ITT: Best Freeware games
ITT: Best Freeware games
first post best post
cave story
curse of issyos
My father also enjoyed playing cave story with me
Looks like Biomenace
What is this 1993 again?
All software is freeware if you know where to get it from.
sounds almost fantastic
i enjoy things to the maximum when consuming alone
F2P shit need not apply
Top tier game.
you can't buy advantages in dota like you can in league or other p2w trash
I guarantee that SOMEONE will ask how league is p2w, it happens every single time
Just play casually and don't give a shit that you don't have all champions. Buy someone you like and enjoy the free rotation until you find your next purchase.
It only matters in ranked with bans anyway.
Buying champions doesn't automatically make you good at them
Also good luck playing them without runes cuck
>the most attention Iji has ever gotten and will ever get was an awful speedrun
Hero Core
Epic Batle Fantasy (II, IV)
AM2R (rip)
Cave Story
LISA: The First
Dwarf Fortress
Nethack + Variations (Dynahack being my favourite)
I actually talked with remar a while ago on twitter, he wants to update iji with a modern version of GM so it'll work well on modern computers, and tighten up some writing and art in places. unfortunately he doesn't have as much time as he used to to dedicate to a little freeware title so it would be ages before we ever got it
honestly, for something like an iji remaster, I wouldn't mind backing a kickstarter or something
the fuck is he working on anyways?
apparently he just released chapter 1 of some new game just a few weeks ago, plus he has a day job at a some game company I've never heard of
There's been a few attempts to remake it on Reddit, but it never really get to anywhere presentable
I'd gladly drop a $20 for some kind of Iji+ on Steam, or a kickstarter for it.
there's one guy who pops up in threads here and on gamefaqs occasionally who was working on porting it to a modern gm, but I haven't seen him in a long time
Oh shit, he lives.
Did they at least get best ending?
Literally this.
Its not necessarily a good game but it is the best oficially free one.
anyone here read the original/reboot alphastruck?
Killed a few dudes after the pacifist run and let Dan die
Lyle in Cube Sector is pretty good.
>but it's not on Steam so I never heard of it
Holy shit, you are disgusting, I hope you at least changed your stupid avatar for something more decent for a few days when you twited to him. Yes, I'm autictic enough to dig through old twits to find this conversation
man I don't remember what my avatar was that long ago. and I don't know what your beef is, it's not like it's cropped porn or something
>Lyle in Cube Sector
What is it? I can't find it on steam.
Is that euphemism for anal sex?
Only if the game would've picked up a bit more. I don't care, have the jew system aka hats, just make it popular.
I haven't tried any of the custom campaigns yet so I guess that's a reason to play again with my buds.
You're thinking of Cave Explorer
I really liked Worms X back in the day.
Iji was awesome.
You're a fucking moron.
Your mother's husband?
Pure gold.
>it is now easier to download and play pirated games than to play games made to be free
This is a freeware thread, you egg. ALL the games here are F2P
Everyone always focuses on the "You have to buy champions" aspect of it for some reason, but not the "You can buy stat boosts to make you more powerful and give you additional abilities" even though that's way more fucking P2W sounding.
Someone explain Dwarf Fortress to me. Everyone always has the best stories about it so I tried it out and I couldn't figure out what to do. Like. Literally, I spent 15 minutes and I didn't do a damn thing. Literally nothing, I couldn't understand the controls at all even after reading all the instruction guide material. When I say the furthest I got with the game was getting past the start screen, I am 100% serious. No game has ever made me feel more retarded.
Pretty much this. Best F2P model in the industry right now, prove me wrong. Pirated games aren't F2P by the way :^)
Consider reading a starter's guide.
I think the wiki has one.
The wiki is useful in general, it'll tell you what to do and how to set shit up.
Worth Playing:
>Cave Story
>Dorf Fort
>Hero Core
>Knytt Stories
>La Mulana
>Nethack (mods are better)
>Tower of Heaven
>Yume Nikki
Should be added:
>Epic Battle Fantasy III
>LISA: The First
f2p games are not freeware
Ludosity. They made a remake of the LoZ-esque puzzle game that was in one of the scrap packs. Also a bunch of memes on Apathetic Frog, another scrap pack character.
yeah freeware is good
>Should be added
You got paint as well, bro
>developing games for free
>current year
This was way better than it should have been
I remember playing the unfinished flash version of that game on newgrounds over 10 years ago.
Did they ever finish it?
I could see it help build a portfolio
GTA 2 isn't available for download anymore. You can thank consoles for it
First time I've seen Iji ever mentioned on Sup Forums
Fucking loved that shit
Tfw barkley gaiden has yet to be dethroned as the best jrpg of all time
Fugitive Takedown
African Detroit Cop