What new class do you want to see in the next expack?

What new class do you want to see in the next expack?
Hope we will finally get another mail class

Would like to see a new ranged class, as the last 3 classes have all been melee, even Hunters have gone melee in Legion.

Maybe New specs would be enough:
Runemaster for monks
Dark ranger for Hunters
Blademaster for Warriors

Engineer maybe (like GW2)? Probably not edgy enough though.

Arms is literally blademaster already

An Earthen Ward spec for Shamans. (Tanking) that uses his shield with an ground/earth type motif.
What other new specs would work for pre existing classes?

Bladedancer then. They would use focus/chi instead of rage.

Current marksman spec is more Dark ranger than ever

This game really needs another leather wearing melee DPS spec.

Tinkerer, restricted to Gnomes/Goblins.
You'd use Battlesuits ala Mekkatorque in Broken Shore/Shredders for Goblins.

>>warrior >>chi
Are you retarded?

Pretty much this
I just want to see reaction

I'm away on vacation and I want to know what to on would make a great alternative main? My main is ret pally.


A bard class so I can buff team with an accordion.

that's one naughty pussy

Did you just assumed his gender you bigot

I want to see the vanilla classes on a vanilla server

Im totally new to WoW and I want to play with some friends. Is this game good or i need to buy the 100 level up thing to enjoy it?

you get a free level 100 when you buy the latest xpac

You should probably level a character from 1 and not use the level up thing

It will teach you a bit about the world, about the mechanics and about your character

You could just start at level 100 but why would you skip 8 years of content?
Exploring the world was the best thing back when I was new to WoW and sometimes I wish I could go back

But i want to experience this magic adventure with my friends, why skipping everything?

Go play on a private server, trust me, you'll have infinitely more fun


Didn't blizzard kill private servers?
Hence the nostalrius drama

Only good ones
Garbage like kronos and wotlk servers with epics shop on site are still working

game is friendliest it's ever been with new players, jump right in. use wowhead.com a lot to understand what the fuck is going on if you need help, as there is a lot to learn. ignore , pic related for them

Kronos is still up, as are a bunch of other low key ones.

But seriously, there is absolutely nothing fun or interesting about modern wow. The only enjoyment you'll get out of it is because you're playing something with your friends. At least vanilla/TBC are actually good MMOs

Plus its free, literally no harm in downloading it and trying it out with your friends rather than investing all that money into an MMO you get guilt tripped into playing with them because you have to justify that money you just spent.

They shut down 1 private server.
It wasnt even a particularly groundbreaking server either.
Not sure why it blew up so much.

>as there is a lot to learn.
My fucking sides are in orbit

>muh vanilla

you're fucking delusional if you think grinding monsters for 2 months using 3 buttons, resting after ever 2 kills etc., to reach 60 is fun and interesting to anyone who isn't a NEET with no occupation (blizzard knows this and thus ignored your autistic requests and petitions). neck yourself buddy and stop projecting. the game is very good at the moment, hopefully the raids are on par with what ive seen so far.

now call me a marketer and sperg out because that's literally all you hopeless idiots have

Now that'd be fucking sweet

Specially for the all private servers lovers

nice meme

for a new player, there is quite a lot of learn, especially considering that legion gated absolutely fucking everything behind instances, quests, vendors in bumfuck nowhere and shit like that. i was replying to a player who said he is new. can you understand what you are reading?

A gender neutral race of homosexual lesbians.

>reaction image + memes + overzealous shitposting
You could have at least attempted to discredit what I said rather than just making yourself seem childish.

Its free to play on private servers, there is no reason for them to spend money on modern WoW when they could try a private server first and see if they like that version of WoW.

And Ill bet he and his friends will enjoy vanilla/TBC more than modern.

>for a new player, there is quite a lot of learn,
i cant breath

you actually fucking believe this

holy shit my sides

Warden, I want to be maiev and jail all the illidans

>another mail class
Come on WoW, at least try to be original.

Melee DPS, midrange DPS, Tank?

>this total lack of any sentence structure or grammar
Indian marketer please go shit in a street, you're making WoW look bad.

some new spec for warrior where most of your abilities generate rage and you do more damage depending on your rage scaling with mastery, but you have big abilities that consume rage
you gain a stacking debuff at max rage reducing your damage as well
it'd play like a melee old arcane mage mixed with old boomkin

i wonder why these images never include the streamers that got rich off the fucking idiots that supported nost. really makes you think.

>restricted to Gnomes/Goblins.
Never going to happen

>'Bring the player not the class'
>Fuck people being unique!

I want someone who can wear mail and can tank

Something like a Priestess of the Moon. A caster/healer with a bow.


>Demon Hunters are Elves only
Are you a bit late, mate?

More racial classes. Wardens, Knights, Spellbreakers, Lightbreakers, Blademasters, Shadow Hunters, Tinkers and Engineers. Base them somewhat off of current classes so they can share the class halls, and give them just one spec/artifact for simplicity.

Because it was new and landed at just the right time when WoD was bleeding subscriptions.

>>Demon Hunters are Elves only
>Are you a bit late, mate?
Next expansion will make them open to most other races, screencap this.

Hurrduurr I'm Op and what new class do you want in 2 years. Please kill yourself.

The only ones possible are Human and Orcs, if only because
>Human DHs exist but were EXTREMELY rare
>Orks have to keep the class balance.

The chances are virtually impossible.

hey I have no life but I have never even tried world of warcraft

is it good to start in the current year of the christ?

Mail doesn't even make sense as an armor class. Hunters and Shaman would both make better thematic sense in leather.

Seems you lost your argument about the same time you lost your sides. Because I'm not seeing one.

Tinker for goblins and gnomes.

But the game is in desperate need of a healer class thats fun

seriously, can you blizz marketers fuck off? Nobody wants to play current year WoW.

I've been playing Healadin and it's like playing whack-a-mole with damage. Good single target but solid AoE healing is a bit lacking. Might level a Disc Priest soon too, any idea how those are?

I do.

as crappy as it was i miss tanking on my enhancement shaman

Some kind of Summoner, where all their damage is done through their summons. Not like Warlocks, who summon a pet to help them while they cast spells, but a class whose only manner of attacking is summoning arcane creatures to attack their foes.

I want a class that can wear any piece of equipment and convert any stat into a useful one so all the shitty armor that drops all the fucking time could actually be put to use

Been playing since 2005, Legion is the best expansion yet.

There is less to learn that there has ever fucking been in the history of WoW. And WoW's already been one of the most simplistic MMOs on the market since its release.

Mechanically, it would be nearly identical to any other class, but instead of spell effects being flashed around, there'd be a fuckton of NPCs that the servers would have to deal with just for the aesthetic.

I wonder if their servers could handle a huge deathknight meetup where everyone casts army of the dead at the same time

It'd be super if some classes would receive their utility back. Rogues lost poisons on most specs, BoS, and other abilities. Mobility gets removed, but every spec still has 864 CC abilities, basically.

mobility was injected into the early talent tiers and the CCs got pruned ya dingus.

He looks like a candle.

kobold race confirmed for the next expack!

No new classes, new Specs instead.

Inquisitor as a Caster DPS spec for Paladins.
Either a 2h or a Tanking spec for Shamans.
Make Gladiator a full-blown spec for Warriors.
Shadow Hunter for Hunters.
A ranged, Gun using spec for Rogues.


Is there a way to test out a class at level 100? I am not sure which class I want to take to 100. I played a Priest to 40 and a Paladin to 37 and I liked both as healers, but still not sure which I want to play.


If you bought Legion and hanve't used your boost yet, you can do a class trial.

got both DK and DH at 100, which one should I pick up, I can't decide since I like both


If you intend on raiding Mythic, neither. If you don't it literally doesn't matter.

>Top dps
>lol no one will take dh in the mythic

Need magical bow user.

Something to replicate the mana hunter that we had before.

Nigger every Mythic guild has had their DH spots locked in for over a year now. It doesn't matter if they're top DPS, every decent guild already has their Demon Hunters and they can't fit any more in.

race specific classes
>mountain king for dwarf
>sentinel for night elf
>bloodmage/knight for blood elf
>dark knight for human
>barbarian for orc
>tauren class that uses a log for a weapon (also has a healing spec)
>abomination for undead
>mecha for gnome
>voodoo doo doo for troll
>vindicator for draenei
>fist weapon worgen
>tinker class for goblin
>remove from game class for panda

>People want more racial classes

Gnomes best girls.