Could this finally be the death of weebshit? We can only hope.
Could this finally be the death of weebshit? We can only hope
Hurray for censorship
Guess it's finally time to make a dent on your backlog, eh?
SJWs put themselves in a strategically unassailable position.
You cannot ignore them, because to do so is to allow their agenda go unchallenged and poison people's minds freely.
You cannot attack them, because they will use your anger at them as ammunition against anyone who dares criticise them, using your dislike of their bullshit as proof of why their ideology is needed and necessary which furthers their cause and further entrenches them.
You cannot reason or debate with them, because they are looking for neither, their ideology is infallible and not to be questioned and if you do you are the enemy and must be eliminated.
You cannot use the absolute final solution of intimidation and violence to silence them when all else has failed and all other reasonable avenues have been exhausted because you will just make martyrs for their cause and just strengthen them even further.
You literally cannot win. Nothing you can do will appease them, nothing you say will convince them they are being unreasonable and childish.
It's a rigged game that you cannot possibly win.
>an entire country should change their entertainment industry because it hurts my feelings
>foreigners shouldn't express their culture on a neutral, worldwide platform
totally not racist and oppressive logic there.
shame they cant do shit to anime, because western anime industry doesnt exists
Honestly anime is pretty shitty these days
Not to justify these neo-nazi actions but still anime is pretty shitty these days I thought you should know
you could just ignore it instead of ruining it for everyone
I don't ruin it I'm just pointing out that anime is pretty shitty these days
Is your only exposure to anime FotS garbage like Umaru which was a year ago?
I'll answer for you. Yes.
no its not, only because you dont like it doesnt make it shit
It's not the first time these shits tried to bully a foreign society to cave to their shit, remember Rapelay?
Fuck off back to kekchan goobers
Look all that matters is that anime is pretty shitty these days
I don't even know what that is
You realize that the goal of an argument isn't to "win", right? It's to present your ideas in a clear, logical, and understandable way.
You win the fight against SJWs whenever you present a strong argument against them. People will see that. They will be affected by it. It's a fool's game to try and convert the vocal minority, rather than the silent majority.
So you don't know anything about anime then. Feel free to stop posting anytime.
>anime is pretty shitty these days
But JoJo is one of the best shows since Nichijou and Madoka.
Only plebs like anime, true patricians read manga.
For now though, I'll just point out that anime is pretty shitty these days
But there's no point if I already read the manga.
JoJo animation quality is dog shit. Read the manga
you are retarded
Nips don't care, though. (((Western media outlets))) whining about anime tiddies won't actually make anything happen.
Is this advanced bait? Am I witnessing a bait master?
Jojo is garbage and spammer like you are just post-naruto narutard that jumped on another colorful gay shounen to get their fix of shit.
Let's go watch some classic anime together user.
I love it
They're not really trying to uphold social justice at all. They're literally just contrarians. Whatever people like, they don't like.
People like video games? Video games are problematic.
People don't like Islam. Islam is amazing and these people are being xenophobic. It's cultural imperialism to try and change the way muslums are.
People like anime? Japan is horrible and misogynistic and their culture needs some serious changing.
People don't like Hillary Clinton? She's an angel and her getting into office will immediately and permanently solve all of the world's problems.
Westerners have affected games like Star Ocean, Bravely Default and DOAX3
>The Tocqueville effect is the phenomenon that, as social conditions and opportunities improve, social frustration grows more quickly.[1][2] The effect is based on Alexis de Tocqueville's observations on the French Revolution and later reforms in Europe and the United States. Another way to describe the effect is the aphorism "the appetite grows by what it feeds on".[3] For instance, after greater social justice is achieved, there may be more fervent opposition to even smaller social injustices than before.
>The effect suggests a link between social equality or concessions by the regime and unintended consequences.[4] According to the Tocqueville effect, a revolution is likely to occur after an improvement in social conditions in contrast to the "Marx effect" (deterioration of conditions).[5]
This explains the SJW phenomenon nicely. Soft, rich, trendy cunts want to feel like Che Guevara for a day, but have no real local problems to revolt against at present.
>Sup Forums and SJWs are two sides of the same coin
>read the manga
>bad animation
I've read it and I enjoy the hype of the show. It's a fun show.
As if, motherfucker!
shigechi isnt really dead
Didn't the recent star ocean get nerfed because of fear of the West?
Right now. 1v1 me. The whole Yu Yu Hakusho series. Even the retarded demon arc at the end.
If you're ever known a busybody cunt middle aged housewife with too much time and no problems then you know what these people are.
Counter Challenge all of Outlaw Star dubbed
It's almost like "social justice" is a front for other, more wide-ranging interests that have little to nothing to do with societal inequality. ₪
>Someone wants animeshit dead
I cannot wait for anime shit to die. Where do I donate to speed it up?
In Japan? News to me.
I'm actually ok with this.
Normalshits have already taken over anime, just let it die.
People actually read Heat Street?
Ah shit, Melfina was one of my first waifus. This challenge will be too easy.
2020 Olympics is when they'll make their move. The pieces are being set in motion.
>Oh Japan, won't you feel so backwards and wrong when everyone sees Akihabara when they come to the Olympics?
>No you can't just take it down for a while, it's time to ban it all
Solid taste.
>Mods will censor this
Yep japan got affected. 2ch was fucking pissed
2020 is too late, things will be uncuckening by then.
lol if these people thought gaymers were bad they ain't seen nothing yet.
They'll get bored soon enough once they realize nobody gives a shit about them in Japan.
I do love how delusional those blog warriors are and how they imagine themselves causing massive uprisings and starting revolutions by typing some shitty 300 word article.
At least when Japs do it, they have the decency to kill themselves after they fail.
Can you name a single thing "the mary sue" has accompished?
Who cares. Akihabara is normalfag central anyway these days.
If feminists start whining about anime instead of video games, good. I hate weebshit and japan won't do anything but stop releasing their garbage here. No more weebshit here AND feminists fuck off from vidya.
>celebrate diversity !
>wait, those guys aren't acting like us ? FORCE THEM TO ACT LIKE US
>Yay diversity !
leave jewish art major clickbait writers to me
Anime in general is normalfag central
Nothing new here.
Pretty much what said. True, SJWs will never even begin to reflect on their beliefs, they're lunatics. But you don't have to try and persuade SJWs: instead, convince everyone else that SJWs are cancerous.
The majority of people are not feminists, and dislike political correctness. With feminists constantly doing stupid shit to embarrass themselves (the latest being the hugh mungus and Hawaiian bobblehead debacles), everyone coming together to shit on feminists and feminism does a good job to ensure that the percentage of people who identify as feminists continues to drop.
Just keep convincing rational people that SJWs are a blight, don't try and convince SJWs themselves. That's how SJWs can lose.
None of this shit matters. Japan isn't going to change something that primarily hinges on and feeds the domestic market, it's too lucrative and the international market is so marginal that they're never going to worry about alienating foreigners. Especially when the cultural value of 'Cool Japan' massively outweighs any amount of people who think Japan's 'weird shit' needs to banned.
Just this year they already threw out the UN proposal to ban depictions of sexual violence. If the UN or their own politicians can't make them stop that shit, internet journalists sure aren't going to manage it.
>You realize that the goal of an argument isn't to "win", right? It's to present your ideas in a clear, logical, and understandable way.
Lol, rhetoric always wins m8.
That's video games.
Also Star Ocean's censorship was so small-time it changed nothing. DOAX3 actually made money from the delusions of prudes
But were there apologies? I know nip companies are pretty cautious of offending their main consumer base.
"Diversity" actually just means "not white but acts like the good kind of white, i.e. us".
They'll fail and/or by then we'll have escaped the lunacy of neo feminism.
I don't understand what the fuck do they want from them when even their fucking porn is censored, unlike the rest of the countries in the UN.
Do they seriously think that "implied" sexual depictions are worse than straight up sex?
Not like it mattered since SO5 sucked ass and people only cared about green slut in the grand scheme of things.
>Bravely Default
Blame NoA for that, they are pandering hard to SJW whales lately and boy just look how many people are pissed to Nintendo these days
Instead of dealing with all this SJW shit, it was only released in Japan and with optional english setting so baka gaijins could just import them since region lock is not an issue unless you are a Nintencuck. If this will be the new norm so be it.
>Star Ocean
That's new to me, last good game in the series was 3 though
This man is correct. What an abomination the new Berserk is.
I don't understand, isn't diversity supposed to be about co-existence regardless of shady shit?
I mean, the Witcher series was a good example of diversity, as it gives developers from other cultures a chance to prove themselves with video game. How did it corrupt into enslaving other cultures to the zealous left?
>ban depictions of sexual violence
So the UN thinks things they don't like should be banned? Does that mean rape scenes in movies should be banned too?
God save the internet when Obama signs over ICANN.
Are you seriously so young you think of Sup Forums as your brothers AND powerful?
Goddamn. Just...goddamn. That makes me sad.
To curb fictitious degeneracy so they can feel all-powerful and "progressive".
Was Default censors worth a damn?
The Bravo Bikini was worthless.
Having four child wives with mutilated genitalia = A-OK, you're an islamophobe and a racist if you criticize it
Cute fictional anime girls = disgusting abuse that must end
Because leftists don't actually care about diversity.
They were for bravely second
Are Japanese honorary whites to leftists, too?
Came to post this. It's just supid and will only affect a 1st world country. Unless they have really solid evidence that all that anime/game sexual """"violence"""" is linked to real sexual violence (which has already proven it isn't many times) the UN or any hambeast can't do shit.
She was a throwaway boss. I think the outfit change was dumb but I can't care about a boss you'll only fight twice and forget about
As long as they refuse to toe the line, yes.
I am completely unaware of who the fuck this is.
Of course, leftists only judge people by skin color and gender.
>Change Indian outfit to avoid cultural backlash
>Change it into a Cowboy outfit
>Cowboys usually depicted as the good guys fighting off the evil Indians in classic cinema.
Sausga censors.
Just when we thought absolutism was being left behind with religion this shit happens
The Burger and yuropoor versions have the sidequests altered so no matter what you choose, you will get the correct choice, which was a complete bullshit and a dealbreaker for me, oh and some more costumes I guess
>leftism is literally "low-agency, low-quality races are better than civilized ones and can never do anything wrong" at this stage
>People don't like Islam
kek user. you are doing exactly what you are criticizing
The human race is irredeemably retarded. Wasn't the message in that South Park episode about atheist humans fighting atheist otters pretty much the human race will fight over the dumbest shit regardless of believing in a god or not?
In other words, the alt-right were the alt-leftists all along?
>giving a fuck
t. Ben "if you fight the left, they win" Shapiro
> Could this finally be the death of weebshit?
Weebs won't give a flying fuck. They will still fansub every animu out there and translate manga and ect.
I'm sure this isn't the first time they shat on anime and won't be the last. They won't even make a dent here.
The """""alt-right"""" is populated in part by disillusioned leftists.
Me either, but it happened.
Disillusioned lolbertarians, more like. Bern victims were supposed to be the primary target for converting from the left but that turned out to be a meme.