Which one is a better choice for someone who never owned a handheld?

Which one is a better choice for someone who never owned a handheld?

3DS seems to have better exclusives when it comes to tactical strategies, and Pokemon (which I would like to try).

Vita has my favorite MGS games and some great upcoming VNs, but it seems abandoned by Sony.

3DS. Not only it has plenty of great games and the upcoming S&M, but you also can play DS games in it, so you have 2 whole libraries of great games to enjoy.

3DS without a doubt.
you will be able to play all DS games, and all GBA games if you hack it

vita if you are a massive weeb.

Can you recommend some great games that could win me over? Also, I don't plan to hack it.

I'm not a weeb but I would very much like to explore the JRPG genre, and people say Vita is the go-to console for it. I played on PC all my life (I did own NES and PSX though and liked them both).

I own a Vita and I love it very much, but I am 99% sure you will be laughed at for buying a Vita in this day and age.

What are your favourite genres bro?

>I would very much like to explore the JRPG genre
there isnt too much to explore about it, most of it is moeshit.
unless you are weeaboo, you will get bored soon.

let the vita die already, it has good hardware, but thats the only good thing i can say about it.

here's a question;
If you hack a 3DS, and later try to trade it in at a store, will they see that it's been hacked and forbid the trade-in?

Stealth, platform, RPG.

I would recommend hacking it just so you can play more handheld games on it, since you can choose to still buy games if you so desire.

Anyway, for some games from both the 3DS and DS library.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Castlevania Games (all 3 of them)
Final Fantasy 4
Lost Magic
Chrono Trigger (Decent port if you haven't played it before)
Radiata Stories
Advance Wars (Both)
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
Pokemon Black/White
Pokemon Black 2/White 2

Super Mario Land 3D
Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds
Star Fox 64 3D
Pokemon ORAS or XY
Stella Glow
Fire Emblem Conquest
Shit Megami Tensei IV
Bravely Default
Ace Combat 2 3D
Kid Icarus Uprising

That should give you a rough start to see what you like on each console. I do recommend picking up a DS flashcart at least if nothing else since they're compatible with most 3DS I believe. I hope that helps OP.

If you could MGS you really shouldn't then Vita is by far the best choice. MGS1 through 3 + PW doesn't compare to an awful port of 3 only.

You can unhack it.

>Can you recommend some great games that could win me over?

That's actually a pretty hard question to answer since there's a metric fuckton of stuff to try out. What are you into? You tried Ace Attorney yet? Because you can play the entire series from the beginning from it.

I love my vita but get the 3DS, loads of games, backwards compatible with DS games, lots cheap little indie games, frequent sales, and above all it uses a standard SD card. I have 64GB in mine and I'm never going to fill it. You can even play generation 1 Pokémon on it.

What is your favorite MGS game?

Alright man, thanks for the effort. Some of those games sound really fun and I already looked them up. What's a DS Flashcart and does New 3DS xl already come with a memory card in it? They removed the charger so Idk, also I plan to go retail only so I don't need a big one.

Is MGS on Vita really that bad? I could pick it up on Ps3 but I have a really bad TV and the reason I'm going with a handheld is because I can't afford a reasonable tv to go with NX/PS3.

I never played Ace Attorney. Is it also on GBA? Because I have some emulator thing downloaded and a big ROM collection, so I can probably try it out and see if I like it or not.

MGS V on PC, MGS 2 on old playstation. But Snake Eater comes close to being my 2nd favourite.

MGS on Vita is good, it's the 3DS port that's terrible.

Well MGS3 is on 3ds. And the port is good I think.

I'd say the 3DS.
If you end up buying it make sure to give "The World Ends With You" a try. Easily one of the best games of the DS.

>You can unhack it.
cool, didn't know that, thanks

3DS easily

Start with 3DS, the vita is kind of a niche enthusiast device for people who really like japanese games. You cant go wrong with the 3DS, theres a huge library to choose from not to mention DS BC. The Vita is for rhythm games, Ys, gundams, vn's, digimons and vanillaware games, its actually not that bad but if youre a newcommer to handhelds 3DS is the way to go for sure

its a really elegant way of saying, almost no one likes it.

my favorite niche game is Superman 64

>If it's not popular it sucks

It honestly depends on what sort of games you like, they have radically different types of games.

I own both and vastly prefer the Vita.

Sure, I mean you can look at it that way but I mean niche in the sense that not many people know about it, games like IA/VT that were never localized in English but is playable without knowing moons and is a great rhythm game, even games that do get localized like Vs Force and Superbeat xonic receively little marketing, they're niche not because they're bad games but because nobody has heard of it.

What have you been playing on your Vita lately?

Dungeon Travellers 2 and Trillion.

Trillion is getting a PC port now that I think about it.

This is a meme. Vita doesnt have good JRPGS.

>INB4 B BB BUT persona4
Which is a PS2 port.

Persona 4 is awful, but there are good RPGs on Vita.

Wew lad.

>im playing a half year old game of a psp port
>and literal kusoge shovelware

No, there really arent.

>inB4 list of shovelware from NIS/CH/IF

>stop liking what I don't like

Trillion is a literal kusoge, it bombed everywhere and got panned for being a bad game.

DT2 is a mediocre outdated DRPG that wouldnt have sold if it wasnt for blatant virginpandering.
Its also a PSP port, and censored for the vita.

It's on ps2 so that means it's not on vita?

Damn you're right, can you tell me where I can get DT2 on PSP in English?

>Trillion...got panned for being a bad game
Forgive me for not trusting the opinion of people of literal normies.

>DT2 is a mediocre outdated DRPG
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fuck I needed that.

>censored for the vita.
4 images, 3 of which were because lolis (1 arguably improved with spats) and the last one was basically porn.

But no, please, do go on.

Is it possible to play on 3ds without ever going online, or are you forced to register or something like that?

it is possible

>i-i-its not censored cuz i said so

>DT2 is not mediocre and not outdated
The mechanics and outdated gameplay are older than you are, fuckstain.

>trillion is not bad cuz I said so, everyone else is just wrong


epic deflection kid.

Let's all pretend (3)ds library isn't for massive weebs:

It's pretty simple: 3DS has 3 Monster Hunter games so far. Not emulated MH, not MMO shit, actual MH. No way I'd pick a Vita.

The HD collection of MGS plays well on Vita but the main problem is that there's a lot of overlap with the PS4/PS3/PC. Almost any game you'd want for it is available on those other systems; and the Vita has only the portable and pricing advantage.

However, if you don't have a PS3/PS4, then you can enjoy the multiplats and the small amount of exclusives it has to offer. There's also a large amount of PSP games available on the store if you missed out on that system.
At the forefront tho, the Vita is mainly a JRPG machine and there's lots of stuff to choose from. I like Disgaea and Atelier the most for mine.

SSD is as good as any of those though

Not going to fall for the bait. If you want to be more subtle, try bringing up Toukiden 2 next time.

Your argument for DT2 is literally "I think it's outdated and mediocre", something which literally anyone who has played it can refute.

And your argument against Trillion is that it was considered bad (Apparently 6/10 is bad now?) by reviewers like IGN and Metacritic when its a game aimed at weebs.

I enjoyed Freedom Wars more then Mon Hunter but that's because I enjoy the sci-fi setting a lot.

If you actually care about games, Vita.
If you care about playing the same games you've played on every other Nintendo handheld, BUT SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT, get a 3DS.

>I think
Not even him, but DT2 being outdated isnt an opinion. Its a fact.

>6/10 isnt bad
ayyy lmoa

>freedom wars is better than MH

YOu almost had me with your bait but you ruined it at the last moment

Toukiden was shit tho



>>freedom wars is better than MH
Epic strawman, try reading my post again.

But Freedom Wars is better than monster hunter.
It has far superior combat.

It just lacks content comparatively.
But Freedom Wars is the first game of the IP while monster hunter has many years of existence

In case you're not trolling, just play PS Zero if you want a hunting game with sci-fi.

If you enjoy something more, that directly implies it is better.

If you enjoy a steak more than a burger, that means the steak was better.

>better combat


It was the first, and also the last. The game was so bad that the lead dev left out of shame.

Freedom Wars is literally meaningless dialogue: the game.

I didn't say it wasn't going to be bait still. Pretty much none of the MH clones are effectively good, but the changes coming on Toukiden 2 are making it closer to an actual game.

>6/10 isnt bad

ofc hes trolling. He's prolly some vitagen shmuck.

>If you enjoy something more, that directly implies it is better.

No it fucking doesn't, because there's a concept known as personal taste.

Assuming you mean Phantasy Star Zero, the gameplay footage I'm looking at isn't selling it very well. Those graphics are seriously old.

3DS can do Nintendo, Monster Hunter and Pokermans. I got one for the Nendo Miku game.
Etrian Odyssey seems to fit the Tactical strategies.
Note 3DS is regionlocked unless modded.

Vita can do 3rd party games, imports region free (though the DLC is locked by accounts and account switching is a chore), a couple of monster hunter clones, and ports though performance is generally subpar to console/pc counterparts
Oh, and it does EDF.

So take your pick from there.

If I was interested in buying a handheld, your pic would have made me lose all interest in the vita, and all respect for people that play a vita.

>Assuming you mean Phantasy Star Zero, the gameplay footage I'm looking at isn't selling it very well. Those graphics are seriously old.
Yep. It's for the DS. It's a lot of fun and online play still works with the makeshift server fans are hosting.

>caring about graphics in hunting games ever

Not like there's much else on there to begin with.

Those are all jap games user, of course they look like that.

Also 3 of those games are actually very solid, with Bullet Girls being just okay.

Once upon a time I wouldn't have cared about the graphics but since I've played Mon Hun on Console and FW, that would be a serious downgrade in that regard.

Literally whichever has more games you like the look of.

I own both and they're good for different things.

Don't listen to the shitposts OP, just look at the games and make your own choice.

The thing is, I can't make up my mind. Vita games look "better" to me, but maybe that's just because I never got into the genres it offers and I might get bored of it. 3DS however offers games that look a little too easy or casual most of the time, but they still look fun and from what I've heard last long.

>bought a 3ds over vita to pirate
>no well known anime games
>no good jrpgs other than bravely default
>now vita is hacked

I snagged this from Vitagen, it's an overview of some of the games on the Vita I think. I've got one for the 3DS too, will post that in a sec.

Honestly, I'd say buy both at a pirateable firmware, higher upfront cost but free games.

For 3DS that's below 10.7 and below. As long as it's not 11.0 I think.

For Vita it's 3.60 and below (3.61 which is fairly recent, new stock on shelves will be 3.60 and below).

Here's another perspective to look at, the handhelds themselves
5 versions; 3DS (discontinued?), 3DSXL (discontinued?), 2DS, N3DS, N3DSXL
N3DS & XL don't come with a charger.
2DS has mushy buttons, a more children's toy feel.
Chargers work with all 3DS's

3 versions; OLED (discontinued), LCD, PSTV (discontinued)
OLED has no storage and Proprietary Charger
LCD and PSTV have 1GB internal storage
LCD takes micro USB
Memory Cards are priced out the ass. ~$100 for a 64 GB, ~$60 for a 32 GB, ~$30 for a 16GB, etc.

Both last around 3-5 hours, depending on what game.

Any better?

I think I'll go with the 3ds. It just has more games that interest me, even though I have more experience with Sony.

Thanks everyone who participated in the thread.

If you had more experience with sony, then not picking sony again should have been a nobrainer

>exists in the tiny demographic that would vastly prefer the vita
>picks the wrong console
I feel sorry for you

>I saved a thumbnail

If this was 2013 I would have to think about thoroughly, but at this point definitely get a 3DS.

The Vita has been abandoned by Sony completely and nothing of worth gets released anymore.

Is a 16GB card good enough to pirate games?

It'll do.

How much is the average game in size?
As long as it can hold more than 1 it should be enough for me

At least 4.

Good enough
Thanks user

If it was 2013 you still wouldnt have to think about it because back then, it LITERALLY had no games.

I own both, and the library is quite different.

The Vita has better graphics, but 3DS has more games.

If you're not buying it to hack it, go with the 3DS.

Vita had more games than the 3DS did at least back then.

No, it really didnt.

>PS4 vs WiiU threads

There just isn't enough good games for the PS Vita to really recommend it. Its a great console, it just got ignored entirely, which sucks.

its the only reasonable choice
the 3ds has the amazing ds library and a lot of really great 3ds games. the vita is just compatible with the small shitty vita library.

I just bought a Vita Slim for homebrew. It's much too light and I absolute hate the UI now compared to my PSP though I am excited to play MGS2 and 3.

RIP Captain Lou Albano

>Radiata Stories
I believe you mean Radiant Historia user.

I have both, and while the Vita's great Hardware.

the software holds it back, the New 3DS XL, despite not having much in the way of exclusive software restricted to the 'new' series of systems...is very, very good, the C-stick does work quite nicely, and I've definitely noticed the load speed differences.

also, something else about the Vita, the Rear touchscreen feels like total ass to me, you'll definitely notice it if you need to press 'L2' or 'R2' at any point.

Released in 2011:
>Super Mario 3D Land
>Ocarina of Time 3D
>Mario Kart 7
>Nano Assault
>Mighty Switch Force
>Riiiiidge Racer
>Star Fox 64 3D

Released in 2012:
>Kid Icarus: Uprising
>Tales of the Abyss
>Mutant Mudds

Released in 2013:
>Pokémon X/Y
>Fire Emblem Awakening
>The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
>Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
>Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
>Shin Megami Tensei IV
>SteamWorld Dig
>Rune Factory 4
>Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
>Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate


>abandoned by Sony

Stop these memes. Nobody cares about what games other people can't play, only games you actually can play. Sony games are mostly shit and their platforms have always been defined by other developers.

Who the FUCK care about Sony game?
The shit has the best Killzone game, you don't need anything else from Sony

vita ftw

Vita has better hardware, screen quality and a proper second analog stick
3DS has better games

It all comes down to games really, that's why intelligent people buy consoles.