Now that the game has been cracked and the dust has settled, how was it?

Now that the game has been cracked and the dust has settled, how was it?

It was ok.

still a 55gb blunder

Played and beat it in "ultra-violence" because I thought I had to beat it before playing in nightmare mode.

Incredibly easy and a bit of a chore. The whole game is centered around gore nests and you can only do so many of those before the game gets stale.

MP is a bit worse. No map variety, weak modes and bad gunplay.

It was okay, 6/10.

How are the boss fights?

bought it for cheap from a key site shortly after release

graphics, animations and sound are very good. the weapons also feel powerful, and overall it plays like a faster, easier killing floor - mostly because you always fight enemies in arena-like areas you cannot leave until you kill them all, followed by calm exploring until you get to the next arena.

but I wouldn't recommend to pay more than $20 for it
>short, small levels
>short campaign, most playtime on first run is from exploring
>bossfights that feel hastily built
>game is limited to spawn not more than 10-12 enemies at the same time
>enemy limiter also extend to leveleditor, which has a prop limit

overall, lots of wasted potential just because of the limiters they put on the game. I wanted to see what it looks like to fire rockets into hundreds of imps. but instead, I got no fun allowed.

Best singleplayer in years. Pic unrelated.

Haven't played it because I still don't care.

what site?

i thought it sucked, then again its bethesda but it felt more like a cod game with copy pasted demons or any other generic arena game.

this looked so bad I wouldnt even pirate it.

That is sad the multiplayer is so bad considering at bethesda they said they spent most of the games development on the multiplayer to be the new CODkiller as the devs were saying since that is what the doom fans wanted.

>3-5 monsters at a time in multiple waves

Yeah no thanks, not even going to bother


Say that when 3 barons, five pinkies, three mancubi plus imps are charging your ass in the later levels.

As for the topic at hand, it's pretty great. Not Doom standards, nothing can live up to that, but best FPS in quite a while.

I've had worse.


Although for some reason D44M runs better than Serious Sam 3. for me. Not sure why.

It's pretty fucking good. 8/10, good job, really great job, wow.

>game crashes everytime at the end of the mission where the bitch jumps in the hell portal or some shit
Is there some kind of trick to make it not crash?
It crashes right after the slow white screen fade in after the second countdown

So is the CPY crack good? Does it actually work?

I don't need to use some shitty steam bypass do I?

look for yourself, but I paid about $30 2 weeks after release

wasn't worth it honestly, shadow warrior is basically the same game with less interesting ranged weapons but way better melee and skills, costs less and offers about the same amount if playtime. graphics are not d44m tier, but still nice to look at.

If anyone else has this, I just fixed it:
Turn everything to lowest setting possible (difficulty as well) and complete the last thing.
Turn everything back to max or whatever it was after it.
Weird thing I noticed was how my fps wasn't as stable on the lowest than it was with everything max

Try the demo. It's just okay to me cuz I don't like Bethesda games.. they always feel mediocre to me. Minus a couple maybe.. oblivion/morrowind are cool. It is tough to explain why cuz I'm also retarded but the feeling is always prominent.

All I did was shoot an enemy then melee it and it got boring almost immediately. The difficulty is in twitch reaction ofc but the melee shit was OP imo. The atmosphere is nice and the graphics are good but fuck that engine.

7.5/10 playable if you like FPS

I stopped playing after the intro level. I think I went in with the wrong expectations. It was pretty dull and the """""glory kills""""" we're wholly unsatisfying.

Paid $50 for the version that came with a statue


You mean that 62gb malware ?

The intro level is shit.

Once you start seeing Knights and Revenants, it gets better.

It ramps up once you go to hell.



intro level is the worst thing about doom
play at least till the Foundry

So horribly boring that it isn't even worth pirating. These 6 and 7's out of 10 are too generous. It should get closer to a 3 or 4, just for running and being playable. But as far as the quality of the game goes it doesn't need to exist or deserve to be played since it's basically just a sandbox with arena after arena, lacking any level design or enemy placement. It couldn't have missed the point of 90's FPS harder if it tried.

But it is not trying to be a classic shooter in the traditional sense.

It is trying to mix the old with new and seeing if it works. Sometimes is pays off (Some of the runes and upgrades on weapons), sometimes it doesn't (The rest of the runes and upgrades)

you fucking serious

are you sure you are not talking about skyrim or fallout 4?

this is becoming a bigger issue to me. i only have like 500 gb of HD space total.

games being sold on USB drives when? stop making me download 60 gb just to play your stupid shit wtf.