What the flying fuck.
>shit controls
>shit movement
>monsters behave like shit
>bosses are shit
But what pisses me off the most is the fucking story that is complete garbage. I usually don't give a damn about stories in ARPGs but god fucking damnit. That was so fucking bad, I cringed every time there was a cutscene.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah I was pretty sad about this as well.

I was willing to give it a shot and enjoy it but holy shit are the controls clunky and the enemies inspirationless.

I did like the attractive and simple class system it has at the beginning. It was pretty nice to have a character who defined his class rather than having it the other way around like most games.

Either way, this game is weak and I am disappoint.

Yeah, I thought I'd give it a shot too since it's free on PS+ at the moment but it's shit.
Terrible animations, clunky movement and combat, poor menus, lazy tutorials, hyper generic setting, poorly designed levels, I could go on and on.

I played for a bit over an hour and had enough.
I never played Journey and have heard good things despite it being a walking sim so at least there's that.

Can you at least fuck the stupid bitch that is following you around? I guess not. Any doujins?

I have it added to the library for shit and giggles, but is it really that bad?
Jorney is a must-play, gives me feels every time.
Too bad Abzu couldn't do so despite still being an awesome game

Anti-Denuvo and Fromdrones are mad as fuck that a sequel has already been confirmed. It's a better, Western take on the Souls formula with greater than Japanese production values that blows Bloodborne out of the water.

>A LOOSELY Souls-style game with INSANELY better graphics.
>Motion-captured animations.
>Westernized/European aesthetic and ideals.
>Dynamically placed, ambient music cues
>A FULLY REALIZED, immersive story with a set character that's actually voiced.
>FULLY voiced audio notes
>Mouths actually move when characters talk
>Stops at NG++.
>Much harder, REALISTIC fighting.
>Metroid/Castlevania style exploration.
>Don't have to worry about retards interfering with your game
>A much MORE rewarding Level-up system that emphasizes risk versus playing it safe.
>No retarded marathon runs to get back to a boss
>Boss weapon drops are dependent on how you battle/kill a boss, making strategy VERY rewarding.
>It's on PC

>stale pasta is stale

>Motion-captured animations.
so that's why everything is so cumbersome and shitty.
>Don't have to worry about retards interfering with your game
Not having multiplayer is somehow a plus?
>Metroid/Castlevania style exploration.
You mean backtracking.

It's a shame some elements i liked better about lotf, namely it having an actual story and looking pretty good, also with some weapons the combat felt really weighty.

Other than that it was budget as fuck and boring too.

I know it's a pasta, but it still baffles me how mad pcfags were to eat up this shit just in spite of not being able to play BB.

I pretty much instantly dismiss anything that has words capitalized in the middle of a sentence. It's always shitposting and never worth reading.

>having a character define their class rather than having it the other way around

I'm having a stroke but what do you exactly mean by this?

I cant honeslty see the appeal in BB, its just a souls game with a different theme.
Its like people are having fun pointlessly arguing and flingging shit at each other.

>shit controls
>shit movement
>monsters behave like shit
>bosses are shit
Just like Dark Souls!

I actually like it because I didn't have souls goggles when I played.

Movement actually had some weight to it.

I played it the other night and was kind of at a loss for why it's considered so shitty compared to Dark Sous when it feels just like Dark Souls. Granted I played for about an hour & a half. It could go all down hill from there.

Its a unique enough spin from traditional souls gameplay to stand out from the others. Felt fresh. Dark Souls 3 was pretty meh but I should have expected that.

>Granted I played for about an hour & a half
>it feels just like Dark Souls
Guess you played Dark Souls hour and a half too.

Blame them for wasting all their money on shilling.

Not him, but I agree. It doesn't really make sense why Sup Forums thinks it's a massive downgrade from Souls.

That pasta wasn't even platform warring that some user dreamt up, it was an attempt at advertising. See

There were a few other ones too.

Here it is.

This game is a chinese bootleg version of Dark Souls made by a company that makes nothing but shovelware.
It doesn't deserve your attention, not even for free.

No worries, I'm a bit tired so I probably could have worded it better.

I mean that in most games I play, you're told to pick your class / race and then that will heavily determine your playstyle and preferences. In this game, you just start off picking the playstyle you like and it'll just name whatever class you fall under.

It's like the vidya equivalent of some shitty "What RPG class are you?" quiz, where you pick your armor and playstyle and attack preferences and then get told your class.

>friend says not to be misled, it's just slow because it's realistic
>finally play it
>it's slow because the player character does nearly second long autist windup spins on every attack

Fuck me this game is a slog

Wait, I don't remember them ever saying it was supposed to be hard. Also, the game was pretty good, if a bit short. On subsequent playthroughs, you could skip a few bosses.

This. Everything is about picking the right time to commit, not just plinking and then rolling away. Once you understand the system, it plays nothing like Dark Souls except for them both being third person action.

I've only played it a little bit and it was allright
>cant remove the fucking arm cannon when I want to do a melee run and is forever in weapon switching cycle
Also who said that daggers where the hard mode, it's fucking way easier

Never tried Lords of the Fallen because I heard nothing but bad things about.
But I saw their new game The Surge at this year's Gamescom and that one looks pretty neat so far.

Will there ever be a LOTF thread with shills of the dev team in it?

Those hacks do nothing but shovelware and copies of other, better games.

>Thinking a smalltime German game dev would hire shills to advertise their shit on Sup Forums
They're too busy being forced to integrate sandniggers into their companies.

>those big knights with the firey sword after the champion
Well, fuck them too.

actually you can deequip the gauntlet.

To be fair, you can remove the arm cannon: go to it's section of the inventory, and click again on the mode it's set to, which should take it off entirely.

>those big ones with a shield and high stagger that instantly face you after an attack

Just ran into them with your shield.

Shit tier: Trying to bait them into stagger trading

>that guy who actually likes lords of the fallen

They don't fucking care about shield bash.

thanks friend

But user you can't swing heavy weapons without winding up like that. If it were truly realistic it would have been even slower

There's a sword attack where he one hand swings it over his back


No, the shield bash staggers them for one hit.

No, they don't give a fuck when I do it with them.

At least it's better than Dark Souls 2 or 3.

What the flying fuck.
>shit controls
>shit movement
>monsters behave like shit
>bosses are shit
But what pisses me off the most is the fucking story that is complete garbage. I usually don't give a damn about stories in ARPGs but god fucking damnit. That was so fucking bad, I cringed every time there was a cutscene.

Are you doing it right? You have to time your attack afterwards or it won't come out in time.

I manage to do it with every single monster without fail but with them. They don't give the sligthest fuck. I run in them and they act like I didn't hit them.


Why do people like dark souls so much? I played the first one but it wasnt enjoyable for me

Wait, you ARE talking about the ones with the big shield, right? That always blocks your attack? Or are you talking about the ones that are like the first boss where they strip off their armor after taking a certain amount of damage?

Like the first boss. Never seen a shield guy with a firey sword.

I liked it. But the story was mediocre, the end was really awful.


Okay, because the shield guys are usually what gives people problem. The big sword guys are pretty easy. They leave themselves wide open when they attack. The only thing you need to watch out for is their spinning attack during their last phase, and even that can be dodged through. If you don't want to deal with it, just use magic.

>I cringed
oh god how i hate cunts like you

Usually a sucker for free shit but even I didn't download this shite game

I just got my magic glove improved. When can I finally get a sword that is fun to use? Gotta go back to the other dimension now.

It's not a weeb jap fag game, that's why

Ironically, the best weapon is a shield.

Are you going faith or str?


Does the stats ever hit a diminishing return? Because I've platinumed the game but even during my third playthrough ever stat point continued to increase my attack by a fixed amount.

I didnt like most of the shortswords. I was more of a fan of the greatswords or whatever. As far as best weapons go i think they are dropped by the late game enemies so youll have to farm for them. The late game enemies spawn after the dimension place.

I'm pretty sure weapons are fixed drops in the game.

Peacemaker is dropped by a certain enemy type. There arent many dropped weapons but the best greatsword is one of them.

The devs (Deck 13) had a bad relationship with the publisher (CI Games).

Here is a spiritual successor made by Deck 13 and backed by a new publisher.


It was like Souls but without the build variety and lore, really.
Felt like a bit of a cash-in.

The shitty game already crashed twice.

Huh. I got from killing the Captain so I always assumed it was fixed. Guess I was just lucky.

>I hate a game that everyone else hates too!
>This deserves a thread!

I thought the lore was okay. Also liked how they replayed the choices you made back to you at the end.

>go light armour
>can dodge and move around quickly, but have less defense
>go heavy armour
>slow and can't roll properly without stat investment, but take fuckall damage and have poise
>tfw they actually made heavy armour useful, unlike from

It's slow as fuck and fat rolling is standard. Weight system in illogical an inconsistent like a lighter axe being swung far slower than a heavier staff

>shit controls
>shit movement
>monsters behave like shit
>bosses are shit

its hilarious when FROMdrones dont realize that same shit applies to Souls games

I have a friend like that. He told me to buy the game for months but thank to fucking God I didn't spend a dime on that shit. Tried it because it's free on PSN+ and it's absolute garbage.

but it's japanese

>want to use two handed weapons
>they're slow as fuck and not really impactful
>progress through game
>get a one handed weapon that's faster and deals more damage than nearly every other two hander found before it anyway

Like what's the point of two handers anyway, their movesets are shit most of the time and I didn't really feel like they stagger enemies at all. I honestly don't even remember if you could stagger enemies at all.
Thanks Shitty Interactive

Which just makes the game that much worse. Somehow they couldn't even get the shitty parts right.

Not to mention a whopping what,

Care here to post this.

>late game weapons are stronger than early game weapons
No fucking shit, user

What's the best magic type? Deception seems to have all useful skills, while others don't seem to do anything at all.

Thinking of biting the bullet and go for dodgy rogue type of character.

It's not that, it's just that most two handed weapons barely had more damage than one handers while being significally slower and having a higher energy consumption per swing. Where's the fucking tradeoff?

End game two handers like greataxes and greatswords do way more damage than end game swords. I cant even force myself to use swords anymore since they do such shit damage.

I feel the same way about Witcher 3's Death March difficulty. Everything is a damage sponge and you're sure to die if you get yourself caught in a mob battle. I get that a lot of people like it but I'm just not having fun playing it on my second playthrough and that's after playing Broken bones.

>fighting against beast
>camera is so shit and the monster just moves around ultra fast
So fucking fun.

Swords, yes. Axes, nope, at least there's no better greataxe than the best one handed axe you can find. There are a couple slightly better greatswords (with around 10% more damage) and one significantly stronger one, but that's it.

Well PSN gave it to me for free, so I'll give it a look and make a thread about it after I throw some time into it.

>It's on PC
And it's also shit ;^)

Best weapon desu.

I enjoyed it as well.

Meanwhile everyone else was complaining that it wasn't Dark Souls.

Am I going mad or all the "souls-like" games like Nioh or Shadow of the fallen seem to be as clunky as dark souls 2?
The animations, the hud, and the slow ass weapons.
At least nioh had fast katanas, lords doesn't have jackshit desu


How far is that from the beast enemy?

kek, no

I dont think you know what clunky means, considering that dark souls 2 was just a more fluid dark souks 1 in terms of combat

And nioh currently shits all over the souls series so yeah

You get it in the area after the beast. So one boss after beast then you can go rush to it i guess

>not the one handed rapist

That's the best in stats, but it's too hard to get.

>one handed
Are you some kind of pussy?

I don't like swinging weapons around like I'm in bullet time, sorry.