Rate my city Sup Forums
Rate my city Sup Forums
very organized
I don't like it
Also I don't know how anyone likes this game it looks and plays like fucking hot stinky poopoo garbage
That's because it's a shitty cashgrab that's not even close to SimCity, holy shit how can people praise it so much?
Isn't this cities skyline? I don't know the difference between simcity 5 and that.
tfw SC4 will be the last good sim city ever.
at least we have mods
>muh grids
also pick up your garbage.
give me a more efficient way to place all that shit and i'll get rid of grids.
utilize one way roads and highways a little better my dude. It takes some fine tuning, but your city doesn't have to look like a series of cookie-cutter patches.
It is. They sell disasters as DLC :^)
the reason cities skyline is bad its just cause you can only play sim city?
looks great. make a nice factory district that manufactures cheap electronics and it will be a complete communist tenement.
Skylines is better than the latest Simcity.
Other than that SC4, is best citybuilder
Play Anno
Flood plain /10
t. geologist
hows that traffic treating you
it looks like pure shit. seriously. it's fucking ugly.
what did you expect? some praise? your city is trash
Looks shit, like American cities
nice work op
>Middle Hills
>Located at the edge of town
Soulless chink-ville.
Is this ever getting fixed? What's the fucking point of multi-lane routes if they all go single file.
Holy cow what mod is that??
Look carefully. They're all queued up for single lane on/off ramps.
>Not building your town in a crater
>Not being able to start up with lovely, time-enduring medieval architecture
Whoops, shit, wrong town.
tfw can't get mod and asset list of 300+ items to work properly
I made it :^)
What happens when it rains?
You get a free moat, to drown the barbarian hordes.
I fucking love Lucca
i liked city skylines until i got tired of the 4x4 limit limitation even for commercial/industrial generic buildings, so basically I'd have to put in a shit ton of unique mod buildings just to make a believable city.
Underground rivers, mate
There is no core/center.
Everything is square.
Giant road right through the middle of the town, cuts it in half.
Looks like murrica.
man, it must be dreadfully boring to drive in America
convenient i imagine
makes sense, most American city's are modern and well planned out before being built. Grids are more efficient. Still a little boring tho
>highway goes almost underwater
Skylines is good, you could have picked it up for 75% off though just last weekend.
Only stupid thing is they make DLC that includes stuff that they later add for free to the main game.
>Crescent Square
>not having highway go underwater
No imagination/10
So is there a mod, either for CS or SC4, that have waterfall or something like that? I live in Indonesia and and i've visited a small comfy town that have waterfall near it and want to recreate something similar in the game.
>Grids are more efficient
>having four-way intersections every block, in a car-centric culture with an aversion to public transport is efficient
That said, many of them are built entirely around the idea that residents will all be using personal motor vehicles for transportation and makes it an absolute bitch to get about them on foot.
That's a town at best. The population can't be much more than 5000.
Is not just america
This thread made me install Banished again. Hope you're pleased with yourselves, cunts.
>Industrial zone mixed in so close with everything else
>that traffic hell hole waiting to happen
>that pollution
>not separating his zones for better traffic flow
>barely any road hierarchy
My OC is numbing my tongue because of you
Call me when we can finally build a town inside a star fort
Did it ever get fixed? Or is pathing/task prioritizing still the death knell of every village?
It honestly varies from city to city, some have tons of bike lanes and city bus's others have fuck you get a car fag.
i dunno, americans are just afraid of roundabouts for some reason
there's some here and there but usually only as a decorative piece like a park or whatever
Why do you use large roads for your suburbs?
>Road are grids
Enjoy your shitty traffic
Pathfinding is still a bit shit, you'll have villagers going over mountains if they think it's faster than taking the tunnel through, or a stroll through the woods instead of staying on the road.
Mostly they do their jobs right, but the biggest problem is when they decide to just take all the supplies every now and again so instead of being able to brew a nice big batch of ale you only get a barrel or two because some cunts decided to take all your apples for themselves.
Just be more inefficient holy shit do you have autism
i haven't played this in a really long time
does is still run like ass?
when it comes to larger city's yes grids are better. Your right about the aversion to public transport thing though, at least in the u.s.
For the plus-sized mobility scooters.
CS has physics for its water.
You need to fiddle with the terraforming tools a bit but it looks pretty good.
The Romans were very into grid plans and was the basis of many of the cities they created. The major exception to this was Rome itself, which became a sprawling, jumbled mess.
Roman cities were mostly for pedestrians with the occasional delivery cart passing through. Density was also relatively low. Intersections weren't such bottlenecks in such circumstances.
>Mods seem cool.
>Until nightfall.
The Eixample is from 1800, not from roman times
I'm making a serious question.
Why a grid-like city is shit for automobiles?
I didn't say it was. I was just giving another counter-example to view that grid plans are a purely American phenomenon, a view that's rampant on this site.
>tfw can't make a nicely looking, well functioning city
Banished is so comfy, like holy shit.
>to the* view
>Why a grid-like city is shit for automobiles?
Because automobiles need long, uninterrupted stretches of road to be fast. If you have to stop every 500m at an intersection then you're just making gridlock. Also, road hierarchy is impossible with grid cities. An efficient city needs several main-artery tier routes going through them and a few feeder routes going into/from them.
Everything else just becomes a game of waiting at intersections for your turn to cross. This also makes cities unlivable for pedestrians and cyclists. I've lived for a year in Manhattan and the grid parts of it are such hell for a car that I prefer to take the nigger-infested subway on every occasion.
Will we ever get a true successor to SimCity 4?
It's the only game I've wanted for years now.
Best current City-Builder?
I've been out of the genre except for occasional Tropico for a few years
Nope. SimCity 4 will be the last, truly great, comfy and complex city builder.
Hmm. Interesting.
Is this loss?
I want to git gud at that game
The principles applicable to highways are just as applicable to urban routing. It's just that you can't fit these humongous interchanges even in a pre-planned city. Every intersection is a slow down, every time spent waiting for your turn to cross is time lost.
What grid cities offer is:
You don't even need an urban planning engineer to set up such a city.
>infinite expansion
Just keep adding grids and you're done. No need for foresight or adapting you existing infrastructure to handle expansion.
>direct accessibility
All sides of all buildings are accessible by cars. That is, if you're not stuck in traffic for an eternity trying to get there.
That's why they are used but that does not make them efficient.
Is that glorious Bourtange?
yeah Cities Skylines felt like a cheap, off-brand version of SimCity (the franchise in general) to me. It's fun but it lacks charm and polish.
Cities Skylines
Nothing wrong with bottom right unless its asymmetry triggers people's autism
They're all trying to turn right, why would they be in the left lanes?