>WoW is actually back holy shit
WoW is actually back holy shit
that's not how you greentext but okay.
That's what they said after Cataclysm and WoD
>Aszuna world quest at FFA PvP area
>Fuck up enough players using the Murloc transformation
>Get /whisper fuck you + /ignore
World PvP is back, guys.
>implying anyone cared about cata
give it a week
>WoW marketers are in full force 24/7 holy shit
Just wait until you run out of quests and hit the garrison table roadblock.
>tfw you actually are having fun in Legion and am looking forward to 110 but haven't been able to play for 2 weeks cause of work
I want to start to play wow, but legion for now is too expensive, should i just buy the 20 dollar base game just to see if i can like it?
I mean, it's literally the worst drivel I've ever read, I actually came back just to enjoy how awful it had become.
The first zone I went to had this fanfiction Marie Sue bullshit Moooose fucker who allegedly solo's Tichondruis and then proceeds to beat the crap out of Deathwing. Who the fuck wrote this shit? Did no one actually proofread this? How the fuck did some crap writer insert his OC donut steal in this hilariously exaggerated manner?
>I wasn't there :^)
Cata was supposed to be the chosen one user, and for a few weeks it looked like it was.
Dungeons were challenging again, healing took more than 'cast biggest heal as fast as possible' and there was a ton of new shit to do when rolling alts.
Then it all went downhill faster than anyone could have expected.
aren't the first 20 levels free?
>Playing Blood Dk
>Be invincible in PvP
boring piece of shit.
just farm everything.
theme park shit, worst of all god fuck this shit game !
Yeah, alredy done that but i saw basically nothing, 20 levels aren't enough
>Suramar rep grinding
>There's no more quests to be found
>Halfway to revered
>he didn't roll human
lmao'ing @ u
Don't worry, user. I'm in the same position and I know many others that are.
Catching up is easier than ever thanks to world quests and the AP catch up mechanic.
Somebody has to take one for the team and roll something else than fucking humies.
Do I get those 7 days free to try the new expansion?
I can't wait for blade masters. Orcs only.
What's the minimum required specs that I'd need to play WoW on ultra with 60 fps
All I have is some shitty laptop from 2010 that can run dragon age origins at ultra 60fps but can barely get a stable 30fps in wow on medium
I plug the laptop into an external monitor with an external mouse and keyboard. I'm not really much of a pc gamer
Two 1080.
Wouldn't KJ be the cuck since he raised his friend's son?
Dalaran is going to kill you.
>Cant try out DH on the PTR
This class is honestly the deal breaker for me and I just wanna know how it plays.
>nightfallen is my highest rep at 3145/21000
this is how it plays
I am finally fucking done with that hungering orb bullshit
So what you got?
It's an incredible system hog. I'm on a 980 with max graphics and max view distance and it hovers around 48 fps in outdoor areas. The new view distance is amazing its really fucking my fps.
The pet. Good news is you're attuned forever after the first time. Since I don't care for pets, maybe I can make some quick gold as its currently going for 150k
>Tfw you whole body shrinka under the tauren who's sitting on orb 9 with toys.
das it mane.
I found it better to angle the camera underwater and relentlessly click it.
Who are you quoting?
i liked being a murloc alot but you only have like 500k life
he's losing ideas on how to start another shill thread
Enjoy those d̶a̶i̶l̶i̶e̶s̶ World Quests, fellow WoW player
Gives random shit instead of the usual gold and currency. Works for me tbqhwyfam
Do the blue-colored World Quests in Suramar. They give 150 rep per and you generally get 3-4 a day. Really, they're just re-branded dailies with random rewards but I'm fine with that.
>rarespawn in sewer
>wait for it to hit 10% or so
>call back the guards
This must be what doing rape feels like
This was a problem to me until I discovered you can buy a guard for 5m of PvP protection. Nothing anywhere tells you you can do it, but it's possible.
I actually noticed on my server that if guards came back during a rare quite a few people stopped doing AoE until he was down. I think when people learned about what you needed for the Obliterum forge, a lot of the cutthroat attitude went down for a few days before people got back into the swing of things.
>guards came back
Fuck, meant if they went away.
That guard will randomly disappear for no good reason any time you actually need it to be there
I know. Blizz has said it's "super rare" or something on Friday's Q&A session but we all know that's bullshit.
How does one play Monk in PvP?
Besides dont
This blade can cut through stone!
And still cut a tomato.
>get to orb 6
>niggers sat on it in giant eggs, massive toys
fuck sake
would basically just be arms, but i'd like to see arms have a different name and a few changes for alliance and horde
just wonder what the alliance one would be called
>week after release
>literally nothing to do besides grinding daily quests
>grind a painful amount of rep to get attuned to two dungeons on all of your chars
Nah, pass
Are the raids and mythic+ dungeons open yet? They did this to sort out the neetlords and im glad they did. You shouldnt even be level 110 yet.
20th they open I think, should be out now because even the biggest spergs are able to do all the mythic dungeons with ridiculous ease
You poor kids have it so hard these days
if you dont want to grind AP you might as well unsub right?
Back in my days we grinded raids
>painful amount
>literally takes 1 week to finish
Who gives a shit if you sub or unsub anons?
Why do you feel the need to announce it?
Probably to tell people it's worth playing or not. That's what I get from those posts.
Make sure to have your DMF buff on
DH tank is insane with that fire damage heals 15% trait. I had a DH tank solo the mythic maw boss
Angry autists who get upset over people talking about video games
Everyone also said WoD was great during the first week while leveling through the zones.
You people are so fucking easily impressed.
I like Legion so far too, but i'll reserve Judgment until after 7.1
Is every class still becoming more and more the same? Can paladin's bubble still be removed by half the classes in the game?
If yes, WoW is not back.
GTX 960 4GB
Fair enough, I'm just impressed I haven't ran out of things to do so far.
>"I'm just impressed I haven't ran out of things to do so far."
>expansion's been out of a week
>surprised there's new things to do in the expansion
Your criteria for a game being good is that there's something to do in it? How are you not a shill?
>I'm glad that that other people can't have fun nor shiny things I couldn't get
Blizzdrones in a nutshell.
It's been out for two weeks now. That's pretty good for any game. But ok since you want to be technical, I enjoy it beyond "not running out of things to do" I fucking love suramar, it reminds me of the underdark part in BG2, having to hide your identity while helping a rebellion and what have you. Though it goes back to blizzard always having to rip something off from other franchises, but at least they're going back to ripping the right things off.
Nostcucks samefagging in hopes that their "vanilla" experience comes ck
Cry more it is so cute watching you rage at a game people like
>"if you dislike current year WoW you are nostcuck"
One of the standard replies in the marketer scrip spammed in every shill thread.
>playing vanilla
>replaying WoW at any moment without your RL friends
kys you'reself my man
Also the standard reply for nostcucks it seems trying to false flag cherrypick do me a solid and kys lol
The thing I don't understand about the vanilla crowd is they're crying they miss vanilla, yet at the same time they criticize suramar which is a required zone to attune for CoS and Arcway, yet attunement quests were a huge thing back in vanilla, you could not do any end game raiding without them.
There's a couple of things where I call out on their hypocrisy but I forget right this moment.
Oh look the angry vtard getting mad at people enjoying wow!
Well, if you aren't a retarded marketer explain why my post () is related to vanilla or private servers.
I'm waiting.
Suramar attunement is pretty much entirely solo
Not really fitting of an MMO
Why do I care about proving anything to you lol? In the end people are still oaying for wow and im still having fun with my guildies running mythics and you sre gonna be sitting on v crying how people still play this "dead game"
>everyone who criticizes anything about WoW is the same person
Imagine being so narrow minded.
so what else is there to do once you hit 830+ ilevel?
>Finally got a job
>About to start playing on retail this time
Is there any way to get around buying all the expansions though? Cant I just pirate the expansions and only play for play time or something?
Who is "they?" because it could very easily be the casuals who don't like the attunement
And like said, if Vanilla fans don't like the current attunement, it's most likely cause Blizzard again made it solo and too easy.
I mean shit, just go back and read what you had to do for Ony attunement, especially for Horde players. It's fucking ridiculously difficult, but it brought you and other players together, taught you all how to play your classes at an end-game level, and helped to build patterns of teamwork with groups that would go on to make raid progression.
All of that is gone from the game, and has been missing since Wrath - which was the first expansion to decline in quality
Ironic shillposting is still shitposting, user.
From the top of my head, the naxxramas attunement was solo content and a simple rep grind.
What are you even on about? I didn't put everyone who's ever criticized WoW on the same boat, I just said that I didn't get vanilla people who criticize suramar because attunement quests were a big thing in the past. Don't put words in my mouth.
What are you gonna do to stop me posting other than using your only buzzword? Stay mad kiddo you can't do anything to stop me from talking about video games
>What are you even on about?
That's a good question.
Why the fuck you quoted two people to post about a different subject.
Are you retarded?
What is orb 6?
For the world boss mount/pet. The one under the toothless shark that everybody fucking sits on and blocks anyone but them from getting it
>Then it all went downhill faster than anyone could have expected.
In what way?
I didn't think world bosses were out yet. I'm busy working and have only had time to get to about level 106.
All expansions expect Legion are included in a single pack bro.
>neo Sup Forums
No content, cut raids, nerfed dungeons, green jesus meme
ZG remake was the highlight of the expansion for me
>tree boss
>"My bark is worse than my bite."
>I think I have a CRUSH on you
Come on now
There is one where you have to collect 10 orbs in the right order after speaking to a orc on broken shore. Two of the areas are crossrealm so you get a shitload of people waiting/blocking with toys because they take FIFTY FUCKING MINUTES to respawn the orbs after it has been clicked
How do you guys come up with your character names? The European client doesn't have a random button. I'm new to WoW.
You only need newest expansion, rest are free. No way to pirate that, though.
No idea what you're on about so I'll just look it up tomorrow. Thanks senpai
>Demon boss
>your souls are mine!
>have to do order hall missions to unlock 3rd relic slot
>one follower is too low level for the required mission but has 2 counter traits
>leveling him is slow as shit
>oh hey, I have one that's slightly higher level but only counters one trait, let's put him on the mission instead
>even lower chance to complete
>can't swap them back out because you can only activate/deactivate one follower a day :^)))))
I can't fucking stand this time gating garrison cancer shit. Mission tables ARE NOT FUCKING FUN BLIZZARD JESUS FUCKING CHRIST