>Still eating like a noob and not GAMER FOOD
You better have a good excuse
>Still eating like a noob and not GAMER FOOD
You better have a good excuse
Other urls found in this thread:
>forcing this shit that hard at 2 am
It's 5 am loser
>2 am
>living on the shittiest coast
I feel for you, user.
I really do.
hahaha ew califag
West coast is best coast faggit
I actually love silly brands like this. Something about it makes me giggle and enjoy it. I just wish it was cheap, because gamer shit is always so much more expensive, even the food.
those replies were fast.
consider sucide you autistics
my country is objectively less fat than yours, fatass
west coast doesn't even have the best disney park you fag
West coast is full of faggots, liberals and Mexicans.
suicide when
>West coast is only Cali
>cashews of chads
this is no food of mine
it may as well be
it's already 11:20 am
>eating junk food instead of fruits
you do know cali isnt the only place with that timezone right?
Yeah, pretty much.
No one gives a shit about the rest of it.
What's a good food alternative to this? I usually just munch on Buffalo pretzel pieces.
i t m a y a s w e l l b e
Wasn't this a big Sup Forums meme back in 2011/2012? My memory is pretty shitty.
Arena shooter players everyone
>tfw gamer grub is sold out everywhere and i can't find any for sale
>12th time champion
Of gamer food?
fatality already looks ready to die in that photo. What's he up to these days?
That unirocally reminds me of dog and cat food packages
fuck off memeware
sachets did not exist before cunt food
About 400 lbs.
>been to the grocery store twice already to get protein shit and snack foods I may like to help me gain weight because I'm on chemo
>seeing this thread makes me remember junk I would snack on while I gamed late night with buddies
Thanks, Sup Forums, I think you got my appetite back.
>12-time world champion
Of what?
There's a reason why they call it the left coast
Who /activatedalmonds/ here?
I don't eat streamlined, QTE ridden food made out for kids that want everything handed to em.
Instead, i only eat nintendo hard food while using my power gloves.
Trail mix, dried banana chips and water with a slice of lemon is the best food while playing games.
Not before your heart attack
I hope everything goes well for you user.
Didn't that faggot get his shitty book pulled from stores because following his stupid advice would literally kill babies?
gamer fuel gave me diabetes
This thing is basically kitten crack.
Onde your cats prove it, you're fucked.
Or you buy it again, or they grow up bipedal and start to destroy planets.
This is my gamer grub
>He doesn't grow coconuts at home
>He doesn't eat ostrich eggs
The only thing you've activated is your own failure.
suicide or riot
Honestly the worst is just not being able to eat. I've always been underweight so I've always eaten what I want, its difficult not being able to do that because you feel like shit sometimes.
Someone needs to post jack
Is there anything you can do to help it? Do you end up forcing yourself to eat purely for the calories or are there certain foods that go down ok?
why are cats addicted to this shit
they go fucking nuts
cat crack
>google american cuisine
>hamburgers only
I can just eat but it's not the same. I never feel hungry so eating just becomes a chore. What I can do is do is avoid foods I loved while nauseas. Thankfully they've given me a hunger pill, and its helped me regain my appetite.
That sucks man. How does chemo work, are you on for a set period or time or is it indefinite?
>canned pineapple
>cool whip
>that entire mix
Just why.
Drinking strawberry ribena eating doritos right fucking now this is not a game
You iz a git
dude it's 20 fucking 16, get with the times
They have a set plan as of now, and generally they try and follow a set of guidelines - I'm told children's cancer is often a lot better treated because there are set treatments and large studies, unfortunately nothing like that for adults.
They have me on a roadplan that adapts as we go on. Every 3 weeks I'm admitted to the hospital to stay in while they give me my chemo. After 4 or 5 days they'll discharge me, and a week later I'll come in for one last shot of chemo and that's a "round."
I have 5 standard rounds, after my next treatment, my second, they'll run a series of scans to see how the cancer is reacting, and whether they need to modify my plan or not.
>Action pizza
What the fuck.
I'm glad I don't live in an English speaking country. No shit you don't really do anything against immigrants at the end of the day since they're the only source of decent food.
>Eating like some pleb
>Not just having glucose injected directly into your bloodstream
No sane country do stuff against useful immigrants.
A italian that want to make a nice pizzeria will have a much better time than a muslim that want to do a sharia law zone.
Unless it's on a cucked eurocountry.
>people actually pay money for that shit
>how to git gud?
>practice, practice
Why, Jonathan
Don't you fucking dare post the other webms.
What's in that first tub?
Today we learn how to get that smoky flavor
I still have the soundcard he endorsed back in the day in my XP computer.
Used in menudo
Don't know what menudo is? Then pic related.
Wat are you? Casul??
>Pizza in a can
And this is considered food instead of biological waste in America.
>those fucking nails
this mother fucker better be explaining what your chicken isn't supposed to look like