This is your date tonight.
This is your date tonight
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Such a cutie
>I...I swear officer, you told me you were 18!
But I just want to stay home and play video games.
why doed she have a condom on her left leg?
Why don't you have a seat over there?
Thats not where you were supposed to put the condom, honey.
>not completely flat
>still an entire month until full game is out
Wasn't it released 9/9?
Lewd nyaa has some torrents.
Ok, I'll hand over her corpse tomorrow morning
I want to breed Marie.
Oh fuck you're right!! I thought it was the 9th next month. My dick is eternally grateful. Next fap will be dedicated to you!
It's out.
Criminal scum.
Is this pso2?
I remember a illusion game from 1 year ago or so where you could post cards to generate the character.
Is it the same way here? Can you post her?
i dont speak moon though
Please give me the Marie card mysteryman.
is this game good?
She looks like shes 10...?
Where do you live where 10 year olds look like sex goddesses?
You're thinking of Sexy Beach Premium Resort. This game, Honey Select is basically just the chara editor and the hentai scenes from SBPR made into a standalone game. There's probably more additions though. Anyhow, the character cards from SBPR works in this game and vice versa.
is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Let your dick guide you through the menus.
Nah it's alright I guess. 10 is in the upper end of my preferred range though.
Plese take the police force seriously.
w-what if i accidentally press the scat button
They really need the hair technology from the new Tomb Raider games.
Also I'm pretty sure there's a partial UI you can download from the pastebin in hgg
What they really need is to learn how to optimize games. Illusion games can run bad even on good machines
Nice. I like her cute face on a adolescent body.
Earth okay- but which galaxy?
OP, do you happen to have a bunch of cards you're willing to share?
You're better off browsing /h/ for that.
You just play all of these games, don't you?
Only appearence is final, I don't know what I'm doing with the rest of the parameters.
Be gentle.
>second worst DoA girl
Fuck off
>Not really sure if I should bother downloading that
Ancestors of mine, turn your gaze away for unspeakable things will be done this afternoon
wow thanks for the link
To practice safe sex.
ancestor here
how do i into computer
*I meant Breast Size 30 and under, woops.
Lord have mercy on my dick.
Anyone else having trouble accessing Hongfire?
After AA2, most adult-games from nippons have been super disappointing.
I thought hongfire died ages ago.
If your dick wills it, then there's nothing you can do about it.
>After AG3
Fixed that for you.
Custom maid is p gud
The forums are still up. Well more or less...
Well fuck. I know what I am doing tonight.
On a side note, can you make your own?
Use anime-sharing, hongfire is a rotting corpse.
is it even an upgrade over the last few games that used the same artstyle?
AA3 when?
Of course
Dude, I always use the HF patch to uncensor mah hentai games. Using anything else would feel like a betrayal, rotting corpse or not.
Does this game support VR? If so, should I buy into VR?
Are any of these games ever even any good? They look nice from some of the screenshots, but whenever I download one of them they turn out to be pure shit when in motion.
I know that feel, but even HF patches are hosted on anime-sharing nowadays.
>Does this game support VR?
Yes, the torrent comes with a VR patch
>If so, should I buy into VR?
Unless you have more money than you know what to do with, I'd say wait until the next gen of VR devices.
Got so many errors while installing, kept on pressing ignore but at the end the game didn't work
Mount one iso at a time.
For fuck sake, it's common sense, stop asking this all the time.
You must use japanese locale or locale emulator for most chink games.
>kept on pressing ignore but at the end the game didn't work.
Don't ever get a job, you're a danger to everyone around you.
Does this need a NASA supercomputer to make it run above 10 FPS? Or have Illusion finally started optimizing their games properly?
I am sitting here at work, with a raging megaboner, eager to go home and pleasure myself.
Post your cards lads.
>brown skin with light hair
>light skin with dark hair
I think I have a contrast fetish.
will this get english patch
>Japanese game
Pick two.
I don't think there's any free roaming in this so you should be good even on a moderate computer
yeah, probably
the creator is already translated
man that game was so badly done, was getting silky smooth 10fps with everything on low