Can we please stop memeing and accept the fact that this is the best dark souls game, and dark souls 2 is the worst?
Can we please stop memeing and accept the fact that this is the best dark souls game, and dark souls 2 is the worst?
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Can we please grow up and stop calling different taste 'memeing'?
You can argue about shit taste forever but it won't stop being a thing.
That said, I'm not a fan of DS2 and I agree it's weakest souls game.
Need poise then I will agree
>Darks Souls 2
falling for all the memes
You are memeing yourself nigga
this guy gets it
>soul memory and shitty band aid that followed
>no full orbs
>arenas full of cancer
>level design gems like the need to kill 4 bosses because super zombie MC can't climb over waist high pile of rubble
Yeah sure, it's all memes.
>havels armor
>any fast dex weapon
>fast chugging
You dont want to see that
yeah, bb isn't as good because you have to farm for vials, you can't travel from any bonfire to bonfire, the hub is split between the dream and the cathedral. ds3 solves all of those issues
OP, you have to accept that not everyone in this planet is you, and that this is a good thing because there are things you're shit at and they're not and vice versa.
And as such, differing opinions, differing tastes, differing waifus.
Of course, there is one point where you can "win" that is the part where you inform people, because there is a lot, LOT of people that don't know dark souls 3 but potentially would like it if they knew, So the best you can do is represent this as best as you can, and find what people would like about it and show it.
Information and rationalizing are really powerful weapons, and the less you lie, the stronger they hit.
>because you have to farm for vials
What? You get showered in vials the first half of the game. You can max out your storage from blood echoes of one D5 chalice dungeon floor.
Dark Souls 2 is an experimental Souls game.
It's more arcade-y, videogame-y, and that's EXACTLY why Sup Forums hates it the most
>farm for vials
you sure you don't just suck?
Dark souls 2 is pretty good the movement is shit but other than that issue its better than dark souls 3
It's also more shit-y and retard-y. Seriously, fucking ADP and soul memory, who the fuck comes up with that shit.
The dark souls 2 dlc is the best content in the dark souls franchise
Bloodborne is overall the best of the soulsborne series
Demon's souls is the weakest
Dark souls 3 is the most polished, the reason people don;t like it(and rightfully so) is because it's the one that feels the most like a rehash, it feels like demon's souls 3
none of the soulsborne games are bad
>Dark souls 2
>Actually tries to be it's own game and have unique mechanics that weren't tried before
>Still a good game but has it's flaws
>People hate it
>Dark souls 3
>Might as well be called Bloodborne: Dark souls overhaul mod
>Barely tries anything new that wasn't already a thing in either Bloodborne or a previous souls game
>12/10 best game of all time
Soul memory was retarded and the downgrade was shit but you fuckers are why the industry becomes as stagnant as it is.
>waaaaaah no more invisibility button
Who /likesallthreegames/ here?
Dark Souls 2 had the most visually appealing UI, especially the inventory window.
They rank like the Die Hard movies
>1 = 3 > dog shit > 2
>2 worse than the godawful russia one
>Dark souls 3
>12/10 best game of all time
Said no one ever. It's better than 2 but even /dsg/ doesn't call it best.
As a game, yes, DS3 is the best. Most polished as well, which is surprising especially given that it's only barely 5 months old when two other games needed at least a year to patch themselves properly.
DS1 has a slight edge over it though when it comes to atmosphere and exploration because of interconnected locations of the first half. But after AL interconnections stop and DS1's individual level design just can't fucking compare to DS3 with like two exceptions (Painted World and Catacombs).
I won't even touch DS2 because this shit should be considered to be a spinoff while DS3 should be considered a real DS2.
what are you talking about, user? They stopped making Die Hard movies after the third one
yeah, so?
/dsg/ is full of DS2fags shitposting about DS3
>soul memory and shitty band aid that followed
>no full orbs
>arenas full of cancer
Literally irrelevant because pvp in a souls game is like single player in condition zero, irrelevant.
>level design gems like the need to kill 4 bosses because super zombie MC can't climb over waist high pile of rubble
And this somehow makes the whole game bad?
Even IF he could climb the pile or rubble, he needs to kill the 4 bosses to gain their strenght, just like in DaS to beat the final boss.
Nothing wrong with ADP. Rolling is beyond OP in DaS, now it's not, simple as that.
Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3 > BB > literal garbage
nothing better than 1
Everything is wrong with agility.
Souls games are action series first, rpg elements second. If rpg system messes up with action it's a shit system. Bosses and enemies should be able to punish rolls, rolls shouldn't create lingering hitbox beside you because you don't have points in stat.
I think you meant:
Old hunters=Lost Crown>DaS3>Bloudbourne>DaS2>Aota>DaS>DeS
Soulsborne games got better over time, and old hunters+lost crowns are the best content From has ever made. Their next game will be even better.
You know something is good when Sup Forums hates on it, and you know it's bad when Sup Forums likes it. Only exception being Bloudbourne which is stellar.
>Old hunters=Lost Crown
FUCK NO, lost crowns are way worse than old hunters and all vanilla ds3 levels as well.
>Bloudbourne which is stellar.
It really isn't though.
then that means you suck
Why did they remove the vertical level design from Dark Souls 1? That was my favorite part of the game. You just move from area to area in this one.
There's actually as much vertical levels in DS3 as it was in DS1, if not more.
Unless you mean interconnections, but only the first half of DS1 is interconnected.
I'm a pcuck that got the change to play it for 3 weeks straight, and I have to admit, it is. I still have a slight preference for DaS3, but Bloudbourne makes me want to buy a PSquadruple just to replay it for the 9th time. The game has plenty of problems, just like every soulsborne game, but it's the one that has the least with DS3.
Or I'll wait for the psPro if they patch it for improved graphics.
that doesn't mean farming for vials isn't a bad game mechanic
>Or I'll wait for the psPro if they patch it for improved graphics.
BB wasn't even at their conference and they already stated that all multiplayer games will run at the same FPS as on older version of console, and BB is considered to be a multiplayer game.
It's been up since release date you fucking retard.
Can you stop sucking Miyazaki's cock?
I don't want higher framerate and I never played MP in soulsborne game, I just want better graphics.
You're irrelevant. Pretending flaws don't exist because you're not interested in that part of the game is retarded.
>And this somehow makes the whole game bad?
It was one example where shitload others exist. But you already know that because we've been through this like thousand times already.
>he needs to kill the 4 bosses to gain their strenght
No. You can join CoC so shit won't despawn and kill weakest mob million times over to get enough SM to open the gate. You don't need to kill any of the big bad bosses if you don't want to.
I don't know where to download anymore
>dark souls 2 is the worst
fuck you nigger, i'm having a blast with ds2 and i even played ds1 for years but once you finish anor londo the game is over and it just starts to drag on forever, except for the dlc bosses (not areas tho, fucking shit areas in the dlc).
>sucks at bb
>has to farms vials because he sucks
>farming vials sucks because he sucks
DaS1 felt like one cohesive world, whereas DaS3 feels like arcade style levels.
>It was one example where shitload others exist.
Just like DaS then? Except there are way more in DaS?
>Pretending flaws don't exist because you're not interested in that part of the game is retarded.
DaS pvp is even more pathetic. And Sup Forums bitches about SM because they can't twink like crazy and perma kill low level players that just want to play the game.
>No. You can join CoC so shit won't despawn and kill weakest mob million times over to get enough SM to open the gate.
Which is something you can't know on your first playthrough, or can't know at all unless someone tells you. And even if you do know it, nobody is retarded enough to do it.
Farming of any sort breaks the gameplay loop. Farming for chalice materials is bad and farming for vials is bad.
Sorry but DS3 is a complete joke. It's easy as fuck, has zero replayability and is the weakest Souls' game because of this.
People can shit on DS2 all they want but it has the best gameplay and mechanics of all the Souls games.
Also DS3 has zero choices, you're completely forced to play it through the same fucking way every time, unlike DS1/2.
on piratebay you gigantic retard, where else have you been downloading for the last 10 years
download tor and it's the fucking frontpage.
Dark Souls III is linear as fuck.
There are maybe three or four times in the entire game where there's a branching path, and it's just that. A branch that ends in a dead end. There's no interconnectivity to the world whatsoever.
1. Road of Sacrifice leads to Farron Keep and branches off to The Cathedral of the Deep. Completing the Cathedral is required to progress into Irithyll. The Cathedral is a dead end.
2. Irithyll leads to Anor Londo and branches off to Irithyll Dungeon. Completing Irithyll Dungeon and Profaned Capital is necessary to complete the game.
3. Lothric Castle branches off to Consumed King's Garden/Untended Graves. This area is optional and a dead end.
4. Irithyll Dungeon leads to Archdragon Peak, an optional dead end.
5. Catacombs of Carthus lead to Smouldering Lake, an optional dead end.
There are only two possible first bosses in the game, Vordt and Dancer. Beating Dancer early allows you to access a grand total of 4 areas and 4 bosses earlier than you normally would, after which you have to progress through the game normally. It also allows you to access Archdragon Keep a bit earlier than normal, as you still have to progress all the way to Irithyll Dungeon.
Oh no, DS3 feels very cohesive, you can see many locations from different angles and other locations, for example it's possible to see a pilgrim bridge by going to the right side passage of the cathedral of the deep. It doesn't feel arcade in the slightest unless you mean to imply that every game with more or less linear level progression (even though DS3 does have branches) is arcade which is retarded.
>still doesn't get the concept of farming for vials
I don't have an issue with them giving slightly less invincibility frames to rolls, but for the love of god, attaching them to a stat is fucking retarded. I don't mind if a turn based game does that because it's somewhat dependant on luck but this has no place in an action game.
Keep in mind you also had to somewhat invest into ADP to counteract the shitty hitboxes DaS2 had.
>And Sup Forums bitches about SM because they can't twink like crazy and perma kill low level players that just want to play the game.
agape ring allows for crazy twinking retard
sm has a lot more of problems
>4 bosses early
It's 3. Oceiros, The Champ and Dragon Slayer Armour.
There was no point to this post and I have wasted everyone's time.
>Just like DaS then?
>other game has flaws, somehow that excuses this game's flaws
Sorry user doesn't work like that, never had, never will.
>And Sup Forums bitches about SM because they can't twink like crazy
But they can. They could before because of CE and savescuming and then can even easier now thanks to fucking Agape ring. From fucked up even the sliver of worth SM had.
>Which is something you can't know on your first playthrough
Yes and? Doesn't have to do anything with the shitty pile of rubble. I was just pointing out you're wrong about the bosses.
yes, but I already said that
>And Sup Forums bitches about SM because they can't twink like crazy and perma kill low level players that just want to play the game.
What the fuck, man. I fucking hate invading new players but still think that it's a really shitty mechanic because while it does somewhat fix the low level invasion problem it does fuck up a lot of other things, like PvP or being able to properly coop. I mean I guess they somewhat fixed it with the DLC/SotFS and that ring they added, but that's way too late.
Doesn't DaS3 also take your weapon upgrade level into account? That's a much more reasonable way to balance invasions in my opinion, since weapon upgrade level usually somewhat indicates the state of your game progression and it's not really a problem on NG+ since you've played through the game at least once.
>Keep in mind you also had to somewhat invest into ADP to counteract the shitty hitboxes DaS2 had.
DaS2 hitboxes are overhaul better than the ones in DaS. It's one of the things that got better over time, like graphics. They are even better in BB, and almost perfect in DaS3.
I learned about ADP 3 years after playing the game, and had to face BROKEN hitboxes less than 5 times, while it happens in DaS in every fucking room, and I'm replaying them all as we speak. In DaS, entire boss fights become garbage and tedious because of the hitboxes, like artorias. I made pic related for a thread a year ago, the whole fight has been like that.
DaS 3 is objectively an better game than DaS 2. But, muh quantity over quality PvP diehards want a billion fucking weapons and spells that all do the same shit just so they can be a snowflake in their fight clubs. Bosses? World design? Animations? Mechanics? Story? Atmosphere? Enemies? None of that matters, dude PvP MLG THE LEGEND NEVER DIES PRAISE THE SUN XDDDD is all they play the game for.
Oh and DaS 2 fanboys love using the world rehash, when their fucking game tried to rehash fucking memes. At least DaS 3 is fucking rehasing something good.
While the linearity of 3 is one of its biggest flaw, a linear good game is always preferable to an open world meme filled with nothing or shit.
Is it better to have to farm for healing items if you get hurt, or have the game automatically replenish them for you?
>It's one of the things that got better over time, like graphics
Come the fuck on.
i liked the game
Can you not do L&L early?
Dark souls 1 is the worst because its the oldest
And demon souls is even worse than that
You're blocked out of the Grand Archives until you've got the rest of the Cinders you doofus.
>In DaS, entire boss fights become garbage and tedious
The majority of DaS boss fights are ho hum. When you have bosses like Ceaseless Discharge, I have no idea why you would complain about facing oversized knights.
who cares? are the grapes too sour for you, user? go play another game that isn't bb and stop justifying yourself on a hawaiian rice-boiling forum
Actually, linearity of DS3 allowed individual level design to REALLY shine. There were no transitions to other areas to take in consideration, that's why they managed to do probably the best and largest individual levels in the entire series. And given that only first half of DS1 was really nonlinear and only thanks to master key that should be an ng+ item, i don't really consider linearity to be a real deal breaker. In fact, DS3 gives you by far the largest amount of early game tools and choices for build creation, in an hour you can get half of sorcery scrolls the game has to offer with all the best pve spells, for example.
I mean, if you love rationing health items so much, why aren't you playing Witcher 3 on Death March in 4k? Oh right, it's too hard for you and you can't afford it :^^^)
Something DaS is way overpraised for. The majority of them are gimicky and/or too heavily dependent on specific tricks (which way too often is just attack their but). DaS2 has a larger variety of solid fights that actually want you to use movement properly.
>World design?
The one areas that is unanimously agreed 1 trounced 2. This doesn't mean that 2 lacks good individual levels though.
> Mechanics?
Superior in 2. Having a lack of dump stats, shields which cost more to guard against damage consistently, far more weight classes, viable offhand styles etc. is fantastic.
They aren't going to change the assets.
It'll look the same at upscaled 4k as it does at 1080p.
Nah, tried on my NG+ run. The key to the archives doesn't appear until you've killed the other lords of cinder.
Whilst I agree that Dark Souls 3 is the best Souls... I'd suggest that Dark Souls 2 is as good as the Dark Souls 1.
DS3 = BB > DS2 = DS1
>And given that only first half of DS1 was really nonlinear and only thanks to master key that should be an ng+ item
I have quite particular opinions about this. The specific things the master key unlocks were stupid, but I'm absolutely happy to allow the player ways to, say, access Drake Valley early without having to kill Ingward with the right investment. It would be much better to provide things like lockpicks as hidden one use items to allow breaking of sequence, or have using them be a DEX dependent skill (meaning playing as a theif character could be more meaningful). The master key is bad because it means you make an all or nothing decision at the start of the game instead of having in game secrets and techniques that enable this.
100% objective empirical factual fact:
Modded full HD texture 1080p 60 (58) fps Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition > Bloodborne: The Old Hunters > Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin.
That said, I like all souls games and this ranking might change depending on:
1. Dark Souls 3 future 2 DLC packs.
2. Bloodborne Remastered for PS4 Pro or PS5 (or PC? kek) running at stable 60 fps.
3. Demon's Souls Remastered for PS4 Pro or PS5 (or PC? kek) running at stable 60 fps at 1080p.
It's literally the only Souls game I don't consider fucking garbage for countless reasons.
So, yes.
You got that list completely backwards. 2 is the best, 1 is the worst. If you disagree with this objective fact you lack perspective and need to go back and play 1 again.