It just isn't.
A lot of what you listed as pluses is wrong.
Namely, the pacing, physics puzzles, and vehicle sections were fucking dogshit