Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind, the eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me. If ever your flesh should fail, that flesh shall be made anew. That is my covenant with all Cerebrates.
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind...
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For a Blizzard bastardization of Warhammer 20k, they at least nailed personality for the Hive. Shame that SC2 lore exists, almost of the same level of how WoW has permanently fucked up Warcraft lore forever until the eventual retcon if WCIV is ever a thing.
It's a million times preferable to the hive's presentation in retribution at least.
>Consume....ggghhhrrrr.. evolve... expand... danggeerrr...ssss..
They could have tried something more interesting. Like a multi-personality chaos-like entity giving commands while debating among itself. Similar to the Executrix Speaker of house Ordos
Abathur was a good thing starcraft 2 brought atleast
i thought alarak and dehaka were great too. Albeit i kinda hated the protoss campaign because i felt the zerg campaign was more fun and entertaining.
That being said they really dropped the fucking ball by listening to idiots who play tested WOL and what they got was the campaign was too long...fucking casuals.
The only downside is that you lose your genitals right?
I wish the player was still considered a character in Starcraft 2. I liked being addressed as a cerebrate.
>the terran magistrate, protoss adjudicator, and zerg cerebrate are all canon niggas with plot relevance that is addressed by important characters
>you exist vicariously through a retconned, love sick jimmy
SC lore is pulp
SC 2 lore is pop
Its like comparing Heavy Metal (1981) to Guardians of the Galaxy
Not to mention morally ambiguous but somehow absolved Sarah Kerrigan, and Gray Optimus Prime.
I hate how SC2's story is naive HURR DURR FREEDUM DEMACRACY shit compared to grim and brutal SC1.
>it's another "take a limited number of units to escort a vital npc with minimal reinforcements" episode
>morally ambiguous
>The Protoss slaughtered billions of innocent zerg who dindu nuffin
>Massacred the Protoss colonists to the last child since she doesn't want to flee the defenders
>Threw her own 'people' to the meatgrinder for personal revenge
I don't think it was about that, considering they still have the son as an emperor, and they're totally fine with it.
And yet every time she interacts with a core character they are weary of her at worst, and eventually fully cooperate. So yeah, that was my being sardonic over how quickly they let bygones be bygones.
>it's another "timed objective with a billion waypoints at every corner of the map you're expected to visit while endless troops spawn and crash against your shit" episode.
>It's another "two gigantic armies clash against each other while you control a single overpowered hero to tip the scales" episode
>It's another "you control a powerful hero and wreck a map of enemies" episode
best episodes
Yeah, I love that shit.
Holdout maps where you defend all approaches are fun too, except when their demands for the achievements are stupid-high.
Episode 1: Commander left them shortly after the Confederacy fell
Episode 2: Dead thanks to Zertul
Episode 3: Artanis
Episode 4: Unknown, might be Selendis
Episode 5: Dead thanks to Kerrigan
Episode 6: Dead thanks to outliving it's usefulness
>Liutenant Kerrigan reporting
>Thinking the same thing
>I read ya, hehe
>What now?
>I'm waiting on you!
>It'd be a pleasure.
>Episode 2: Dead thanks to Zertul
Because of the mission where you kill purple zerg cerebrate, right? Kind of inconclusive there, since we see purple zerg after this too.
Obviously no cerebrates are still alive thanks to SC2's canon though. Which raises a new problem. We're supposed to buy one humie can single-handedly do what a stadium sized psychic monstrosity and his zeppelin sized delegates used to? SC2 is really not humble in comparison to the first.
Thank Tiberian Sun for that.
They basically used that as the inspiration where if you played GDI, you were basically playing as that commander of Kodiak.
I honestly don't remember the exact missions anymore but it died when Kerrigan was lured into a trap by Raynor and Tassadar. Zeratul killed it while she was busy.
Yeah Kerrigan's control over the zerg is rather inconsistent in between games, if she's really as powerful as she was in SC2 mindless broods should have never been a thing.
>i felt the zerg campaign was more fun and entertaining.
Zerg campaign was terrible. Too many DOTA style missions. They made Kerrigan too fucking strong. She could solo some Brutal difficulty missions if you took your time.
>Too many DOTA style missions.
>People asking for a new Warcraft for ages.
>Activision Blizzard makes a Warcraft 3-like campaign.
>People bitch and moan.
It's like you never played the original and wrecked everyone's shit with Zeratul whenever available.
LotV was the worst one, anyway.
So many reused missions, so many more the generic hold out for X minutes ones...
That was Zasz.
It wasn't the player's cerebrate that was killed by Zerathul, it was Zasz. I played that campaign about a week ago.
There are other 2 cerebrates that I know of, and it was Daggoth and the player.
RIP slug bros.
- Why would the commander leave? He's hunted by the dominion and has allies with him.
- It's not fully certain if the cerebrate was on Char aiding Kerrigan like she asked, or if he joined the campaign with the Overmind on Aiur. On Char he would survive with no threats. On Aiur he'd get killed during or in the aftermath of the Protoss campaign.
- It can't be Aranis as it makes broodwar inconsistent. He freshly introduces himself and the other characters don't recognize him.
- Selendis harbors a lot of hatred for Zeratul in legacy. It doesn't really make sense she'd be such a companion to him during the campaign. She has a better reason than most to side with khalai legions over the dark templar and kerrigan.
- Yeah he ded
- Yeah he ded
The retcons suck ass, and they act like Broodwar is largely non canon.
How you like my groove Daggoth?
What does Kerrigan's puss feel like?
Sarah will always be my spacefu
t. bald terran
>Why would the commander leave?
>It's not fully certain if the cerebrate was on Char aiding Kerrigan like she asked,
Novelization states it stayed behind and was killed by Tassadar using Dark Templar powers, this happens just before the Executor was told by Aldaris to arrest Tassadar.
>It can't be Artanis as it makes broodwar inconsistent.
Confirmed to be Artanis by Blizzard despite the inconsistency
>It doesn't really make sense she'd be such a companion to him during the campaign
True, it's unknown who it is. Selendis was probably considered to be a possible option considering her title of Executor
salty niggers
The problem is they made a Warcraft 3 style campaign in fucking Starcraft.
"Hero must survive" was always a fail condition until HotS.
Then they were like nah just throw your super powered Kerrigan to kill everything, she died?
No biggie just wait a couple mins and do it again.
infesting a protoss ship through its animals was a great concept
shame blizzard couldnt put effort into it and the ship felt like a few rooms in one linear path as opposed to slowly taking over the ship and stealing oblivious protoss crew from the shadows
could have been a legendary mission the Alien of RTS missions but another cool idea wasted for a short mission
if there are any RTS games like that please let me know but i cant recall any with such a cool concept of slowly building up power from an insurmountable opponent.
I've played through WC2+expansion, SC+BW, WC3+expansion and only got partway through SC2 WoL. That sounds like the kind of thing that should be in a custom map.
>Heart of the Swarm
>Infiltrate this protoss ship, infest it and kill everything my minion
>Yes my queen
>I have completed the mission my queen... my queen?
>Oh well I guess I will stay here forever and nobody will remember me
Fuck that, compare it to Heavy Metal 1981 to Heavy Metal 2000
It's just that bad.
does she have access to the controls?
there could be surviving protoss she could torture into landing on a random planet
she is her own queen now i think kerrigan just gives her permission to be a new eating army
>I scouted ahead and... You pig!
>What? I haven't even said anything yet!
>Yea, but you were thinking it.
>Oh. Yea. You're a telepath. Look, can we just get this on with?
>Confirmed to be Artanis by Blizzard despite the inconsistency
Obviously. Just like they can confirm Raynor is really a giant murloc trying to act human.
Still doesn't make any sense.
I expected her to be in Legacy and become a threat to the player. Surprised she wasn't used.
Well done!
This fucking nostalgia
Alarak was the worst fucking character because he was the writers' commentary on multiculturalism. Even if a culture is centered around violence and sociopathy, you should still accept them cause reasons.
I liked Alarak. Though I felt it was wasted potential.
I mean, he constantly babbled about how ruthless and authoritarian he was but he never really did anything so you didn't really believed. The game was missing a point where he actually DID some of this stuff. Examples would be purging lots of high ranking members for reasons and executing them publicly, maybe having another member of the Tal'Darim having a conversation with Artanis and then promptly being poofed because of it.
Actual sources of conflict other than babble you know
The protoss campaign was fucking awful, christ just thinking about it makes me mad. The WoL campaign is one of my favorite RTS campaigns ever because each mission was completely unique, but in LotV literally every mission was capture/hold 4 of something also there's some level gimmick we just thought of. And the hub areas were retarded too, almost every conversation, especially with the female characters, involved them saying something racist/overly emotional, Artanis saying "no we must be logical" and them saying "I will consider your position".
well he is in hots and hes a commander in SC2 if you want more of him
i love him because he is full chaos version of Q
Yeah, I know. I like the character but I wish there was more to him within the story of LoTV.
Would be a cool villain for DLCs though