DS1 remake when? Fixing the UI would be enough.
literally completely unnecessary
I want to stick my dick in you.
and making it playable on PC without having to download mod after mod after mod to even be able to move your character
No shit. Spoiler: BB=DS=DeS>DS3>DS2
>the < is backwards
What did he mean by this?
it's better than 2, as well
why so low quality?
Doubt anyone will dispute this
But at least 3 was finished, even if it was way too short and linear. Hopefully the DLC can improve things.
You can't play PvP or co-op with 60fps enabled. That alone makes a remake, or at the very least a significantly retweaked port very much necessary.
If I could only take one souls game with me to the afterlife, it would be Demon's Souls. Right next to my mummified cat.
Dark Souls 1 > Demons Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Bloodborne
I disagree, but only because I don't think they're similar enough to be compared. Das1 is slow and calculated, while BB is fast and visceral. I'd say they're about even.
The only real order.
Souls > Souls > Souls > Souls
Why would that matter though? that's like saying you can't say the snes is better than the gc because snes wasn't in the same gen.
DeS > All other souls games.
this is objectively correct desu
Demon = Dark > BB > 3 > SoTFF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dog shit > Vanilla 2
and that's ds2 is better
I would just want to see the PvP properly with 60FPS and similar backstab checking as Dark Souls III where you can just roll away.
Well that analogy doesn't really fit e situation. It's more like comparing a romance movie to an action movie. Different experiences.
Lol no
Does the experience matter when you're talking about whats better? with that logic i can't say the wolf of wall street is better than the notebook, because they're not in the same genre.
>with that logic i can't say the wolf of wall street is better than the notebook
Well they're very different films, aren't they.
Dark souls 3 is objectively the better game but my experience with Dark souls 1 was a lot better
Also fixing the framerate and resolution issues, and making good keyboard+mouse controls would be nice.
But it doesn't matter when you're just comparing which is the better film.
Why would you compare disparate things.
I haven't played BB because it's on a platform that very few people on Sup Forums even own, but I'll pretend that it's the best in the franchise anyways like you.
BB=DeS>DaS>DaS3>Bioshock Infinite>red hot steel screwdriver in your urethra>DaS2>DaS2SOTFS
prove me wrong
you can't
>SOTFS worse than vanilla
Explain yourself
>Does the experience matter when you're talking about whats better?
Yes, you literal autist. Holy shit.
Why are you dumb? :p
Lol yes. Bloodborne changed too much shit, had less weapons, and was just overall not as fun to play.
When are you lot going to stop bumming this series?
It's got the most Mary-Sue combat I've ever seen in vidya, and the story is laughable
>DS3 not at the bottom
>game just need on single tiny easy to use mod to run the game in 60fps/1080p
>it sound like fucking NASA computer science to a peasant like you
I'm sure more people here have PS4 than Xbox and Nintendo. And It is best the best in the franchise, don't need to pretend about that.
>DaS > BB > DeS > DaS2 > DaS3
it's true
He's using experience in the context of "W-w-well ted is a comedy, so saying the crow is a better movie is dumb because one makes you laugh and the other makes you sad!!", You see why that doesn't work? with that logic you actually can't say dark souls is better than no man's sky because it's a different experience in no man's sky.
Oh yeah they fixed so much in the re-release to justify purchasing literal shit a second time. You probably ate that shit up too. Just look at these improved visuals.
>I'm sure more people here have PS4 than Xbox and Nintendo
Then people on Sup Forums are pretty dumb, seeing as Nintendo's platforms have more worthwhile exclusives, and the PS4 only has a single worthwhile game that you can't just get a better experience out of on a PC.
It's a stupid fucking comparison, you sperging autist.
>I'm sure more people here have PS4 than Xbox
Well no shit. Sup Forums has always been a heavy PC gaming board and with a PC you don't need an Xbox
>and Nintendo
This is debatable.
Doesn't matter.
Don't hold outon me cutie, post your mail!
all souls games have their fatal flaws it seems
dark souls 1 is half finished
bloodborne cant hold 30 fps
dark souls 2 has artificial difficulty, box rooms, unimaginative bosses, hitboxes, etc
dark souls 3 has garbage MP
it's a shame fromsoft can't just roll up everything they did right into one game, hell i think they tried to with dark souls 3, but look how it went
>good keybaord+mouse controls
This isn't a design oversight by the developers. There's a reason the keyboard controls are shit for Dark Souls, and that's because it's not a keyboard game. You don't play an RTS with a controller and you don't play Street Fighter with a steering wheel.
The art direction is still neat, its just the lightning.
Furthermore its just a bullshot of the vanilla version with brightness 100%, ok tier shitpost tho
>Street Fighter with a steering wheel
Goddamn that sounds awesome.
Also with that logic you actually can't judge any game in the dark souls series or put them side by side with each other, because with the context he's using any experience that isn't the same can't be compared.
>DaS good experience
>Ds2 bad experience
>Ds3 meh experience
>That gamma
It looks exactly the same in SOTFS, like shit. All of Dark Souls 2 is made up of the same fucking repeated single texture without any of the steps taken to hide it as is with normal high quality game development.
Most people would say that Deadly Premonitions is a bad game by any objective measures, however the experience it brought players was unique and memorable and entertaining enough that people have a fondness for it.
>cherry picking a screen from a potato driven system
100% objective empirical factual fact:
Modded full HD texture 1080p 60 (58) fps Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition > Bloodborne: The Old Hunters > Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin.
That said, I like all souls games and this ranking might change depending on:
1. Dark Souls 3 future 2 DLC packs.
2. Bloodborne Remastered for PS4 Pro or PS5 (or PC? kek) running at stable 60 fps.
3. Demon's Souls Remastered for PS4 Pro or PS5 (or PC? kek) running at stable 60 fps at 1080p.
>deadly premonitions
wew lel ebic m3M3 mASteR b7
The gameplay and visuals are fucking horrendous, faggot.
>reverse cherry picking
Dark souls 2 apologists are literally unbearable.
God, the edge on this one...
>and you don't play Street Fighter with a steering wheel.
but then 720s would actually be possible
I'm glad they've got their shit together by 3.
You can't say a game has shit visuals when you're running it on a shit system. Every game looks like shit if your PC can't handle it.
I don't even think DS2 has amazing visuals, I just think it's retarded to run a game on minimum settings and say it looks terrible.
I repeat myself as I see you don't quite understand.
The art itself is really good,its justthe technical limitations fucked the graphics over.
The lightning in softs is different compared to vanilla therefore I thuink you are shitposting (again?).
>you don't play Street Fighter with a steering wheel
Well actually you can, if you play the PS1 street fighter games with the wheel accessory. It's not ideal, but you can.
Here is the exact same location in the REMAKE with max settings on PC.
>posts the same 1280x720, brightness to 100% picture he just posted of the vanilla version
What are you even trying to archieve here?
You didn't need to remind me.
DaS1 best game.
Priscilla best waifu.
>this deluded
When was the last time you loaded the game up user?
not him, but I play Sotfs at 30% and 1080p...
>magic user
>Shit opinions the thread
Bloodborne a best waifu desu tho.
Sorcerer is the best class, faggot.
Some months ago still
this is just nitpicking there are areas in ds3 looking worse than that and we arent talking about them, why? I think every game can look ugly if you search long enough.
And again, I already aggreed that the technical limitations killed the graphics but the art is still nice. So what exactly does one try to arhieve in showing me this caps?
The weapons in Bloodborne were way more interesting than pretty much anything you get in Dark Souls. I'll take fewer but more versatile weapons over the bloated arsenal you get in DS3 any day of the week.
Game is only 5 years old you fucking remaster fags are the worse. Demons Souls maybe could use a remastered PS4/PC release but that's it.
Not him but thing is that while it's true that BB has more varied movesets overall, DaS has more weapons with more subtle and obviously aesthetic differences. For instance a weapon in DaS may have the same moveset as another, but the statistics and mechanics around it could be different.
Also BB has shit all for armor by comparison, but then BB's fanbase doesn't really give a shit about fashion souls.
um, of course? DS1 is the best game of recent memory.
pointless thread
>as good as DaS1 or BB
Any user know how to get this poorly ported piece of shit called DS 1 to work on my shitty Windows 10 PC?\It crashes on start up and I've tried just about everything. Kinda desperate desu. Bandai-Namco hasn't gotten back to me yet. I really want to play it guise ;_;
You can absolutely play dress up in BB, wtf are you talking about. There's dozens of armor sets and the stats on them don't really help that much so you can mix and match them to your heart's content
>DS2 apologists that can't shut up about it
>DS2 haters without a cause
>DeS players that trully believe that it's the best game in the franchise because latria is there
>DaS is the best game ever crowd
>BB shitposting without atually discussing everything
>DS3 completely ignored ITT again
Every single thread. I should make an edit already
Honestly they all suck
Demon souls is just outdated as hell
Dark souls starts out decent but eventually becomes pure unfiltered garbage and the combat has aged the worst out of the series
Dark souls 2 has the best combat of them all since they actually fucking tried to pace it but the level design is just garbage
Dark souls 3 is just dark souls 1 in fast forward but with none of the good level design dark souls started out with and lacks any variety that every souls game to this point has had
These games are garbage when you look at then objectively, just fucking bury them
BB has 30-35 including TOH. That's about 1/3rd of what DaS2 has.
You need DSFix for the game and DSCM for the multiplayer
that's literally it and it takes 2 seconds to fucking download
Even with DSFix installed properly, it doesn't work. That's what kills me senpai.
The Dark Souls PC port is fucking awful, you dumb faggot. It needs a remaster badly.
Someone who sucks at Dark Souls games detected.
how so?
>eliminated/reduced slowdown
>much shorter loading screens
everything else fixed by dsfix