>Great tier
>Waving at the enemy team outside or inside
>Autist tier
>Shooting at the doors
Great tier
Other urls found in this thread:
>God tier
>Shooting at cans/boxes and seeing how long you can keep them in the air
>enemy waves through the door
>"what are you looking at?"
It's the only reason I use this line, it's so edgy but so fun
>playing as worse McCree
should I buy ascendant? I have a shitload of coins and it's the only decent Zenyatta skin, but I wanted to not buy anything until lvl 100
>kill a Genji as he's using his ultimate
>"You didn't make the cut."
S76 and Reaper spamming their respective 'What are you looking at?' lines at each other always gets a smile out of me
>not using get off my lawn
>autist tier
>creating this thread
>Elder God tier: actually scoring with the basketball
I've only ever seen one guy do it
elder god tier
>spamming hello for the entire match even when you are stomping the other team
>typing gg ez ironically just to see what auto generated safespace filter you get
shit tier
>listening to teammates in quickplay
It's actually not that hard as long as the other autists don't shoot the ball from the table.
Can McCree sprint and self heal?
You're right, S76 is better if you want to fuck off, Mccree has better teamplay.
do voice lines work for the other team?
do they work on killcams at least? they don't go off in PotG that's for sure.
>be pharah
>kill pharah using her ult
>"shot down"
>GOOD PERSON TIER: saying "thanks" when someone heals/shields you
seen someone do that yesterday it makes a big noise when you get it in
You can hear them as normal speech if you're close enough, I've never seen one on a killcam but I don't see why it wouldn't work
>Sup Forums tells me not to play Reaper
>perform adequately
>try Reaper out for shits and giggles
>potg every other game, get over 50% kill participation
I thought he sucked?
I wouldn't call if fucking off, just being self sufficient. You don't actually have faith in your team do you?
Symmetra can do it easily. I do not ever allow it, because I'm scared of the Chaos Dunk and I tell them so. They get mad...
I do this on habit from TF2. I notice healers tend to top me off more cause of it.
>God tier
>non reinhardt tier
>everyone else
this triggers more people than i feel it should
Who the fuck told you that? Literally the go to anti tank character, hell he can contend with a lot of the roster.
How long ago did they tell you that? He's kinda power creeped into OP territory. Before he used to be a bit on the weaker side. I wouldn't recommend picking him when they have a dva, though.
Who the fuck told you that, with proper positioning and timing he can royally fuck people up. Especially if he is reaping while the friendly team is speedboosting up their ass. His ult has great synergy with both Reinhardt and Zarya and he is the resident tank buster. wtf
I love Rein
most balanced character so he's never on anyone's radar and he fits his role perfectly in that he's the Anti-Tank.
>Not BRING ME ANOTHER as you slowly pick off their team one by one
the whole thing about Reaper players being pieces of shit and picking him when it's not necessary and flanking when it's not needed
Meanwhile I just jump and ult on them and the path is cleared, we reach the chekpoint
I've learned only recently that Lucio can cyberbully Reinhardt with no repercussions. Just skate in through his shield, boop him back, then speed boost away before he can do shit about it.
>Shit tier
>Two idiots decide to play snipers on Attack
>Bonus points if in QP, they both pick Hanzo
Same here. It's a shame overwatch's voice commands are so limited compared to TF2's desu
Then call me a fucking elder god, cause I found the fuckin formula for getting it in.
Why's that? I never have a problem with dva.
Now this guy gets it.
>not flexing after earthshattering and wiping a 3-4 people
Also you better have the stein spray or you arn't Reinhardt especially if you use BRING ME ANOTHER.
Reinhardt drinking emote when?
Lucio can harass any tank quite well, it's actually useful for distracting them if you're confident you won't die and/or are in a sticky situation
It was three Widows for me, but I get your point.
>True god tier
I shot the basketball of the table with a Zarya bomb, it bounced off the wall and went straight in. No-one saw it.
I hated Hanzo a lot but I have to say, he's actually quite fun to play and thanks to his buffs not that weak or inconsistent anymore.
Mostly cuz people seem to be terrible with them
>mfw most reapers I get placed with never use their ultis or kill anyone and spend most their time ghosting around or dead
That's what I've noticed about Reinhardt players. They seem more likely to be drawn miles off the point/payload to chase down my Lucio.
also why doesn't reinhardt have some PTSD or some shit when playing with or against bastion?
>want to play as various characters, I never liked "maining"
>also like to play competitive
>almost every single time we defend and I try other characters, we lose
>almost every single time we defend and I sigh and pick reaper, we win
>most of the time the enemy can't even get to the first point or capture the payload
>just because i'm such a fucking dick with reaper and a sore in the ass that never goes away, just psshh nothing perssonel kid away and then come back and singlehandedly dismantle their push by picking off healers or tanks
>very often i get potg
>50% of my time in game is playing reaper, 50% all other characters combined
>other reapers on my team usually just charge head-on or keep their death blossom for le epic teamkill potg that never happens because they can't sneak for shit
>this... is my curse...
>liking his literal worst quote that makes him sound like a Borderlanss character
Get off my Rein.
>not standing perfectly still until the floodgates open
I think her defensive matrix can cover him and make all his shots useless, including his ult.
Other than that Dva isn't a huge threat.
Are you afraid to fight me, Is this easy mode, and I'm your huckleberry are like the only decent spammable lines. Everything else is pretty meh. Standing on a cart that's moving forward towards a retreating enemy team and spamming "ARE YOU AFRAID TO FIGHT ME?" is the best.
>one shot, one kill
>yfw enemy team has a widowmaker instead of someone useful
Because his heart is pure.
A great Hanzo player is god tier on attack, but a mediocre one is dead weight. But they always insist, especially ever since Seagull began playing him more than Genji in streams. Bunch of sheeplings
Guess i'm just playing against shit dvas, they hardly ever use it when i'm up in their face. Unfortunately, that means i'm also shit.
>staring contest with other Reinhardt
>my ult is up
>he drops his shield to throw a firestrike
Because he's senile and only modern day soldiers get PTSD because they arn't recognized as heroes in the sense Reinhardt was, and also he's famous.
He was raised to fight and obviously will do it until he dies.
He just fucking loves fighting.
"What's with all this waiting around? There's work to be done!"
"Ah, back to the fray."
Dude is too stronk to have ptsd.
>Autist tier
>Playing Overshit
a good hanzo is incredible, but most hanzos are shit.
>Spamming balls at a vending machine
>kill someone as Genji
>"bawwww genji is ez mode shitter char"
Which character in this game is NOT easy mode? Nobody really takes much skill or dedication to do well as. Let me just play and keep your mad to yourself.
fair point. now that i think about it, it's not great.
>staring contest as reins
>he charges me
>i wait till hes close and charge
>we both go down and team wrecks him while I get back up
I don't know what the english voices even sound like, I put in nihongo as soon as I bought
He's a pure warrior. The only thing he hates about fighting is losing people but he seems to be good at dealing with that.
Omg so good wow
I've met a zenfag who did this in ranked. Was funny
There are very few joys in life as satisfying as playing Winston against a Widowmaker (and Genjis)
>Autist tier
>going in an overwatch thread to tell people it's shit
A good widow is incredibly useful. Albiet good widows are pretty rare
There's just better ones although its not terrible it just sounds too over the top whimsy.
>good widow
On that note, I didn't know that when two Reins charge at each other, they both get stunned. Never seen it before
>DEATH is whimsical today!
>one minute left on attack
>the payload is right at the end so we have a chance of winning if we push
>half my team switches to tank classes or snipers
gimme a sec, i'm gonna go reevaluate my rein voicelines
I fought against one yesterday, and her team basically revolved around protecting the bitch. Shit was frustrating as hell.
If you play mccree or genji and think you are "good" you arn't.
Tracer too. All pure cancer.
If you play ANY heroes besides them you are fine.
What makes them less fine than any other? Only character I really hate is Widow since she pretty much only gets kill against the unaware from a mile away but then is useless when it really matters.
I do it all the time.
It's like my favorite thing.
I notice no one else does it except me.
So I get it off like 90 percent of the time and save my teammates and stop a push.
Best part is you both take equal damage and if you are really good you can E then charge and have him dead by the time Rein sits up.
Genji ulti/dash
Mccree stun+stupid accurate
Tracer's damage/instant kill ulti
Also roadhog is a mention only because his hook shouldnt fucking stun.
>Be Zenyatta
>Enemy Rein tackles our Rein
>throw healing orb onto ours, discord theirs
>start shooting him
>our Rein survives his tackle 90% of the time
Best feeling.
literally just circle strafe dva and she can't do anything. don't use your ult when shes in mech
You are my ally then.
that's why she's the least picked character in pros at 0% right?
>but I wanted to not buy anything until lvl 100
Then don't buy anything until lvl 100.
Why is it so hard to follow your own rules?
>not slavsquat
I prefer harmonious myself, but both are fine. Zenyatta's default model is really his best. Shit just looks great.
>tfw you didnt get ''You want a medal?''
>tfw no ''100% GERMAN POWER''
Can cancel your ult completely and still have enough defense matrix to cancel your first few shots out of ult (assuming you don't just flat out die)
Why not just play qp with random characters until you get gud with them too? You should be playing your best heroes in comp anyway.
>autist tier
>bringing tryhard to QP
>Play reaper on the new map
>we get the objective easily
>when the payload starts moving, everybody fucks off
>I'm the only one pushing
>the "pro" genji keeps dying and blames me for not helping
>we lose
>have gold objective time and bronze for the others
>The Genji and Tracer on our team rage at me
I wonder if Hanzo looks depressed in this pic.
His face is awesome with Gabriel skin
>you play reaper
>you think you matter