How comes Mad Max looks better than Fallout 4 (a high budget game)?
How comes Mad Max looks better than Fallout 4 (a high budget game)?
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Are you saying Mad Max wasn't made with a "high budget?" Because if that's what you're saying, then you're an idiot.
was this game a success after all? can we believe in a sequel?
Fury Road was the sequel.
Not anywhere near Fallout4, a triple a game.
I bought the game so, yes
Smaller game in scope, so they could focus on more details.
>officially licensed movie game
>no budget
Just Cause 3 was the sequel. Enjoy taking over more territories.
I don't know how much it actually sold but it's related to one of the best films that came out that year so it probably sold well.
Just wish we had a game where you could play as all the memorable characters from the movies like lord humongous or master blaster.
yeah, like a realistic mario kart with characters from the movies. i'd buy it
Hughmongous what?
>6. Mad Max
>Mad Max was a bit of a flop, not living up to the praise of the feature film.
The big bad guy with metal mask from older, Mel Gibson movies.
Bethesda games have always had shit graphics
Also the art style on FO4 was fucking disgusting
Because Bethesda still uses there shitty creation engine from 15 years ago?
Because of several reason
>Fallout 4 was a modified Skyrim engine from way back when
>Mad Max's events are instanced whereas Fallout 4's are always running
>the two has a different visual style
>нeпpoчнЫЙ пyгaлo
cyka blyat triggered
Didn't believe the memes and got the new mad max game but goddamn is it just one long fetch quest.
Looks like it's stuck on VATS
it's very vast and empty
less need to attention of detail on the smaller things, less things to spot that is out of place.
Lol. Good joke. Bethesda is one of the smallest studios. Team that made Mad Max is bigger and they also outsourced art, motion capture and animations. Plus they shared an engine with other Avalanche games.
while fighting everything in between your destination
by hour 4 youll have basically encountered everything the game has to offer. the next 30 hours is a maddening exercise in doing the exact same shit youve been doing since the beginning with no variation
hope you enjoy driving around the map collecting 10 scrap pick ups
>smaller game in scope
did you even play that shit?
I think you mean modified Morrowind engine.
because the open world is a flat desert which requires no power to render?
Because gamebryo is horribly outdated trash.
>there will never be a good Mad Max game, where you can start your own gang, make customized vehicles and improvised weapons and just terrorize the wasteland
oh boy finally a good reason to post my screenshots
Is that an official translation?
This. I mean, the atmosphere is great and it's been a long time since I had such a comfy gaming experience like putting on a good heavy metal album and blasting through the wasteland shooting raiders, but yeah, the game is too damn repetitive.
Even Fallout 4 had better gameplay than this piece of shit.
I can't believe neo-Sup Forums defends these shitty collectathons.
>debris is hovering above ground
Because Fallout 4 is using a 15 year old engine.
I just bought this recently. For like £5. A lot better than I expected and yeah it looks fucking good on all ultra settings.
>neo-Sup Forums meme
yeah, its not like this place hasn't defended banjo kazooie in the past or anything
Morrowind was AMAZING for its day. For real next level.
The problem is they've stuck with the same basic game engine philosophy or architecture or whatever you would call it ever since. And it really hasn't scaled well with future developments.
even witcher 3 had a higher budget than fallout 4
Atleast the game had the balls to kill the best characters quite mercilessly.
Was there actually money put into this game? I borrowed it off a friend and it felt cheap and unfinished.
Genuine question.
one of my favourite things in the game
they knew how beautiful the game was, so they put a photo mode in just for screenshots like these
Hugh Mungus what?
And you know this how? they haven't told the budget for Fallout 4. And seeing how Skyrim had a budget of 90m dollaroos it's probably around that or more.
I'd much prefer a game based off of the superior Road Warrior but I don't think it's happening
Different objectives in mind and different texture and 3d artists.
Beleive it not theres actual people making your meme games.
Both were cash grabs but both were made by different people?
it shows.
Hughmongous what?!
It was a beautiful game but it was the same as Fallout 4 when it came to gameplay.
Barebones and pretty shallow as well as repetitive.
Shame, really wanted to love game. Again aesthetics were awesome though.
The sky and clouds in Avalance games are always so fucking erotic.
While playing through Mad Max I encountered zero bugs nor did I crash to desktop even once.
The Bethesda experience™ was just not the same without a fuckton of bugs, shit graphics and poor performance.
>muh motion bluuuurrrrrrrrr
everything looks ok if you blur out the ugly textures
why tw3 and fallout 4 can't into this level of clouds/smoke ???
what anime
Because Bethesda is tiny. I wouldn't be surprised Avalanche is a bigger studio.
And why is that? they got the money to hire all the people in the world
>it's because a smaller team can communicate between each other better and make better games
well clearly that doesn't work for bethesda lmao. they just don't want to pay for actually talented developers.
Wild Hunt > Death Rattle > Die Rolla > Shovelface >Furnace
Prove otherwise
>Just wish we had a game where you could play as all the memorable characters from the movies like lord humongous or master blaster.
Way to oust yourself gaylord.
Hey, I'm just telling you what is. If Bethesda wants to justify that with some PR reasoning, whatever.
I'd argue Toecutter, as cool as he is, doesn't fit into a post-apocalyptic game, given the first Mad Max was during the downfall of society, not after it.
It wasn´t.
And that makes it all the sweeter.
How so? Because he doesn't look like an S&M club regular like the rest? Toecutter and his clan were the fore-bearers of whats to become of the world without law. They had their fair share of rape, murder and fast riding tendencies like their wasteland equivalents. Everything was there you just had to give them a bit more time to fully develop on said tendencies. Just ask Jim "Cooked" Goose and he will tell you the same.
>And why is that?
Less peeps mo money.
(Bethesda: providing the barest of minimums for maximum profits since ca. 2004)
So what was the fastest car in game tie between the Twelve, fully upgraded Magnum Opus and The Pursuit Special?
>Because he doesn't look like an S&M club regular like the rest?
That's not what I said
Toecutter and co. were definitely the precursors of what was to come, but given a Mad Max game would be post-apocalyptic and the gang were killed off, he wouldn't fit in, especially in a world with bigger and badder gangs.
That said, I'd love to see a film, game, comic whatever set in between the first and second films, because only a few years pass between them but a whole lot of shit changes (like the dress sense of the raiders).
All I was pointing out was to not sell Toecutter and the gang for what they were and that was a pack of ruthless cunts but yes I do understand. Problem is that the post-apoc atheistic has been done to death, why not do the better and go during the turmoil years when everything was going to shit? The slow decent into madness when neighbors turned on each other, when the fuel finally ran out, mass food riots and the martial law that entailed. It would be during these points you would be able to pinpoint or at least elaborate on the founding of some of the wastelands most notorious or the rise of fall of some that could have survived, the ones that should of and those who didn't. Example being Main Force Patrol before their disbanding and become no better then the criminals themselves
>I'm looking at you Charlie and Roop.
Instead we have Royal Large Man and Controlled Exploder
Thunderdome fight was fun doe
People didn't like the Mad Max game??
Yeah, this is what I'd love to see. The complete shitstorm that happened in between 1 and 2 that just fucked up everything, caused the MFP to disband and go rogue, the rise of warlords like The Humungus and the descent into savagery that the world went on.
The closest we've gotten is the Fury Road prequel comic with Immortan Joe's origins.
I'll admit I hated the repetitive parts but overall it was nice. But the one of the little treats I liked was the history relics that looked into life before, during and after the fall of the world. First time seeing a game actually focusing on the story of Max, well the modern iteration anyway. RIP Jessie and Sprog.
because they spend 4 years creating a hand crafted continent instead of high end graphics
Are Bethesda games just money laundering schemes or some shit? Every single part of all of their games are bare bones as fuck.
Problem with Australia is that no one has guns, or at least the ones that do are the ones who went against government regulations. From an American perspective anybody and their dog has a gun so the playing ground is fairly even for all walks of life. Its why a lot of the time the fighting is centered around the cars and improvised weapons.
When the fandom is always "THE MODDERS WILL FIX IT", it's no surprise they get lazy.
Which are you talking about, Mad Max or Fallout 4?
>that one panel in the comics that showed an old MFP car
I enjoyed that reference
Me too
>Roop and Charlie actually survived
There was a cut scene from the first film where Max would come back to the MFP HQ and find Charlie, Roop and Fifi all dead. Guess it's not canon.
I bummed the sister of one of the developers.
This. Most screenshots in this thread could be used for promotional material. Just slap the logo and you're done.
More like he become a coastal warlord with a fortress made of household plants. Probably set up shop in a giant greenhouse somewhere.
There's some pretty good evidence to support him becoming The Humungus.
Don't try to find a cannon timeline in Mad Max, it is an exercise in futility.
George Miller has a weird sense of continuity, effort was taken so max in later movies had scars where his injurys were in the first movie, but other stuff just does not make sense. The game is meant to be a prequel to Fury Road, but some stuff does not line up at all.
Does this game have good gameplay? The screenshots look nice but western open-world games tend to be ass to play.
It's fun to speculate within the loose confines of George Miller's continuity
Goose was originally supposed to be Humungus, besides Humungus was showed to have been a war vet and had hair. Fifi was bald as a badger and was a idealist through to his core.
From what I can understand the canonical nature of Mad Max is that everything that happened is just the interpretations of past events as recounted by the History Men. The original Max have survived and died in the sands somewhere but he was ascended to the status of that of a modern day saint and mythological figure. The exact details of his life prior to the fall were lost but the man himself and his deeds were what people remembered the most about. Some even went as far to say that the Feral Kid from Mad Max 2 is the Tom Hardy version because of his mannerisms, the music box and a few other little details. One thing you will notice is that Max doesn't limp anymore from his injury in the first film so thats a detail in itself to take into account.