So they stuck with their own vision of the game, literally said fuck everyone who thinks this shit is hard or annoying.
Team Ninja needs an alpha and a beta and will probably release a new demo just for toning the difficulty down and taking into account the opinion of countless pussies that say "hurrr durrr this game is too hard". That means Team Ninja are a bunch of hacks or they have no personality, or both.
Joseph Howard
Demon's souls nor the alpha/beta of Nioh was hard after like the first hour or two dumbass.
Anthony Ramirez
I like that they are doing public alphas/betas. It's such a good way to get real feedback and make a great game instead of a good game.
Aaron Gonzalez
Litening to pussies is not always a good idea.
Ayden Allen
Don't worry guys, this is just a literal autistic kid who shits on NioH wherever he sees it. A single NioH image on a DaS3 300+ post thread yesterday triggered him and he went on a multi-post rampage.
It's also clear you didn't play either, sine the beta is harder than the alpha even after the changes.
Ethan Walker
When Team Ninja tried to make a game on thier own they released Ninja Gaide 3. It was so shitty they had to apologize for it. No wonder they need to hear your feedback for their Sengoku Souls. Say what you want about Itagaki but he was actually able to direct people into creating great games. Moder TN is really struggle with this.
Lincoln Bennett
>So they stuck with their own vision of the game, literally said fuck everyone who thinks this shit is hard or annoying. >patched and balanced load of shit afterwards
Ayden Kelly
Yeah because Demons Souls is the hardest fucking game ever, right?
Jaxson Sanchez
>this coming from a fanbase that whined until they made Dark Souls 2 easier
Jordan Perez
This game is the first game that's come along that really makes me want a PS4. I didn't even really care about Bloodborne, but for some reason Nioh really seems like a game I will sorely miss playing.
Ryder Martin
It's made by the people who made Ninja Gaiden They know what they're doing, they're just trying something new and the feedback actually improved the game Have you seen how many people can't get past bat bitch? Literally makes you git gud Too bad co-op exists though
Adrian Campbell
I've read thqt when Ninja Gaiden 2 was being playtested, many of the tester complained about the high difficulty so Team Ninja made it harder.
Also > thinking any souls game is as hard as any ninja gaiden since thw 80s except 3 and z
Bentley Price
It really was fun. I usually play Souls games for the 1st-playthrough experience and combat is a secondary thing I don't enjoy that much because it's so simple. The only exception to that was playing chalice dungeons with my friends in Bloodborne.
But NioH pulled me in so much that I actually enjoyed each and every encounter, defeeated the last boss around 10 times, did the "hard mode" missions, and played the optional horde mode mission multiple times too because of the challenge, I probably spent 20 hours in this demo, which had 2 main missions and 2 optional ones, while the full game will have 24 main missions and 100 optional ones.
Stamina recovery mechanics, stance switching and combos make this combat so much fun. There's so much small shit to learn that this actually has a high skill ceiling, unlike DaS3 where I can roll > L1 with a dual wielded weapon and win every fight
Leo Collins
0.10$ have been deposited into your account.
Team Ninja thanks you for your service.
Nathan Evans
??? >game has good combat >kek what a sad fanboy, probably a shill
Aiden Diaz
Haha really? Should of expected as much, since when did console open development ever come off as a bad thing? This shit would be a logistical nightmare at times, but the beta events were handled well, and what's more you got to see progress from feedback.
Team Ninja aren't the same company when Ninja Gaiden was around, glad to see they haven't lost their touch from all this.
Kevin Hernandez
Just ignore him, this is probably his bait thread but it isn't turning out how he imagined it. Let him stay salty, the game is great.
Jonathan Anderson
> patched and balanced after release.
That was Dark Souls and onward, DeS never got any updates so all the glitches and brokenly powerful exploits remain to this day.
Benjamin Butler
>since when did console open development ever come off as a bad thing? I know, right? People who played the alpha actually enjoyed the changes, especially having 7 slots for items/magic instead of 2
It's also the first game I'm aware of that allows you to chose between framerate and resolution, which is wonderful.
guess so. Will do.
Charles Sullivan
Why the fuck are there so many PCucks mad this game will never ever come to their mobabox?
Jacob Taylor
Cuz we want it? Duh.
Kevin Davis
I think that Nioh is better than all the souls games. I like that I've been able to play it now two times. I'm going to buy the fucker on release.
Do you really think that they are doing anything to the game at this point? The 'beta' was released just to get buzz. Especially if the Amazon leak of October is true.
Julian Wood
>if you don't use your fanbase to test your shitty game because paying alpha/beta testers costs money >it means you didn't have a alpha/beta! great idea OP , enjoy working for free
Dylan Watson
>It's made by the people who made Ninja Gaiden In name only. Pretty much everyone left and got replaced with new people. I don't thing more than 10% of the remaining crew worked on Ninja Gaiden II. The game looks promising now, but the alpha showed that they were struggleling to get the basic balance right. Don't get me wrong, the game was playable but it wasn't balanced right. Having a public alpha and beta shows that they weren't quite sure they had it right. OP can curse those pussies as much he wants., he just wanted the devs to appeal to his little niche. They got to make money and thus appeal to a wider audience.
Nathan Wright
It was done to build hype and to test the servers.
Aiden Martin
Alpha was for the core basics like weapon durability, a store box and Ki mechanics, and how you move while locked in. Beta is for fine-tuning, for example people might not like all of the icons, so they might remove the ninjutsu/samurai unused points in the bottom half or stuff like changing bosses in hardmode without adding adds, which people didn't enjoy
Kayden Brooks
Jordan Jackson
>game looks great >weapons are great >armour is great >couldn't into the combat I wish I could enjoy the game, but I'm glad others got a kick out of it.
Samuel Bell
>couldn't into the combat you didn't understand it? Or did you understand it but didn't enjoy it?
Hudson Hughes
Jose Nguyen
I understood it, but really didn't feel good. Especially fighting the Oni and the first boss (which is where I stopped playing the game). I didn't like how reliant it was on blocking against regular goons and how reliant it was on passive "hit once and back off" against bigger enemies. I honestly would have loved it if it was just a reskinned Bloodborne
Matthew Russell
>caring about a game literally developed by the same people that made Ninja Gaiden 3/RE
Jonathan Lewis
people constantly talk about 2D Metroid needing to come back but the moment I ask for a new 2D Ninja Gaiden in the vein of the NES titles all I get is crickets
Jose Jones
Thank fucking god they removed durability.
Eli White
Neither tactics is obligatory, it seems like you mostly stuck to a single stance, probably high or mid.
With goons you can dodge all of their attacks without blocking and go aggressive on them, like side-stepping and hitting their backs for critical damage. You can do this with all stances if you merely switch to low stance while dodging (faster dodge and less Ki usage per dodge). Most weapons also have a passive that gives you bonus damage and/or Ki recovery if you do a Ki pulse by switching stances rather than just pressing R1, so that would help with the agressive tactic.
As for bosses the same applies, you can land multiple hits by being in low stance. High stance is only better once you know their patterns to stagger them (the last "secret" boss of the game can be stun-locked with high stance Axe combos, much like you can chain-parry Lady Maria in BB), speaking of parrying, you can do the same thing with NioH bosses.
I get it though, in the alpha I wasn't 100% into it, but now in the Beta I understood the smaller and complex details and my muscle memory improved, so it was much easier to perform stance-switching while in combat and dodge around like a mad man.
Adam Ross
Played both, Nioh is overrated garbage. Bloodborne is a masterpiece.
Jacob Foster
I was usually using high stance, Ki pulsing while possible, using Katanas and Dualies. Low stance felt too weak against goons, and I ended up getting stuck in combos of the stronger goons (the ones wearing black). I don't plan on buying the game, but I'll probably end up watching a playthrough of it or something because of all of the details look so neat (like the Twilight areas and the wall, for instance).