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I wish the netcode was a bit better. I cant play against anyone without delay.
>I will never get good
Who best girl here
trying to perfect instant air dash into dp with Jam is tough as shit. Still having a lot of fun getting into the game though even if it is tough.
I want to help Millia get over Zato and win her heart!
Waiting for figure mode
Yup, still waiting on that PC release date for Revelator...
>Really hyped for Revelator
>Get it at launch
>It's really fucking fun and I have a great time
>Haven't played it once since then
>No desire to play it either
I don't understand.
I think I would enjoy it more if Ram wasnt super shitty.
Coming from Street Fighter, which game would be best to start with? Also, would Faust be a good character to start out with? I like his appearance and how he plays but I don't know anything about GG mechanics.
Just get the latest which is Revelator at the moment. Faust is fine. The only difficult thing about him is random items.
Guesses for the new characters next game down the road? Going off of story mode I fully expect Baiken and Zappa. and maybe That Man and Robo-Ky but that still leaves two open slots if we get six characters like Revelator.
Does Revelator have a dub yet?
Izuna has a high chance. At least one character will be completely new.
>was hyped as fuck when I heard GG Xrd was releasing for PC
>buy it instantly
>dick around for a bit
>drop it, never put any noteworthy time into it
Life is hell, I wish I could dedicate more time for fighting games.
I swear to god when they add Zappa he better have this face for Faust's instant kill.
Izuna would be great. Even if there would be shitters trying to claim he's just another Baiken.
Still really want pic related though.
Why does Faust have literally the best design ever?
You know who else had a great design? Dr.Baldhead
It's a shame they dropped him after the first game, but I guess Faust was supposed to be his replacement; it does make me wonder if they're somehow related to each other.
Use protection you two!
Best announcer.
Who the hell is this Ky at mikado right now?
>tfw finally got a hitbox case for GG
>still have to wait few weeks until my PCB arrives
Days of my pad suffering will be over soon.
Is Kum the worst new character ever?
>le little girl inside old man
>stupid late cancels gimmick
>op moves (s)he can spam which you have to IB to punish
>boring unreactable 50\50 oki mixups
kusoge design in a nutshell
GG is only good for sniffs
I don't really like his design either, doens't seem like he belong in GG
But again, you could say that about Ramlethal or even Bedman, to an extent.
Kum just made me remember how much I want Kilff back. We need another bad ass old man.
Any Zepp patriots in this thread?
this post just screams "im terrible and keep losing to kum players"
I'm still waiting.
Dr. Baldhead and Faust are literally the same person user.
The old design was much better imo
I like the new design because it shows his transition from being a slave forced into combat into a proud soldier of a democratic nation. I'd like an option to remove the helmet though, for variety sake.
I figured it was going to be DLC at some point
How can you ICPM without helmet though?
Not enough old dudes in the cast.
An interesting theory there user, but Dr.Baldhead was... well, bald. Faust clearly has a magnificent afro hiding under his paper bag.
Through sheer force of will.
They will never do costume DLCs. Elphelts old costume is an exception cause they didn't have to model anything new for it.
It would just take too much time to create costumes since they hand animate everything I'm pretty sure.
He's literally Sup Forums
>op moves (s)he can spam which you have to IB to punish
>boring unreactable 50\50 oki mixups
??? never heard this in my life.
>literally pic related
I mean, you're not wrong, but something about him is real neat. Plus he's fun to play, he's a ranged character that actually has decent speed.
I never knew he was a slave, how the fuck would you enslave the bus tour?
He was born into it. Zepp wasn't a democratic nation until he helped Gabriel overthrow the original government. The collar originally had a bomb in it to keep him in line.
>tfw no English Elphelt system voice in REV
It's not fair man. The beat dub voice and made her a lot more tolerable overall.
Alexis is the cutest.
Is there any better character just to chill with? He doesn't deserve the shit he gets stuck with.
Why is he wearing shorts ffs, I feel he wouldn't look so retarded if he had proper trousers on
To show off that he never skips leg day.
He went from being fucking ripped in the original game, to looking like a skinny fag in X; his new outfit is a small compromise.
baiken when
bridget when
pc upgrade to revelator with crossplay when
>baiken when
This fall.
I lover her new design. It's a lot more fashionable but her tits are still just silly.
Best song of best dandy coming thru youtube.com
Excellent taste. I really know fuck all of the Xrd soundtrack, what else is good on it?
Here is a playlist of the OST, there are a lot of good songs to choose from. I dont actually know any expecific song i could recommend you desu
hmmm hmmmmm hmm hmmm hmm hmmm hmmmmmm
Iike the muscle vajania but i don't liek them anwere else
PC port when?
Asuka is probably the next big one story wise, but I also expect a GG2 char like the Turkey birdy lizard to be added too. Also Justice has a good chance too.
All the main games have stellar soundtracks.
That being said, first GG had THE best ost.
Before the end of the year allegedly
>not Isuka
We could argue over this until the thread 404's, or we could just agree that your taste is microscopically worse than mine.
kill yourself
So what's the tier list now, that the proverbial dust has settled?
Playable Gabriel when?
Right after Jubei.
Whole soundtrack is pretty great. I actually prefer Dizzy's new theme to Awe of She. Awe of She never really fit Dizzy or her personality
But one of my favorite themes is the rival theme of Milia and Zato. the opening gets me hype every time.
Would be nice to play him after story mode teases for over a decade. Same reason I'm really happy we finally got Raven.
does anyone else think the engrish in the songs is fucking adorable?
If we ever get a playable Aria post Jack-O then pic related would probably be the Sol vs Aria theme.
Some of the songs in Xrd were a bit meh to me, but Daisuke's knocked it out the fucking park with the songs added to Revelator.
Raven's Theme being the stand out for me.
I legit love the lyric songs they've made. They're miles better than what they did to the GGX themes.
Bridget's theme is unironically one of my favorites in the entire series
I don't have any issues with it. Having the official lyrics helps with some of them though. All I Can Do, Freesia, and Lily are all god tier to me.
Ravens theme is awesome. Though I still love his Overture theme and its one of my favorite GG tracks ever.
That would fit pretty well. I would get a little bit of feels every time that matchup and track played.
Is Metal the weebcore genre?
Isn't like a former iron maiden bassist a big star in Japan?
Overture's soundtrack is flawless; it's just a shame most of the songs only play when you're fighting another master.
What are you afraid of? It's absolutely great.
Being a Bridget fan can be dangerous if you are labled as one of the cancerous ones.
Hope when That Man becomes playable he has a theme similar to his Overture one.
When Xrd: SATURATOR -- EX comes to consoles user. So like 18 months?
I'm pretty sure Iron Maiden has only had 1 bassist, but I think you're talking about Marty Friedman from megadeth.
The real question is; when they make The Man playable, will he fight like a bullet hell boss or will they tone him down?
Will he throw walls again?
Johnny. He's a drunk, womanizing gambler and would be literally best wingman of all time.
Any mention of Bridget in GG threads just gets a ton of people saying you don't play the game.
He also decides to leave for extended periods of time without telling anyone, but it's ok because he's just trying to help you.
Could you imagine running out of liquor and he just disappears for three months only to return with the finest booze ever made; distilled from Justice's pussy juice or something.
The original Axl was a shit brickhouse in a Canadian summer tuxedo. Revelator's design is a of old Axl and XX Axl.
>a shit brickhouse