I don't see why people are shitposting about the Asari in Andromeda. They look great!

I don't see why people are shitposting about the Asari in Andromeda. They look great!

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you, you made me spill my dring all over my keyboard.





Nu-Asari is cute! CUTE!!

I see they improved the Asari. Heh, wonder if SOMEBODY at Bioware had their future written on it.


Damn, I need some bugles now


Fuck, the bottom left has that mouth that SJeWs and niggers make.

I guess that happens when you replace all the talented white, straight men with feminists, sjws and diversity heirs


So is the John C. Reilly Asari still in the game? Or were they too publicly humiliated about it?

I've been trying to remember who it reminded me of, and there it is. Goddamn, Bioware.

Fuck off back to containment chan goober

i kekked

Bioware is fucked

just give up on it



Did I really save a thumbnail? Goddammit.

I love how SJWs are deathly afraid of saying Gator. Makes me laugh every single time because they sound exactly like an obnoxious child.

"Fuck off goober!"

Now that you post this, I want a Mask game.

Damn it.


God damn, I love the twelve-year-old tier childish words. Tumblrtards genuinely have the maturity level of children.

Go back to Sup Forums you fucking vapists.
There are no SJWs on Sup Forums and even if they were, we'd embrace them just to piss off the altright subhumans.

>Crying about "sjw's" killing his video games
>Calls others a twelve year olds
Oh i am laffin

>Trying this hard

I'm pretty sure we(as in, non-sjw) used "boogeyman" first to describe how they wouldn't shut up about the Gamergater under their beds.

>Crying about "sjw's" killing his video games
Nowhere did I say that, top kek on the deflection though. Though you forgot to throw in "goobergobber" or some other immature word, so sadly I have to dock points for that.



There should be a game where the objective is to get a steam locomotive through a herd of cattle in the old west by managing the speed of the train and selecting the appropriate recent video game heroine's jaw to slap on the front of it.

fuck off, gabrler gabobbler

The incoherent ramblings of a goober.

Kys Biodrone

You're only supposed to keep the mouthwash in for 30 seconds.

So, can we not talk about how shit this game is without the social fuckery around it?

hey, you're right

>It's a solid theory that Asari's appearance changes based on who is looking at them
>We play as Ryder who is a massive uggo
>Ryder wants to feel less jealous if she is straight, or less intimidated if she is lesbo

Blammo. Now just show me what Asari look like to Krogan and Hanar and Elcor.

>I'd embrace brain cancer just to piss off my colon cancer!

No, but I'd embrace common cold to piss off colon cancer.

This is fucking disgusting. It's such a shame Mass Effect 1 and 2 are going to get shit on a second time.

What's wrong Sup Forums? I thought having a race of only females would help the sjw and now it's the opposite?

I agree! Sup Forumsfats are ruining this board!

i can take Sup Forums shit anytime, any day, i cant take SJW shit.

unlike SJW, Sup Forums paranoid theories can be amusing sometimes.

Don't bother. He's just being contrarian as hard as he can since SJW's clearly aren't in great numbers here. Can't stick it to people who never come here.

>I'm here for the interview

Fuck off name fag

Its Hugh Mungus

Fuck off Sup Forumsturd

>muh Sup Forums boogieman

>It's Sup Forums's fault no one wants to talk about my gay ass game.

Yeah i'm sure it'll be Sup Forums's fault when it sells like shit as well.....
