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is this what they call a meme lol doubles

maybe the product just isn't for you.

only autists care about 4K anything, Sony isn't phasing out the PS4 and I'm not going to throw it in the trash just because a slightly ungraded model it out.

It'll come out, people won't care about it, devs won't support it and it'll fall into obscurity like it should and the OG PS4 will continue to outpace the PS2 like it is now.


Is this what they call a vacuous anti-meme non-response?

they didn't quite capture Cerny's psychotic tendencies.

I thought it was Dexter Douglas from the thumbnail.

>only autists care about 4K anything

That's the same argument 480p people used when 720p came out.



What the fuck am I reading? When 720p came out, it was a step down from CRT resolutions available at the time.

dem pumpkin spice lattes are good though, mm mmm

go be old somewhere else.

imagine glitch being a little older and then they fug


>imagine glitch being a little older and then they fug
the fuck is wrong with you?

I seriously fucking doubt you would say that to my face, pussy.

eh? what's wrong with it


But he literally said that they will release the videos on-demand in full resolution later so the people at home can watch them.

At least make jokes of what happened rather than pretending shit didn't happen.

well then you're not only old but a moron.

LITERALLY no punchline
the only reason peole watch this shit is because they want to fuck the cats

nah i liked gamercat before they introduced sweet

th-that's hot

I have autism and I don't care about 4K
Suck it

idk i think it's cuter than it is hot

>lesbians aren't gay

Post more of these

I hate this webcomic so much solely because of those shitty glasses that cat wears. Every single comic the artist is so goddamn lazy that they cant be bothered to draw the glasses every time it appears so they just make a template and copy paste it on to every panel the cat bitch is in. It doesn't match with the line art at all and it looks so out of place.

Fuck this American Sakamoto comic. It's not every funny most of the time.

idk i specify lesbians if it's women
otherwise i automatically think of dudes
but that's just my onion

that's all i have

>no one to rp as glitch with someone else rping sweet
why live

we're not doing this in a perfectly innocent LOL thread you fucking degenerate.

and what an onion it is user.

Who's up for some story time


Don't know why I quoted that post

what in the actual fuck did they mean by this?

how does the author feel to have inadvertently created one of the worst fucking memes of all time


>dude memes XD
I hate this comic already

imagine you're attacking someone and you go WHOA-PAH!


whats the sauce of this?

well his shit is one of the worst comics of all time, so..

If I order one of them as a 30 year old man will everyone be judging me?

why does the playstation man look like a rapist


this was before it was a shitty meme ya goober.

>one of

Nobody cares.

Literally, nobody cares. The barista doesn't care, they'll forget about you in 10 minutes. The people around you won't notice and, if they do, they probably won't care.


dunno but I'm surprised he didn't show up at e3 this year.

not sure if funny, but I felt the same when watching their shitty laggy pixelated stream


please stop

people won't care, like said







>Pepe was a happy frog boy before becoming a meme destroyed him


fuck you. these are good.

He looks like the husk of a farmer in men in black


He deserved it. He deserved it all.

>being so insecure that this is even a question that enters your mind
Here's how I know you're not actually 30 years old.
In fact, I doubt you're even 20 years old.

>talking on his cell
he always was a normie after all...


Penny Arcade always did hate Sony, because Sony was the "bully" console when they were kids that "jocks" had.

But they now love xbox for the same reason

People are overhyping or shilling the fuck out of pro since it's already available for preorder. The disappointment over its minor improvements is gonna be palpable.

He became a meme with his "Feels good, man" phrase.


So is Matt Furie a pseudonym? Or is he really a furry named Furie?

>being this new
You do realize Sup Forums didn't literally create Pepe, right?

He had to die in order to become a god



This nigger was autistic as fuck but he's alright.

Not pepe the character, but it did pepe the meme


so how does the author feel about what pepe has become?


well this isn't the meme, its the character.


I just have autism or whatever the kids say.

What the fuck?

see I'd say he's pretty satisfied that the tone he set hasn't changed in ten years.




There are interviews.
He thinks its cool Pepe the Frog became a thing beyond his own work. The only thing he doesn't like is the coloration we give him. Dark green, brown lips, blue shirt, Matt thinks its shit.
Matt's colored works involve vibrant neon or pastel stuff more often than the comparatively dingy coloration of the meme-variant Pepe.


heh, that was genuinely entertaining

>too lazy to draw arms
>make a char who has none

>tom cruise was a cool batman

I laughed.


This dude is danker than pepe desu
